Extinción in english


pronunciation: ɪkstɪŋkʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

extinción = extinction ; die-off ; wipeout. 

Example: And when the maintenance of structure is permitted to overshadow the functional performance of the institution, it will move toward extinction.Example: We all know that there is no guarantee that, even if we do everything we can, the result won't be human die-off and environmental devastation.Example: Global warming may have been the cause of the wipeout of an estimated 70 percent of land plants and animals, along with 84 percent of ocean organisms, during the Permian.


» al borde de la extinciónon the verge of extinctionon the edge of extinctionon the brink of extinction .

Example: A rare species of red deer found only in Indian Kashmir is on the verge of extinction, with only 160 animals in existence .

Example: Gorillas and chimps, two of man's closest relatives in the animal kingdom, will be on the edge of extinction within a decade.

Example: Mankind's closest living relatives -- apes, monkeys, lemurs and other primates -- are on the brink of extinction and in need of urgent conservation measures.

» animal en vías de extinciónendangered animal .

Example: Museums are probably the only places you can see extinct animals and often the only places you can see some endangered animals.

» cazar hasta su extinciónhunt + Nombre + to extinction .

Example: Fur seals, which were once almost hunted to extinction here, can be seen lazing in the sun on the rocks and playing in the shallow waters.

» en extinciónendangered .

Example: It asserts that young adult libraries and the services they provide are continously endangered and describes how to come to terms with this problem.

» en peligro de extinciónendangeredendangered .

Example: It asserts that young adult libraries and the services they provide are continously endangered and describes how to come to terms with this problem.

Example: It asserts that young adult libraries and the services they provide are continously endangered and describes how to come to terms with this problem.

» especie en vías de extinciónendangered species .

Example: Environment Abstracts compiles, summarises, and indexes contribution on such topics as air, water, and soil pollution, toxicology, land use and misuse, waste management, weather modification, and endangered species.

» especie en (vías de) extincióndying breed .

Example: Data is rare in this area, but what they do have suggests that atheists are a dying breed.

» extinción de incendiosfire-fighting .

Example: The article 'After the deluge: what next?' reports on a one-day workshop on disaster planning for libraries with particular emphasis on minimising damage caused by water resulting from floods or the aftermath of fire-fighting.

» extinción masivamass extinction .

Example: The world's largest mass extinction was probably caused by poisonous volcanic gas.

» sistema de extinción de incendiosfire extinguishing systemextinguishing system .

Example: This article also gives details about the building structure, the storage capacity of the different floors, the type of shelving, the system for transporting archives within the building, and the fire extinguishing system.

Example: As well as insurance coverage, library managers should consider fire prevention measures e.g. automatic detection and extinguishing systems, and staff training to recognise potential hazards.

» sistema de extinción de incendios mediante gas halónhalon gas fire extinguishing system .

Example: Halon gas fire extinguishing systems have been installed in a number of libraries and archives across Canada.

» sistema de extinción de incendios mediante rociadores de aguawater sprinkler fire extinguishing system .

Example: Negative features are the water sprinkler fire extinguishing system, which, if activated, would be ruinous to the Library's holdings.

» tareas de extinción de incendiosfire-fighting .

Example: The article 'After the deluge: what next?' reports on a one-day workshop on disaster planning for libraries with particular emphasis on minimising damage caused by water resulting from floods or the aftermath of fire-fighting.

» un arte en extincióna dying art .

Example: Beekeeping is a dying art but as long as we require food to eat, there will be a need for honeybees and beekeepers.

Extinción synonyms

extermination in spanish: exterminio, pronunciation: ɪkstɜrməneɪʃən part of speech: noun quenching in spanish: temple, pronunciation: kwentʃɪŋ part of speech: noun defunctness in spanish: extinción, pronunciation: dɪfʌŋktnəs part of speech: noun extinguishing in spanish: extinción, pronunciation: ɪkstɪŋgwɪʃɪŋ part of speech: noun experimental extinction in spanish: extinción experimental, pronunciation: ɪksperəmentəlɪkstɪŋkʃən part of speech: noun
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