Expresión in english


pronunciation: ɪkspreʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

expresión = expression ; manifestation ; sentence ; statement ; utterance ; phrasing ; phrase ; locution. 

Example: The first two steps require the recognition of the individual concepts present in the topic, and their expression in the terms available in the controlled vocabulary.Example: The concepts introduced by the colon : (colon) may be manifestations of either Personality, Matter or Energy facets within a given compound.Example: The title-like phrase combine concepts in the order in which they would be listed in a sentence or phrase.Example: Statements conveying preferential relationships between terms indicate which terms are to be treated as equivalent to one another.Example: One natural strategy for reducing the impact of miscommunication is selective verification of the user utterance meanings.Example: Round-the-fireside tales are usually told nevertheless with careful attention to rhythm and phrasing, pace and subtlety of vocal tone.Example: Indicative abstracts abound in phrases such as 'is discussed' or 'has been surveyed', but do not record the outcome of the discussion or survey.Example: While we're at it, let's get rid of locutions that imply that men are inherently better than women.


» acuñar una expresióncoin + a phrasecoin + an expression .

Example: The article 'The trout and the milk: an ethnobibliographical talk'discusses the nature of analytical bibliography in general and coins the phrase 'ethnobibliography'.

Example: He had a peerless ability to coin expressions of invective and to hurl them against his chosen enemies.

» dar expresión agive + expression to .

Example: She adds a new dimension to the traditional theme of love by giving expression to her emotions in a simple and pellucid style.

» derecho a la libertad de expresiónright to free speechright of free speech .

Example: The film, intended to stress the right to free speech, was severely criticised as having definite racist overtones.

Example: The right of access to information is part of the right of free speech.

» encontrar expresiónfind + expression .

Example: The majority of respondents to the study believe that SLIS are offering a type of education that rarely find expression elsewhere.

» expresión científicascientific locution .

Example: The most natural choice is to give preference to the hypothesis that preserves our everyday and scientific locutions by taking them at face value.

» expresión cotidianaeveryday locution .

Example: The most natural choice is to give preference to the hypothesis that preserves our everyday and scientific locutions by taking them at face value.

» expresión de búsquedaaccess vectorsearch expression .

Example: As can be seen, the access vector needs no additional 'rogue' entry, 'ZZZ' in this case, to point one beyond the last entry in the record number list.

Example: Every time a term was employed in a search expression, a count in the dictionary file was updated.

» expresión de interésapplication .

Example: Applications from newly graduated librarians continue to stream in for most well-advertised jobs in public and academic libraries.

» expresión de lo que uno piensaself-disclosure .

Example: The author suggests openness -- self-disclosure, candour, and honesty -- as a means of enhancing the abilities of the individual librarian and the library to survive or succeed.

» expresión en blancoblank expressionblank look .

Example: His unnamed protagonist is a squat little bookstore clerk of blank expression and deadpan movements.

Example: The women will either look uncomfortable and make a hasty exit or will stand there with blank looks on their faces pretending not to have heard.

» expresión facialfacial expressionfacial posture .

Example: It has been discovered that head-nods, gaze-shifts, physical posture, and most of all facial expression, do make up in fact a patterned body-language.

Example: One's facial posture can vastly affect the willingness of the patron to pose a question.

» expresión familiarcolloquialism .

Example: Academic writing tends to use more formal vocabulary and avoids colloquialisms and slang = La redacción académica tiende a utilizar un vocabulario más formal y evita los coloquialismos y el argot.

» expresión favoritacatchphrase .

Example: He was a pathological liar making up the lies on the spot, and if he came up with a particularly good lie he would say his catchphrase, 'That's the ticket!'.

» expresión idiomáticaidiomidiomatic expression .

Example: Using a popular idiom, we might inquire, 'Is this the real McCoy'?.

Example: In addition it should include frequently encountered abbreviations and acronyms, idiomatic expressions, technical terminology, neologisms, nonstandard speech, Briticisms and Canadianisms.

» expresión librefree speech .

Example: Because true censorship restricts freedom of information, public libraries must promote free thought and free speech through free books.

» expresión preferidacatchphrase .

Example: He was a pathological liar making up the lies on the spot, and if he came up with a particularly good lie he would say his catchphrase, 'That's the ticket!'.

» expresión puentetransitional phrase .

Example: In the final strategy, students re-write textual paragraphs in their own words, using transitional words and phrases to combine sentences.

» expresión típica de Gran BretañaBriticism  .

Example: In addition it should include frequently encountered abbreviations and acronyms, idiomatic expressions, technical terminology, neologisms, nonstandard speech, Briticisms and Canadianisms.

» expresión típica del CanadáCanadianism  .

Example: In addition it should include frequently encountered abbreviations and acronyms, idiomatic expressions, technical terminology, neologisms, nonstandard speech, Briticisms and Canadianisms.

» forma de expresiónway of expressionmode of expression .

Example: One of the school's tasks is to enable pupils to acquire knowledge, skills and ways of expression which will contribute to their all round development.

Example: Success of any search for relevant information hinges on how readily predictable are the modes of expression for concepts and statements in the search file.

» libertad de expresiónfreedom of expressionfreedom to speakfreedom of speechfree speech .

Example: Librarians have affirmed their attachment to freedom of expression.

Example: Librarians must support the freedom to speak.

Example: New measures aimed at tightening up the control of pornography on the Net could result in the sacrifice of freedom of speech.

Example: Because true censorship restricts freedom of information, public libraries must promote free thought and free speech through free books.

» mirar con una expresión vacíalook + blank .

Example: She lacks energy and her eyes lack soul which makes her look blank and confused half of the time.

» modo de expresiónway of expressionmode of expression .

Example: One of the school's tasks is to enable pupils to acquire knowledge, skills and ways of expression which will contribute to their all round development.

Example: Success of any search for relevant information hinges on how readily predictable are the modes of expression for concepts and statements in the search file.

Expresión synonyms

look in spanish: Mira, pronunciation: lʊk part of speech: verb, noun face in spanish: cara, pronunciation: feɪs part of speech: noun, verb aspect in spanish: aspecto, pronunciation: æspekt part of speech: noun reflection in spanish: reflexión, pronunciation: rəflekʃən part of speech: noun formula in spanish: fórmula, pronunciation: fɔrmjələ part of speech: noun construction in spanish: construcción, pronunciation: kənstrʌkʃən part of speech: noun manifestation in spanish: manifestación, pronunciation: mænəfesteɪʃən part of speech: noun saying in spanish: diciendo, pronunciation: seɪɪŋ part of speech: noun formulation in spanish: formulación, pronunciation: fɔrmjəleɪʃən part of speech: noun locution in spanish: locución, pronunciation: loʊkjuʃən part of speech: noun reflexion in spanish: reflexión, pronunciation: rɪfleksiən part of speech: noun facial expression in spanish: expresión facial, pronunciation: feɪʃəlɪkspreʃən part of speech: noun
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