Exterior in english


pronunciation: ɪkstɪriɜr part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

exterior1 = exterior ; outside ; outermost ; outdoor ; outer part. 

Example: An academic library should be accessible from the exterior into the building and from the entrance to all parts of the building.Example: A facility which extends beyond library housekeeping permits the viewing of outside data bases.Example: Thus a folio gathering might consist of three folio sheets, the outermost of which contained pages 1 and 12 and pages 2 and 11; the middle sheet had pages 3 and 10, 4 and 9; and the innermost sheet had pages 5 and 8, 6 and 7.Example: The old-time indoor apprentices, who had boarded and lodged with the printer and received only nominal wages, were mostly replaced by outdoor apprentices who found their own board and lodging and were paid wages according to their skill and experience.Example: Otitis can affect the inner or outer parts of the ear.


» calefactor de/para exteriorpatio heatermushroom heaterumbrella heater .

Example: Even as the days turn cooler, you'll be toasty warm with our patio heaters at the ready.

Example: Mushroom heaters have already become part of the standard inventory on the terraces of many restaurants.

Example: Many pubs have put large umbrella heaters outside so their customers don't get too cold while smoking.

» de miras hacia el exterioroutward looking .

Example: The British Library (BL) was established with the idea that it should be international in both scope and outlook, and it is both outward looking and service orientated in character.

» estufa de/para exteriorpatio heatermushroom heaterumbrella heater .

Example: Even as the days turn cooler, you'll be toasty warm with our patio heaters at the ready.

Example: Mushroom heaters have already become part of the standard inventory on the terraces of many restaurants.

Example: Many pubs have put large umbrella heaters outside so their customers don't get too cold while smoking.

» filmar en exterioresfilm on + location [La palabra "exteriores" se utiliza aquí como contrapuesto a rodar en un escenario exterior construido especialmente para la película] .

Example: In modern filmmaking, many productions film on location, away from the backlots of Hollywood.

» grabar en exterioresfilm on + location [La palabra "exteriores" se utiliza aquí como contrapuesto a rodar en un escenario exterior construido especialmente para la película] .

Example: In modern filmmaking, many productions film on location, away from the backlots of Hollywood.

» hacia el interior y el exterior dein and out of .

Example: Above all, we specified a variety of reader places and that all traffic in and out of the library be controlled from one point.

» juego de exterioroutdoor game .

Example: The potato sack race is another outdoor game that is popular today.

» mobiliario de exterioroutdoor furniture .

Example: If you're looking to refinish and waterproof some outdoor furniture you might want to consider using teak oil.

» para exterioresweatherproofweather-resistant .

Example: While wicker patio furniture is light, colorful and allows air circulation, it is not naturally weatherproof.

Example: Weather-resistant louvres are installed in intake and outlet openings of buildings walls to prevent rainwater and snow from entering.

» plantar en el exteriorplant out .

Example: When starting off seedlings indoors it is best to start the preparations for growing pot marigolds about 8 weeks before planting out.

» plató de exterioresbacklot .

Example: In modern filmmaking, many productions film on location, away from the backlots of Hollywood.

» que procede del exteriorinbound .

Example: PhoneWorks will offer a number of dollar-saving outbound and inbound services for libraries and users alike.

» que van dirigidos hacia el exterioroutbound .

Example: PhoneWorks will offer a number of dollar-saving outbound and inbound services for libraries and users alike.

» rodar en exterioresfilm on + location [La palabra "exteriores" se utiliza aquí como contrapuesto a rodar en un escenario exterior construido especialmente para la película] .

Example: In modern filmmaking, many productions film on location, away from the backlots of Hollywood.

» salir al exteriorgo out into + the opengo out into + the elementsgo out in(to) + the open airgo out in(to) + the fresh air .

Example: Tents were burnt and the women and children were forced to go out into the open.

Example: Sometimes having a dog and being forced to go out into the elements every day is totally worth it.

Example: I rested for two and a half days, and then set to work again, but without daring to go out into the open air yet.

Example: At the end of a workshop, I'm often pooped and the very best thing to do, after a nice cuppa tea, is to go out into the fresh air.

» transplantar al exteriorplant out .

Example: When starting off seedlings indoors it is best to start the preparations for growing pot marigolds about 8 weeks before planting out.

exterior2 = extra- + Nombre ; outer. 

Example: The Nomenclature of Goods for the External Trade Statistics of the Community and Statistics of Trade between Member States (NIMEXE) was devised in order to facilitate the presentation of comparable statistics on intra- and extra-Community trade.Example: The three outer edges of the book (or occasionally the top edge, or the top and fore-edges, only) were next cut with the plough, which was a long vice in which the book was clamped with the edge to be cut upwards.


» alumbrado exterioroutdoor lighting [En el estudio bibliométrico de las páginas web, enlace o cita contenida en la página objeto de análisis a otras páginas web] .

Example: Outdoor lighting is light pollution which handicaps certain astronomical programs.

» aparcamiento exterior privadooff-road parking .

Example: There is plenty of off-road parking with a tarmacadamed parking area large enough for three or four vehicles.

» aspecto exteriorfacade .

Example: Other factors that may have affected use were the unattractive facade of the library and cuts in library staffing which limited contact with the community.

» asuntos exterioresforeign affairs .

Example: This weekly tabloid newspaper covering domestic and foreign affairs, sport, culture, everyday matters and television programmes.

» comercio exteriorforeign trade .

Example: This is a guide to selected sources in government publications for international banking, finance and foreign trade.

» espacio exteriorouter space .

Example: 'Imagine,' these dominies tend to begin, 'that a man from outer space has come to earth and describe a screwdriver to him as clearly as you can'.

» iluminación exterioroutdoor lighting [En el estudio bibliométrico de las páginas web, enlace o cita contenida en la página objeto de análisis a otras páginas web] .

Example: Outdoor lighting is light pollution which handicaps certain astronomical programs.

» lado exterior, elfar side, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: Laura Carpozzi head of the circulation department, who was on the far side of the desk, heard the checker's outburst and espied the bottleneck in the stream of traffic.

» mantenimiento de espacios exterioresground maintenance .

Example: The purpose of the course is to assist students to develop competence as service workers in nurseries, garden centres, greenhouses, golf courses and ground maintenance.

» Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, elForeign Office, the [Expresión generalmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: He was the head librarian at the British Foreign Office from 1810 to about 1856.

» mundo exterior, eloutside world, the .

Example: The canopy bed harkens back to a simpler time when bedrooms were a peaceful retreat from the outside world.

» pago de la deuda exteriordebt repayment .

Example: Some of these countries are already up to their eyeballs in debt repayment.

» planta ornamental exteriorbedding plant .

Example: Easy to grow and care for, annual bedding plants can be grown in hanging baskets and pots or borders.

» política exteriorforeign policy .

Example: Contemporary debates over the appropriate balance of unilateralism and multilateralism in U.S. foreign policy reflect disagreements about the practical effectiveness of these alternative options = Los debates actuales sobre el equilibrio adecuado entre el unilateralismo y el multilateralismo en la política exterior de los EEUU reflejan desacuerdos sobre la efectividad práctica de estas opciones alternativas.

» retrete exteriordunny [Generalmente usado en Australia para referirse al retrete que se colocaba a cierta distancia de la casa]outhouse .

Example: By the middle of the twentieth century, dunnies had become much less common as modern plumbing diminished the need to keep toilets at a distance from the house.

Example: Outhouses are one of the humbler elements of our sanitation systems.

Exterior synonyms

outside in spanish: fuera de, pronunciation: aʊtsaɪd part of speech: adjective, noun
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