Exposición in english


pronunciation: ekspəzɪʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

exposición1 = display ; exhibition ; show ; exhibit ; art show ; viewing. 

Example: Displays which take a theme approach, for example wild flowers, vintage cars, railways, and gather together material from different places in the library, can be useful in drawing attention to specific aspects of a library's resources.Example: Special rules are includes for specific types of corporate bodies, such as exhibitions, conferences, subordinate and related bodies, governments bodies and officials, and radio and television stations.Example: Locate the exhibit catalog for a show of American impressionists held at the Corcoran Gallery in 1985.Example: Models and displays set up in the salesrooms or as special exhibits are both decorative and interesting.Example: The library provides a range of services to its community, including homebound service, story hours, film series, literacy tutoring, income tax assistance, art shows, to name a few.Example: There will be a private viewing for conference-goers of Chicago's Art Institute and a reception at the Newberry Library with culinary delights created by Chef Louis Szathmary.


» catálogo de exposiciónexhibit catalogueexhibition catalogue .

Example: Locate the exhibit catalog for a show of American impressionists held at the Corcoran Gallery in 1985.

Example: The first part of the project involves the use of SGML to mark up such documents as exhibition catalogues and museum object records for searching and display.

» celebrar una exposiciónhold + an exhibition .

Example: The National Library of Australia is the only library in the country with a large collection of overseas documents and in this capacity holds exhibitions of these materials.

» en exposiciónon exhibiton showon display .

Example: This is a 'sneak peek' at new products that systems vendors will have on exhibit at the conference = Este es un "avance" de los nuevos productos que los vendedores de sistemas expondrán en el congreso.

Example: One has only to look around in bookshops to see how many paperbacks on show have film or TV links.

Example: The products and services on display underscored the degree to which the Internet has become an integral part of everyday life.

» exposición comercialtrade showtrade exhibition .

Example: This article gives highlights of a trade show on the applications of optical information systems in publishing organised by Learned Information and held in New York City, 15-17 Oct 86.

Example: This article reports on the Computers in Libraries (CIL) '98 conference and trade exhibition held in Washington, DC, 2-4 March 1998.

» exposición de arteart exhibitart exhibition .

Example: Since the library lacked a graphic artist he volunteered to handletter signs and to help with displays and art exhibits -- all on his own time.

Example: Libraries must also attempt to draw in the public by promoting fringe activities such as art exhibitions, concerts, talks by writers, craft demonstrations and films.

» exposición de floresflower showflower display .

Example: Chelsea plays host to one of the biggest flower shows in the country in May.

Example: Around 30 of the illegal plants were photographed in the flower displays close to the city's castle and high street.

» exposición de fotografíasphotographic exhibition .

Example: His 1997 photographic exhibition had the title 'Manure, nettles, and dandelions'.

» exposición de inauguraciónopening exhibition .

Example: The gallery re-opens on 19 March with three opening exhibitions.

» exposición de librosbook display .

Example: One of the things that he's known for doing well is creating interesting book displays.

» exposición de museomuseum exhibit .

Example: Public libraries can arrange expeditions at reduced cost to museum exhibits, concerts, etc.

» exposición de productos artesanalescraft show .

Example: While living in upstate New York, Mark sold his woodcraft at craft shows and flea markets.

» exposiciones de fotografíasalon photography .

Example: The author discusses vision based resolution requirements for accurate electronic imaging of fine art and salon photography.

» exposición fotográficaphotographic exhibitionphoto gallery .

Example: His 1997 photographic exhibition had the title 'Manure, nettles, and dandelions'.

Example: A photo gallery of over 1200 images is included.

» exposición itinerantetravelling exhibition .

Example: Other topics include the establishment of a pool of resources for promoting reading, travelling exhibitions and recommendations for projects, as well as events for reading animation.

» inauguración de la exposiciónexhibition opening .

Example: Late evening exhibition opening has been introduced for day 1 to give delegates the opportunity to visit the exhibition without missing any of the conference sessions.

» industria de las exposiciones comercialestrade show industry .

