Exigir in english


pronunciation: dɪmænd part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

exigir = have + calls for ; call for ; demand ; make + a demand ; mandate ; require ; place + demands on ; clamour for [clamor, -USA] ; finger-snapping ; exact ; hold out for. 

Example: For some while there have been calls for an abbreviated version of AACR, for small libraries and for non-cataloguers.Example: The main rules call for entry of societies under name and institutions under place.Example: The other part of the picture reveals title indexes to be only crude subject indexes, which for effective use demand imagination and searching skills on the part of the user.Example: Also, informative abstracts make greater demands upon appreciation of subject content than indicative abstracts.Example: Adequate security for expensive equipment must also be provided for in this decision, and a secluded back room, a remote phone cut-off switch, or a removable keyboard may be mandated.Example: If the library wants all users to have passwords, an authorization level of 1 can be assigned in the search function to force the system to require a password.Example: The latest developments in pharmacology are placing new demands on pharmaceutical libraries especially for information on the field of biopharmacology.Example: I've seen people clamor for a say and when it's given to them they don't take it.Example: The stereotype of the decision-maker as a person who does nothing but finger-snapping and button-pushing fades with systematic research and analysis.Example: Every time the monarch came to parliament to pass a new tax bill, the parliament obliged only after exacting more liberty from him.Example: Edward had wanted to make her his mistress, but she held out for marriage.


» exigir demasiadoovertax .

Example: Currently, they are trying to charge Internet providers more because Internet use is overtaxing the telephone networks.

» exigir demasiado a los recursosstretch + Posesivo + resources .

Example: While joint projects are a good thing, they can also fragment our energies and stretch our resources.

» exigir demasiado deput + strain on .

Example: Patrons' voracious appetite for new videos is already putting a strain on budgets.

» exigir el derecho apress + Posesivo + claim .

Example: Louis jumped on this opportunity and journeyed to England to press his claim to the throne.

» exigir esfuerzotake + effort .

Example: Personal indexes maintained by manual methods can take more effort than many scientists and engineers are able or willing to devote to them.

» exigir justiciapress + Posesivo + claim .

Example: Olsson went on to add that she was considering pressing her claim in court and secure the right to exhume the tomb.

» exigir + Posesivo + atencióndemand + Posesivo + attention .

Example: Meanwhile, there are two nettlesome problems that continue to demand his attention.

» exigir rescate por Algohold + Nombre + for/to ransom .

Example: This point was highlighted a few years ago by a case in which it was reported that an employee of ICI's Dutch subsidiary had stolen the company's information files and was holding them for ransom!.

» exigir responsabilidadeshold + Nombre + liablehold + Nombre + accountable for .

Example: The author asssesses the likelihood of health-care librarians being held liable for the service they provide and discusses methods of reducing this risk.

Example: Moreover, librarians increasingly will be held accountable for the information they supply as we charge fees for particular services.

» exigirse a Uno mismopush + Reflexivo + forward .

Example: It's a good attitude to push yourself forward and do everything just to reach your goal.

» exigir trabajotake (up) + a lot of energy .

Example: The new Statutes, which inevitably took up a lot of our energies, have delivered at least some of the objectives which the Working Party envisaged.

» exigir un rescateransom .

Example: Suppose you are abducted by a highway robber, who intends to ransom you and in return for your release you promise to deliver the ransom yourself; should you subsequently keep your promise?.

Exigir synonyms

take in spanish: tomar, pronunciation: teɪk part of speech: verb need in spanish: necesitar, pronunciation: nid part of speech: verb, noun ask in spanish: pedir, pronunciation: æsk part of speech: verb involve in spanish: implicar, pronunciation: ɪnvɑlv part of speech: verb require in spanish: exigir, pronunciation: rikwaɪɜr part of speech: verb exact in spanish: exacto, pronunciation: ɪgzækt part of speech: adjective requirement in spanish: requisito, pronunciation: rɪkwaɪrmənt part of speech: noun necessitate in spanish: necesitar, pronunciation: nəsesəteɪt part of speech: verb call for in spanish: pedir, pronunciation: kɔlfɔr part of speech: verb
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