Explique in english


pronunciation: ɪkspleɪn part of speech: verb
In gestures

explicar = account for ; explain ; present + a discussion ; set out ; spell out ; explicate ; expound (on) ; set forth ; put across (to). 

Example: The major four categories of physical forms outlined so far account for most of the published indexes and catalogues.Example: This may help explain why many working in this field fail to practise what they preach.Example: This article presents a detailed discussion of the use of Hypermedia for authoring, organisation and presentation of information.Example: These complications were not hidden or implicit; they were clearly set out at the beginning of the volume under 'Rules for the Compilation of the Catalog'.Example: Certain obligations of public and university libraries and publicly supported library networks often are also spelled out in statutory form.Example: Sometime around the turn of the century the American library community decided against continuing its analysis of the periodical literature that we find so well explicated in the printed catalogs of Enoch Pratt and other major libraries at that time.Example: The philosophy of building CD-ROM data bases with files with common subject interests is expounded with reference to the OSH-ROM, CHEM-BANK and CANCER-CD data bases.Example: She sets forth some of the conditions which may have led to this situation in the hope that it may bring about further study.Example: What I tried to put across to her was that she was getting her wires crossed between cause and effect.


» déjame que lo explique de otra maneralet me put it another way .

Example: Let me put it another way -- all dogs have this basic desire to please their owners and receive attention from them.

» encontrar difícil de explicarbe hard put to explain .

Example: The librarian searching for material on pop festivals who finds three substantial reports listed in the annual Government publications may be hard put to explain why he looked in such an apparently unlikely source.

» explicar Algo a Alguieninterpret + Algo + to + Alguien .

Example: This is helpful in interpreting the organization chart to a large constituency.

» explicar cómogive + instructions for .

Example: This article gives instructions for installing an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) in a mobile library van (bookmobile).

» explicar en detalleexplain at + length .

Example: Cutter, as if anticipating the ISBD a hundred years later, took pains to explain at length and emphatically the importance of brevity and clarity in catalog entries.

» explicar largamentedwell on/upon [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio dwelt] .

Example: Annotations found in bibliographies may be less stylized and are more likely to dwell on the subject content.

» explicar la situaciónexplain + the situation .

Example: The director resumed: 'Thirdly, we could post a notice on the bulletin board, explaining the situation and telling them that 10% of the staff will be laid off'.

» explicar las razones deset out + the reasons for .

Example: The author argues that young adult involvement in choices about their library services is all too rare and sets out the reasons for this state of affairs.

» explicar + Posesivo + opiniónput + Posesivo + viewpoint across .

Example: In Spring '87 the Danish archives decided to publish flysheets as a way of putting their viewpoint across to the public.

» explicar + Posesivo + palabrasexplain + Posesivo + words .

Example: He begged her to explain her words, but she refused.

» explicar + Posesivo + versión del incidenteexplain + Posesivo + side of the incident .

Example: He said he would feel better and get a weight off his chest if he explained his side of the incident.

» explicar + Posesivo + versión de los hechosexplain + Posesivo + side of the story .

Example: They will have an appropriate opportunity to explain their side of the story before the teacher takes disciplinary action.

» explicarsepuzzle outexplain + Reflexivo .

Example: It is certainly easier to ask for the trusted opinion of a relative or friend than to try and puzzle out where other sources of answers might be found.

Example: Fsome reason she felt the need to explain herself, but she wasn't quite sure why.

» explicar una nociónput across + a conception .

Example: The metaphor of the network aptly expresses the conception I am trying to put across.

» explicar un Tema con más detalleexpand upon/on + Tema .

Example: We must now return to the consideration of indexes and here we shall recapitulate, and expand, upon some of the points already made in Section 1.

» lo voy a explicar de otra maneralet me put it another way .

Example: Let me put it another way -- all dogs have this basic desire to please their owners and receive attention from them.

» no explicarsehave + no explanation for .

Example: The engineer driving the train that derailed Tuesday night has no recollection of the crash itself and 'no explanation' for what happened.

» no saber cómo explicarlobe at a loss to explain it .

Example: She sensed that something was wrong with his logic, but she was at a loss to explain it.

» quedar por explicarbe unaccounted for .

Example: A total of 234354 centenarians are unaccounted for across Japan despite still being registered as alive under the family registry.

» que se explica por sí mismoself-explanatory [self explanatory/selfexplanatory] .

Example: Documents must be arranged or physically stored in an order which is self-explanatory, and which preferably coincides with the way in which the public normally seek to retrieve a document.

» ser muy difícil de explicardefy + explanationbeggar + explanation .

Example: It is an act of cruelty that seems to defy explanation.

Example: Those are the drivers who do things that beggar explanation or, at least, require an explanation that defies all logic.

» sin explicarunexplained .

Example: Please avoid using unexplained acronyms, initials, jargon and phrases which an international audience may not understand.

Explique synonyms

excuse in spanish: excusa, pronunciation: ɪkskjus part of speech: noun, verb explicate in spanish: explicar, pronunciation: ekspləkeɪt part of speech: verb
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