Exento in english


pronunciation: ɪgzempt part of speech: adjective, verb
In gestures



» estar exento debe exempt from .

Example: The public library is not exempt from this rule, and in conformity with it this report has been prepared to offer a detailed answer to the challenge of the public.

» estar exento de pagar impuestoswrite off .

Example: Difficulties experienced by publishers include loss of property, overstocking and no effective mechanism for writing off.

» exento de culpablameless  ; guilt-free  .

Example: But he is completely wrong to say that he as a state employee is utterly blamelessfor the mess our pensions and state budgets are in.

Example: The article 'Guilt-free automated claiming' evaluates the impact of automation on serials claiming.

» exento de cuotanon-quota .

Example: The inclusion of much of West Yorkshire in the non-quota textile programme is claimed to be at least partly attributable to this persistence.

» exento de toda sospechaabove suspicion .

Example: In the twentieth century raw food has found an ally above suspicion in dietetic science.

Exento synonyms

free in spanish: gratis, pronunciation: fri part of speech: adjective relieve in spanish: aliviar, pronunciation: rɪliv part of speech: verb excuse in spanish: excusa, pronunciation: ɪkskjus part of speech: noun, verb immune in spanish: inmune, pronunciation: ɪmjun part of speech: adjective privileged in spanish: privilegiado, pronunciation: prɪvlədʒd part of speech: adjective excused in spanish: excusado, pronunciation: ɪkskjuzd part of speech: adjective let off in spanish: dejar salir, pronunciation: letɔf part of speech: verb nontaxable in spanish: sin impuestos, pronunciation: nɑntæksəbəl part of speech: adjective tax-exempt in spanish: exento de impuestos, pronunciation: tæksɪkst part of speech: adjective duty-free in spanish: libre de impuestos, pronunciation: dutifri part of speech: adjective tax-free in spanish: libre de impuestos, pronunciation: tæksfri part of speech: adjective untaxed in spanish: sin impuestos, pronunciation: əntækst part of speech: adjective unratable in spanish: irrazonable, pronunciation: ənreɪtəbəl part of speech: adjective
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