Extracción in english


pronunciation: ekstrækʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

extracción = extraction ; extracting ; removal ; parentage. 

Example: For example, consider the two subjects: electrolytic extraction of aluminium from bauxite and welding of aluminium beer cans.Example: The information seeking patterns of a variety of academic social scientists were broken down into 6 characteristics: starting; chaining; browsing; differentiating; monitoring; and extracting.Example: Other references follow, with the progressive removal of terms.Example: The database may, as a result of its parentage, be handicapped by features that are not suited to computerized retrieval.


» economía de extracciónextractive economy .

Example: In an extractive economy, such as the Belgian Congo and its successor state, Zaire, a narrow elite seizes power and uses its control of resources to prevent social change.

» extracción de característicasfeature extraction .

Example: Feature extraction has long been an important topic in pattern recognition.

» extracción de coralcoral mining .

Example: Haphazard coral mining has weakened the reef which serves as a natural breakwater dyke, causing severe beach erosion.

» extracción de información (EI)information extraction (IE) .

Example: Information extraction (IE) may be defined as the activity of extracting information about a pre-specified set of entities, relations or events from natural language texts and to record this information in structured representations called templates.

» extracción de sangreblood-letting [Generalmente referido al uso que tradicionalmente ha tenido como remedio de enfermedades] .

Example: With a history spanning at least 3000 years, blood-letting has only recently -- in the late 19th century -- been discredited as a treatment for most ailments.

» extracción inteligente de datosdata mining [Hallazgo en grandes bases de datos de cierto tipo de información que en principio no es obvia] .

Example: Data mining tools search large databases and recognize patterns within the database entries, thus revealing useful information which has remained hidden in the data.

» extracción socioeconómicasocioeconomic background .

Example: He is thus in danger of losing touch with its traditional constituency (upward-mobile students) whose academic and socioeconomic backgrounds would have previously indicated nearly automatic attendance.

» función de extracción y copiadopull function .

Example: The pull function allows you to copy terms from records into the query line.

» industria de extracciónextractive industry .

Example: This article provides a brief overview of the recent developments in Gabon's extractive industries -- mining, oil and forestry, with a special focus on Chinese investments.

» pozo de extracciónmine shaft .

Example: There is also a museum of mining which is partly housed in a disused mine shaft.

» tajo de extracción del carbóncoalface .

Example: His songs are of real life experiences having worked as an electrician down the mines for 21 years, 12 of these at the coalface.

Extracción synonyms

descent in spanish: descendencia, pronunciation: dɪsent part of speech: noun origin in spanish: origen, pronunciation: ɔrədʒən part of speech: noun abstraction in spanish: abstracción, pronunciation: æbstrækʃən part of speech: noun
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