Example: They are warning municipalities to be leery of building new convention halls because of recent and projected reductions in the nation's trade show industry.

» montar una exposiciónmount + a displaymount + an exhibitionput on + a displayput on + an exhibition .

Example: I have used the following as structures on which to mount displays: a Jacob's ladder built into an interesting shape, covered with sacking and decorated appropriately.

Example: An exhibition presenting different aspects of life in and around Darlington during the period 1900-1950 was mounted and events such as sing songs for elderly people, demonstrations of domestic crafts, and historical talks took place.

Example: In every school, from kindergarten onwards, there are opportunities for children to help with the organisation and provision of books: in putting on displays, in ordering and preparing stocks, in promotion and publicity, and the like.

Example: Her class teacher began it all by putting on an exhibition of about thirty of the best picture books in the school's infant-class library books for the five-to-seven-year- olds = Todo empezó con la exposición que montó su profesora de los treinta mejores cuentos de los libros de la biblioteca de la clase de primaria para los niños de cinco a siete años.

» participante en la exposición comercialexhibitor  .

Example: 71 exhibitors and visitors were interviewed and results showed an alarming ignorance of the library's potential.

» sala de exposicionesexhibition roomexhibit hall .

Example: The planned library will be part of a complex including a civic hall, information lobby, exhibition rooms and a restaurant.

Example: A walk through the exhibit hall made it clear: the Web is everywhere.

» sala de exposición y ventashow room [showroom] .

Example: This is a report of a Branch and Mobile Libraries Group short course on stock election held at Askews' showroom on 18 June 86.

» salón de exposición y ventassalesroom [saleroom] .

Example: Models and displays set up in the salesrooms or as special exhibits are both decorative and interesting.

exposición2 = exposure. 

Example: The 1850s also saw the appearance of photolithography, whereby a chemical film spread on the surface of a litho stone or plate was rendered insoluble and water-repellent by exposure to light.


» ajustar la exposiciónadjust + exposure .

Example: There is a built-in photocell on the camera such as we now have on at least one camera, which automatically adjust exposure for a wide range of illumination.

» exposición a la intemperieexposure to the elements .

Example: After four decades of exposure to the elements, the garden has been fully renovated and restored to its former glory.

» exposición a la luz solarexposure to sunlight .

Example: Freckles are caused by exposure to sunlight, especially on those with fair skin.

» exposición a los elementosexposure to the elements .

Example: After four decades of exposure to the elements, the garden has been fully renovated and restored to its former glory.

» exposición al solsun exposureexposure to sunlight .

Example: The questions concerned primary prevention (alcohol, smoking, diet, sun exposure, etc.) and cancer screening (breast, cervix, colorectal, prostate and other cancers).

Example: Freckles are caused by exposure to sunlight, especially on those with fair skin.

» exposición crónicachronic exposure .

Example: Chronic exposure to benzene results in a unique form of dysplasia.

» exposición indecenteindecent exposure .

Example: A photofit of a man accused of indecent exposure has been released by Police in the hope that someone will be able to identify him.

exposición3 = account ; exposition. 

Example: In the interests of clarity an integrated account of the appropriate added entry headings is to be found in 21.29 and 21.30.Example: Ninety-nine years ago Charles Cutter began his exposition of a set of cataloging rules with the following objectives.


» claridad de exposiciónclarity of exposition .

Example: The literature pertaining to causative factors of child abuse was assess to determine clarity of exposition, technical soundness, & appropriateness of analysis.

» exposición de los hechosstatement of fact .

Example: That this is a statement of fact may count for nothing: in effect, the librarian may be obliged lay evidence before the enquirer, accompanied by a convincing explanation.

Exposición synonyms

exhibition in spanish: exposición, pronunciation: eksəbɪʃən part of speech: noun expo in spanish: expo, pronunciation: ekspoʊ part of speech: noun expounding in spanish: exponiendo, pronunciation: ɪkspaʊndɪŋ part of speech: noun construal in spanish: construido, pronunciation: kənstruəl part of speech: noun
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