Extensión in english


pronunciation: ɪkstenʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

extensión = extension ; extension ; extent of item ; length ; expansion ; massiveness ; great length ; widening ; tract ; expanse. 

Example: Searches saved ondisc are saved as disk files and are given the file name extension .SRC.Example: These can be seen as extensions of the supportive role provided by Neighbourhood Advice Centres to community groups.Example: The first element of the physical description area is the extent of item and it gives the number and the specific material designation of the units of the item being described and, in some cases, other indications of the extent (e.g. duration).Example: A working guide is to seek to make any abstract as informative as possible within the constraints of time, length and audience.Example: This is not a simple general expansion of a description but an increasing emphasis upon aspects of the book.Example: With praise for the completeness and the massiveness of the project is mixed a lack of confidence in the method of arrangement and the accuracy with which some of the entries are compiled.Example: Nor has this richness, this density, necessarily to do with complexity and great length.Example: Despite growth in export volume in recent years, there has been a widening of the national current account deficit from 8.8% to over 20%.Example: Protecting the remaining large tracts of tropical forests is not a financially impossible task.Example: A huge expanse of water trapped in a layer of the earth's mantle could help explain the origin of our oceans.


» actividad de extensión bibliotecariaoutreach activity .

Example: The author of 'A tune they can whistle' stresses the importance of a user-oriented approach to outreach activities.

» aplicar por extensiónextend .

Example: The term author is normally extended to include writers, illustrator, performers, producers, translators, and others with some intellectual or artistic responsibility for a work.

» con la extensión de un librobook-length .

Example: The aim was to assess whether they had excess book-length material which they considered worthy of publication but could not afford to publish.

» con una extensión similar a la de un librobook-length .

Example: The aim was to assess whether they had excess book-length material which they considered worthy of publication but could not afford to publish.

» de extensiónin length .

Example: A single field can be up to 200 characters in length.

» de extensión normalstandard-length .

Example: Such contributions are often already compressed and may in themselves be shorter than a standard-length abstract.

» de la extensión de un librobook-length .

Example: The aim was to assess whether they had excess book-length material which they considered worthy of publication but could not afford to publish.

» en extensiónin length .

Example: A single field can be up to 200 characters in length.

» extensión agrariaagricultural extension .

Example: From evaluation of findings, practical field experience is singled out as the most important prerequisite for effective university training in agricultural extension.

» extensión bibliotecariaextension activity [Actos organizados por la biblioteca que aunque no son puramente bibliotecarios ayudan a difundir su imagen entre los ciudadanos]outreach [out-reach] [Estratagema utilizada para hacer que el lector conozca y use la biblioteca]library outreach .

Example: A variety of extension activities, such as book clubs, competitions and quizzes also help to publicize the stock and the work of the library.

Example: Community education is another form of outreach that aims to educate the public about the availability of services that can help them, about their entitlement to benefits, or about their rights under the law.

Example: The author looks at library outreach services for children and emphasizes the value of 'partnering': the process of 2 or more entities coming together for the purpose of developing synergistic solutions to their challenges.

» extensión demass of .

Example: There is a new profession of trail blazers, those who find delight in the task of establishing useful trails through the enourmous mass of records.

» extensión de cabellohair extension .

Example: She lived beyond her means, routinely spending thousands of bucks on hair extensions and beauty treatments and throwing lavish parties for him.

» extensión de la culturacultural outreach .

Example: The article is entitled 'Community and cultural outreach services at Boulder Public Library'.

» extensión del nombre del ficherofile name extension .

Example: Searches saved ondisc are saved as disk files and are given the file name extension .SRC.

» extensión de páginapage length .

Example: Use this command to set number of lines per page to 55 lines (a good page length for most personal computer printers).

» extensión de pelohair extension .

Example: She lived beyond her means, routinely spending thousands of bucks on hair extensions and beauty treatments and throwing lavish parties for him.

» extensión de terrenotract of land .

Example: I owned extensive tracts of land in the rural regions of Galilee, where I maintained and augmented the fortune of my long-established lineage.

» gestión de grandes extensiones para la cría de ganadorange management .

Example: Indigenous knowledge now surfaces in the fields of human health, aquatic resource management, rural sociology, agricultural education, range management, water resource management, etc..

» gran extensión de tierra dedicada a la cría de animales de pastorangeland .

Example: This article discusses research conducted with wool producers in semi-arid rangelands in Australia.

» perito de extensión agrariaagricultural extension worker .

Example: The specific task and function of the agricultural extension worker are identified as being more than those of a mere information intermediary.

» por extensiónby extension .

Example: Videoconferencing is now a useful tool in the virtual office and by extension in the virtual library.

» programa de extensión bibliotecarialibrary outreach programme .

Example: It has been found that library outreach programmes which fail are most likely to do so because the library has acted in isolation.

» servicio de extensión bibliotecariaoutreach servicelibrary extension workextension serviceoutreach programmereach out .

Example: The last 3 years while grants were available saw a rise in loans, readers and outreach services, a controversial stock revision and scrapping were carried out and a PC was taken in use.

Example: This article outlines the service to all age groups and sectors of the community, library extension work such as reading groups and use of the library by clubs and societies.

Example: The article 'Who dare say that the emperor is naked?' is a contribution to a thematic issue on literacy in Sweden and the contribution made by public library extension services.

Example: Outreach programmes are costly to maintain in a declining economy.

Example: On the positive side, a number of digital library services may be an excellent way to extend the reach out to old and new constituencies and provide grounds for cooperation.

» servicios de extensión bibliotecarialibrary outreach .

Example: The author looks at library outreach services for children and emphasizes the value of 'partnering': the process of 2 or more entities coming together for the purpose of developing synergistic solutions to their challenges.

» una gran extensión dea sea of .

Example: In 'upper town' streets are broad, quiet, and tree-shaded; the homes are tall and heavy and look like battleships, each anchored in its private sea of grass.

Extensión synonyms

reference in spanish: referencia, pronunciation: refɜrəns part of speech: noun wing in spanish: ala, pronunciation: wɪŋ part of speech: noun annex in spanish: anexo, pronunciation: æneks part of speech: noun, verb propagation in spanish: propagación, pronunciation: prɑpəgeɪʃən part of speech: noun denotation in spanish: denotación, pronunciation: denəteɪʃən part of speech: noun annexe in spanish: anexo, pronunciation: əneks part of speech: noun prolongation in spanish: prolongación, pronunciation: prɑləŋgeɪʃən part of speech: noun elongation in spanish: alargamiento, pronunciation: ilɔŋgeɪʃən part of speech: noun lengthiness in spanish: lo duro, pronunciation: leŋginəs part of speech: noun university extension in spanish: extensión universitaria, pronunciation: junəvɜrsətiɪkstenʃən part of speech: noun extension service in spanish: servicio de extensión, pronunciation: ɪkstenʃənsɜrvəs part of speech: noun
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