Explorar in english

To explore

pronunciation: tuɪksplɔr part of speech: none
In gestures

explorar = explore ; scout ; wind + Posesivo + way. 

Example: Next I will illustrate a simple search profile which does not explore all possible synonyms, but does serve to illustrate weighted term logic.Example: The article is entitled 'Scouting new horizons: an annotated bibliography introducing subject access in visual image databases'.Example: Polaris has long been an important star to sailors of old winding their way over the oceans by night.


» explorar métodosexplore + roads .

Example: This seminar brought together librarians, educators, publishers and community activists to explore 'New Roads to Promoting Reading'.

» explorar nuevos horizontesmove on to + pastures new .

Example: After spending 7 years of our lives at this establishment, we will move on to pastures new and begin our journeys into the vast abyss of real life.

» explorar una direcciónchart + a direction .

Example: This method can be extremely helpful in charting future directions and gathering data for decision-making.

» explorar un territorioexplore + a territory .

Example: The theme of the conference was 'Border crossings: exploring new territories for special collections'.

» sin explorarunexplored .

Example: Derfer was determined not only to revitalize but to expand library services into heretofore unexplored areas.
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