Exclusivo in english


pronunciation: ɪksklusɪv part of speech: adjective
In gestures

exclusivo = exclusive. 

Example: It is important that the characteristics of division used in this process should be mutually exclusive, in order to avoid cross-classification.


» asumir la responsabilidad exclusivatake + sole responsibility .

Example: Like most ducks, female teals take sole responsibility for rearing the ducklings.

» derecho exclusivoexclusive right .

Example: Cleopatra, considered the most beautiful woman in the world during her day, went to great expense to obtain exclusive rights over the Dead Sea.

» en exclusivaexclusively .

Example: This is the only American publication devoted exclusively to cataloging.

» exclusivo para el hombremen-onlyfor men onlyonly for men .

Example: This year, we are proud to announce that we will be running a men-only yoga class once a month.

Example: This men's discussion forum is moderated by a male and is for men only.

Example: To all the men who think knitting is for women: in Biblical times, knitting was only for men -- not an activity allowed to women.

» exclusivo para la mujerwomen-onlyfor women onlyonly for women .

Example: The setting up of women-only train compartments is definitely the best solution in solving the problem of indecent assaults in the MTR.

Example: Synchronized swimming and rhythmic gymnastics are for women only.

Example: This scholarship is only for women over 35 years old from low-income households who are pursuing a first undergraduate or vocational degree.

» exclusivo para niñosfor children onlychildren-onlyonly for children .

Example: It may be simplistic to limit ourselves to books published for children only.

Example: Pubs are licensed premises and children should be allowed into a children-only area under adult supervision.

Example: This device, which is placed surgically in the inner ear, is only for children with severe or profound hearing loss in both ears.

» información exclusivathe dope onconfidential informationinside informationinside infoinsider information .

Example: He never claimed he met her or explained how he got the dope on her rompings but the following year he was found drowned in two feet of water.

Example: This article outlines the new regulations concerning privacy, confidential information, computer fraud and intellectual and industrial property.

Example: The introductions to the chapters are by outstanding leaders in their fields who provide inside information about the nature of the work.

Example: If you're hoping for juicy tidbits or inside info on that game, you will not find them here.

Example: Although it may be a bit thin in its use of standard academic sources of information, it is exceedingly strong on insider information and personal interviews.

» necesitar + Posesivo + atención exclusivabe a full-time job .

Example: She was often a little too bold and way too trusting and it was a full-time job keeping her out of danger.

» propiedad exclusivaexclusive right .

Example: Cleopatra, considered the most beautiful woman in the world during her day, went to great expense to obtain exclusive rights over the Dead Sea.

Exclusivo synonyms

sole in spanish: único, pronunciation: soʊl part of speech: noun only in spanish: solamente, pronunciation: oʊnli part of speech: adverb scoop in spanish: cuchara, pronunciation: skup part of speech: noun, verb single in spanish: soltero, pronunciation: sɪŋgəl part of speech: adjective inside in spanish: dentro, pronunciation: ɪnsaɪd part of speech: adverb, noun inner in spanish: interior, pronunciation: ɪnɜr part of speech: adjective privileged in spanish: privilegiado, pronunciation: prɪvlədʒd part of speech: adjective selective in spanish: selectivo, pronunciation: səlektɪv part of speech: adjective concentrated in spanish: concentrado, pronunciation: kɑnsəntreɪtəd part of speech: adjective undivided in spanish: indiviso, pronunciation: əndəvaɪdɪd part of speech: adjective unshared in spanish: incompartible, pronunciation: ənʃerd part of speech: adjective
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