Exprimir in english


pronunciation: skwiz part of speech: verb, noun
In gestures

exprimir1 = squeeze ; wring. 

Example: Squeezed between the upper and nether millstones of increasing demand and dwindling resources, individual librarians develop ways in which to make their jobs easier.Example: The statue depicted a nymph coming out of the water and wringing her wet hair.

exprimir2 = milk. 

Example: A satisfactory balance between public and private involvement has not yet been reached and the companies involved are milking public funds.


» exprimirse el cerebrorack + Posesivo + brain(s) [Escrito también wrack + Posesivo + brain(s)] .

Example: She racked her brains for a way out but could not find anything successful.

» exprimirse el cocoput + Posesivo + thinking cap on .

Example: When teachers use the tongue-in-cheek phrase, 'put on your thinking cap,' they're asking students to concentrate and do their best.

» exprimirse los sesosrack + Posesivo + brain(s) [Escrito también wrack + Posesivo + brain(s)] .

Example: She racked her brains for a way out but could not find anything successful.

exprimir3 = exploit. 

Example: The Library of Congress List of Subject Headings (LCSH) can be exploited as a general index, since it shows LCC numbers for many of the headings listed.


» exprimir a Alguiensuck + Nombre + wealth [Aprovecharse del esfuerzo y del dinero de otros]milk + Nombre + dry [Aprovecharse del dinero y esfuerzo de otros] .

Example: He is a systematic 'sweater' who sucks wealth from toiling crowds by cunning and by stealth.

Example: How do you really treat your customers, do you milk them dry or do you really want to offer your products and services without stepping beyond the law?.

Exprimir synonyms

force in spanish: fuerza, pronunciation: fɔrs part of speech: noun contract in spanish: contrato, pronunciation: kɑntrækt part of speech: noun press in spanish: prensa, pronunciation: pres part of speech: noun thrust in spanish: empuje, pronunciation: θrʌst part of speech: noun, verb embrace in spanish: abrazo, pronunciation: embreɪs part of speech: verb, noun wring in spanish: exprimir, pronunciation: rɪŋ part of speech: verb stuff in spanish: cosas, pronunciation: stʌf part of speech: noun crush in spanish: aplastar, pronunciation: krʌʃ part of speech: verb, noun squash in spanish: squash, pronunciation: skwɑʃ part of speech: noun wedge in spanish: cuña, pronunciation: wedʒ part of speech: noun pinch in spanish: pellizco, pronunciation: pɪntʃ part of speech: noun, verb compact in spanish: compacto, pronunciation: kɑmpækt part of speech: adjective, noun bosom in spanish: seno, pronunciation: bʊzəm part of speech: noun shove in spanish: empujón, pronunciation: ʃʌv part of speech: verb, noun nip in spanish: cortar, pronunciation: nɪp part of speech: noun, verb twitch in spanish: contracción nerviosa, pronunciation: twɪtʃ part of speech: noun, verb hug in spanish: abrazo, pronunciation: hʌg part of speech: noun, verb mash in spanish: mezcla, pronunciation: mæʃ part of speech: noun squelch in spanish: aplastar, pronunciation: skweltʃ part of speech: verb, noun tweet in spanish: Pío, pronunciation: twit part of speech: noun twinge in spanish: punzada, pronunciation: twɪndʒ part of speech: noun compress in spanish: comprimir, pronunciation: kɑmpres part of speech: verb, noun constrict in spanish: apretar, pronunciation: kənstrɪkt part of speech: verb vellicate in spanish: vellicate, pronunciation: veləkeɪt part of speech: verb power play in spanish: juego de poder, pronunciation: paʊɜrpleɪ part of speech: noun squeeze play in spanish: juego exprimido, pronunciation: skwizpleɪ part of speech: noun
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