Exponencial in english


pronunciation: ekspoʊnentʃəl part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

exponencial = exponential ; epidemic. 

Example: There is a preference for the linear rather than the exponential method of calculating data trends.Example: The article is entitled 'Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and the epidemic growth of its literature' = The article is entitled 'Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and the epidemic growth of its literature'.


» aumento exponencialexponential increaseexponential growth .

Example: By the 20th century, the industrial revolution had resulted in an exponential increase in the human consumption of resources and an increase in health, wealth and population.

Example: With healthy roots in the library field, optical disc technology is on the verge of exponential growth into broader markets.

» crecimiento exponencialexponential increaseexponential growth .

Example: By the 20th century, the industrial revolution had resulted in an exponential increase in the human consumption of resources and an increase in health, wealth and population.

Example: With healthy roots in the library field, optical disc technology is on the verge of exponential growth into broader markets.

» distribución exponencialexponential distribution .

Example: However, the productivity varies widely across individuals and follows an exponential distribution (with most authors producing at the lowest rate).

» ley exponencialpower law [En bibliometría, ley que mantiene que la relación entre dos variables se puede explicar según una potencia matemática (al cuadrado, al cubo, etc.)] .

Example: It is shown, using rigorous statistical tests, that the number of periodicals carrying papers in a given subject can be expressed as a simple power law function = Se demuestra, usando tests estadísticos rigurosos, que el número de publicaciones periódicas que contienen artículos sobre un tema determinado se puede expresar mediante una ley exponencial simple.

» ley exponencial inversainverse power law [En bibliometría, ley que mantiene que la relación entre dos variables es inversa y se puede explicar según una potencia matemática (al cuadrado, al cubo, etc.)] .

Example: Lotka's original formulation was based on a more general inverse power law = La formulación original de Lotka se basaba en una ley exponencial inversa más general.

Exponencial synonyms

exponential function in spanish: funcion exponencial, pronunciation: ekspoʊnentʃəlfʌŋkʃən part of speech: noun
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