Exhaustivo in english


pronunciation: kɑmprihensɪv part of speech: adjective
In gestures

exhaustivo = comprehensive ; exhausting ; exhaustive ; in-depth [in depth] ; thoroughgoing. 

Example: One of the factors to consider in the selection of a data base is whether the data base is comprehensive or not.Example: A computer search will explore every avenue in a network of cross references in a manner that would prove both exhausting and time-consuming if pursued in a manual search.Example: The enumeration of isolates should be exhaustive or complete for the subject area.Example: She organized the library's program of in-depth seminars on how to use the library for faculty in the social sciences and humanities.Example: The project was not an end but merely a step along the road to more thoroughgoing bibliographic control.


» de un modo exhaustivocomprehensivelyin depthexhaustively .

Example: We would like to be able to cover materials published throughout the country comprehensively.

Example: The financial impact of staff turnover for the library profession has not yet been considered in depth.

Example: The method eventually adopted was to have a small subset of the collection indexed as exhaustively as possible = El método que finalmente se adoptó fue indizar un pequeño subgrupo de la colección tan exhaustivamente como fuese posible.

» servicio exhaustivoservice in-depth .

Example: Service in-depth abandons subject arrangement altogether, and seeks to arrange documents in categories according to their popularity.

Exhaustivo synonyms

general in spanish: general, pronunciation: dʒenɜrəl part of speech: adjective, noun large in spanish: grande, pronunciation: lɑrdʒ part of speech: adjective super in spanish: súper, pronunciation: supɜr part of speech: noun, adjective extensive in spanish: extenso, pronunciation: ɪkstensɪv part of speech: adjective broad in spanish: ancho, pronunciation: brɔd part of speech: adjective plenary in spanish: plenario, pronunciation: plenɜri part of speech: adjective inclusive in spanish: inclusivo, pronunciation: ɪnklusɪv part of speech: adjective universal in spanish: universal, pronunciation: junəvɜrsəl part of speech: adjective, noun cosmopolitan in spanish: cosmopolita, pronunciation: kɑzməpɑlətən part of speech: adjective, noun wide in spanish: amplio, pronunciation: waɪd part of speech: adjective ecumenical in spanish: ecuménico, pronunciation: ekjumenɪkəl part of speech: adjective umbrella in spanish: paraguas, pronunciation: əmbrelə part of speech: noun worldwide in spanish: en todo el mundo, pronunciation: wɜrldwaɪd part of speech: adjective sweeping in spanish: barrido, pronunciation: swipɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective encompassing in spanish: que abarca, pronunciation: enkʌmpəsɪŋ part of speech: adjective well-rounded in spanish: bien redondeado, pronunciation: welraʊndɪd part of speech: adjective panoptic in spanish: panóptico, pronunciation: pənɑptɪk part of speech: adjective far-reaching in spanish: de gran alcance, pronunciation: fɜrritʃɪŋ part of speech: adjective unabridged in spanish: íntegra, pronunciation: ənəbrɪdʒd part of speech: adjective all-encompassing in spanish: que abarca todo, pronunciation: ɔlənkəmpæsɪŋ part of speech: adjective all-inclusive in spanish: todo incluido, pronunciation: ɔlɪŋklusɪv part of speech: adjective spatiotemporal in spanish: espaciotemporal, pronunciation: spæʃətempɜrəl part of speech: adjective encyclopedic in spanish: enciclopédico, pronunciation: ɪnsaɪkləpidɪk part of speech: adjective across-the-board in spanish: en todos los ámbitos, pronunciation: eɪkrəsðəbɔrd part of speech: adjective all-embracing in spanish: todo lo abarca, pronunciation: ɔləmbreɪsɪŋ part of speech: adjective door-to-door in spanish: puerta a puerta, pronunciation: dɔrtudɔr part of speech: adjective spaciotemporal in spanish: espaciotemporal, pronunciation: spæsiətempɜrəl part of speech: adjective encyclopaedic in spanish: enciclopédico, pronunciation: ensaɪkloʊpidɪk part of speech: adjective oecumenical in spanish: ecuménico, pronunciation: oʊkumenɪkəl part of speech: adjective house-to-house in spanish: casa por casa, pronunciation: haʊstoʊaʊs part of speech: adjective
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