Externo in english
pronunciation: ɪkstɜrnəl part of speech: adjective

externo = external ; off-site [offsite] ; outside ; superficial ; outward ; outwardly ; off-side ; outdoor ; outdoor ; outer ; outhouse ; extra- + Nombre.
Example: From time to time it may be necessary to consult external references sources in order for the indexer to achieve a sufficient understanding of the document content for effective indexing.Example: These technologies will enhance the trend toward increased direct patron access to information in data bases and on-line catalogues often from off-site locations.Example: A facility which extends beyond library housekeeping permits the viewing of outside data bases.Example: There is a distinct superficial similarity between a KWOC index and an index arranged under assigned or controlled subject headings.Example: Microcomputers communicate with other devices by means of interfaces and the outward sign of these are sockets in the back of the machine.Example: An inwardly feverish but outwardly calm desperation possessed him.Example: The near-side press point was placed further in towards the middle of the tympan (and of the sheet) than the off-side point.Example: The old-time indoor apprentices, who had boarded and lodged with the printer and received only nominal wages, were mostly replaced by outdoor apprentices who found their own board and lodging and were paid wages according to their skill and experience.Example: The old-time indoor apprentices, who had boarded and lodged with the printer and received only nominal wages, were mostly replaced by outdoor apprentices who found their own board and lodging and were paid wages according to their skill and experience.Example: The three outer edges of the book (or occasionally the top edge, or the top and fore-edges, only) were next cut with the plough, which was a long vice in which the book was clamped with the edge to be cut upwards.Example: The author identifies the various types of material which might be relegated to outhouse facilities.Example: The Nomenclature of Goods for the External Trade Statistics of the Community and Statistics of Trade between Member States (NIMEXE) was devised in order to facilitate the presentation of comparable statistics on intra- and extra-Community trade.more:
» apariencia externa = outward appearance ; outer appearance .
Example: The path led to a cluster of buildings similar in outward appearances to those found in farmyards and stables. Example: We tend to judge people by their outer appearance, but should we really be looking at outside and ignoring the inside?.» aspecto externo = outward appearance ; outer appearance .
Example: The path led to a cluster of buildings similar in outward appearances to those found in farmyards and stables. Example: We tend to judge people by their outer appearance, but should we really be looking at outside and ignoring the inside?.» auditor externo = external auditor .
Example: External auditors are independent staff assigned by an auditing firm to assess and evaluate financial statements of their clients.» auditoría externa = external audit ; external auditing ; independent audit ; independent auditing .
Example: The most important thing is to be sure that he has an external audit done of his company's financial statements. Example: To be selected as a candidate for external auditing there are requirements that must be met. Example: The cost of an independent audit varies depending on the geographic region where the organization is located and how large it is. Example: If a company fulfills at least two of these criteria for two consecutive fiscal years, it shall be subject to independent auditing.» base de datos externa = external database .
Example: Similar, but appropriately adjusted considerations, must be taken into account when considering whether to build an in-house database or to use an external database.» borde externo = outside edge .
Example: When sharpening a drill bit, never hone the outside edge or circumference of the bit.» canal auditivo externo = ear canal ; external auditory canal .
Example: Ear swabs are not useful in the diagnosis of otitis media as the tympanic membrane (ear drum) separates the middle ear from the ear canal. Example: Otitis externa is a bacterial infection of the external auditory canal.» canto externo = fore-edge [fore edge] ; outside edge .
Example: A double leaf is a leaf of double size with a fold at the fore edge or at the top edge of the book. Example: When sharpening a drill bit, never hone the outside edge or circumference of the bit.» deuda externa = external debt ; foreign debt .
Example: Domestic factors played a significant role in Sudan's external debt crisis which emerged in the early 1980s.. Example: The economic emergency, attributed to massive foreign debts and repayment schedules, has begun to threaten the very existence of libraries in some countries.» de uso externo = for external use only .
Example: This hydrocortisone is for external use only and avoid contact with the eyes.» disco duro externo = external hard drive .
Example: An external hard drive is one of the cheapest and best computer backup devices.» estudiante externo = off campus student [Estudiante universitario que no reside en el campus universitario] .
Example: Off campus students' perceptions of the technology's effectiveness were more positive than local students.» estudiante universitario externo = off-campus university student [Estudiante universitario que no reside en el campus universitario] .
Example: This article deals with the problems of providing library collection and acquisitions services to off-campus university students throughout a sparsely populated region of northeastern Ontario in Canada.» examinador externo = external examiner .
Example: The examining committee normally consists of professors from the university and sometimes, an external examiner.» financiación externa = outside funding .
Example: Librarians and libraries are always asked to do too much with too little, so the search for outside funding through grants, gifts and fundraisers is a constant in library life.» fractura externa = compound fracture .
Example: Open or compound fractures were usually fatal prior to the advent of antiseptics in the 1860s because infection would set in.» lado externo, el = far side, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .
Example: Laura Carpozzi head of the circulation department, who was on the far side of the desk, heard the checker's outburst and espied the bottleneck in the stream of traffic.» meato auditivo externo = ear canal ; external auditory canal ; external auditory meatus .
Example: Ear swabs are not useful in the diagnosis of otitis media as the tympanic membrane (ear drum) separates the middle ear from the ear canal. Example: Otitis externa is a bacterial infection of the external auditory canal. Example: The external auditory meatus is a small, twisting, tunnel-like 'tube' that connects the pinna to the tympanic membrane.» oído externo = outer ear .
Example: The ear is responsible for hearing and balance and is made up of three parts -- the outer ear, middle ear, and inner ear.» otitis externa = otitis externa .
Example: Otitis externa is a bacterial infection of the external auditory canal.» paciente externo = out-patient ; outpatient [out-patient] .
Example: It is salutary to recall that there are in the hospitals of this country at this moment 184,000 patients in psychiatric units, and many thousands more attending associated out-patients departments. Example: This article reports the results of project to examine the needs of a group of rheumatology outpatients for information about the drugs they are taking.» trabajador externo = outworker [Empleado que trabaja fuera de la empresa] .
Example: Local area networks (LANs) are replacing stand-alone machines giving outworkers the same access to information and facilities as those in the office.» validez externa = external validity .
Example: The scheme comprises 4 dimensions: external validity, internal validity, institutional adequacy and formal adequacy.