Excesivo in english


pronunciation: ɪksesɪv part of speech: adjective
In gestures

excesivo = excessive ; overwide [over-wide] ; overkill ; unreasonable ; inordinate ; extortionate ; unconscionable ; overabundant ; bloated ; over-the-top ; outrageous ; excess ; fulsome ; bloated ; exorbitant ; overweening ; eye-watering ; eye-wateringly. 

Example: Excessive emphasis on the need to exact payment will stifle the flow of information.Example: Overall, neither system proved ideal: LEXINET was deficient as regards lack of accessibility and excessive ambiguity; while the manual system gave rise to an over-wide variation of terms.Example: Full USMARC is overkill for many library operations.Example: However, in general, it is unreasonable to expect a user to know the ISBN of a book.Example: Sometimes cataloguers will spend an inordinate length of time searching for the best heading.Example: This is an important and interesting book, but given that much of the material has previously been published, the price seems extortionate.Example: Slowly -- but not without sustained and unconscionable injustices to Native and African Americans -- the United States grew from a republic into a more inclusive democracy.Example: He contends, however, that the seemingly formless, overabundant, inchoate texture of the novel might also suggest a valid mode for the novelization of slavery.Example: They are are notorious for their inefficiency, conservatism, bloated bureaucracy, and obsoleteness.Example: It seems all Hollywood can do now is take an original classic and flog it to death with over-the-top special effects.Example: There must be few other ways of leaving oneself so vulnerable to the slings and arrows of outrageous (or outraged) critics.Example: The aim of the present study is to examine whether work-related factors contribute to excess male mortality.Example: This can give rise to ambiguity: for one person 'fulsome praise' may be no more than 'generous', while for another it may mean 'nauseating sycophancy'.Example: They are are notorious for their inefficiency, conservatism, bloated bureaucracy, and obsoleteness.Example: The banks were habitually charging exorbitant rates on overdraft fees without prior notice.Example: The antidote to hubris, to overweening pride, is irony, that capacity to discover and systematize ideas.Example: Tickets for the boxing match are being sold online for an eye-watering sum of money.Example: The UK is facing 'eye-wateringly' large levels of debt due to uncertainty surrounding Brexit.


» ambición excesivaover-ambition  .

Example: The UN fell victim to over-ambition by trying to make peace in civil wars - conflicts that are essentially unresolvable.

» andar con excesiva pronaciónoverpronate  .

Example: This is a controversial finding as it has been assumed for many years that it is injurious to run in shoes without the necessary support if you overrpronate.

» andar con excesiva supinaciónoversupinate  .

Example: If the foot rolls outward more than the necessary amount of 15 degrees, then it oversupinates.

» caminar con excesiva pronaciónoverpronate  .

Example: This is a controversial finding as it has been assumed for many years that it is injurious to run in shoes without the necessary support if you overrpronate.

» caminar con excesiva supinaciónoversupinate  .

Example: If the foot rolls outward more than the necessary amount of 15 degrees, then it oversupinates.

» capacidad excesivaovercapacity [over-capacity]  .

Example: There may be a threat of over-capacity; if so, this could be met by diversification, an enlargement of the SLIS role.

» carga excesivaoverload  .

Example: Overload occurs when individuals cannot feasibly meet the demands made upon them.

» cobro excesivoovercharge  .

Example: There are cases in which this firm has overcharged up to 300 percent and these overcharges can on average cost you about an extra $10 to $15 a month.

» confianza excesivaoverconfidence  .

Example: Was it due to overconfidence, too much reliance on the efficient markets model, or an explosive mixture of human nature and the free market?.

» consumidor excesivooverspender [over-spender]  .

Example: The site shows that the highest proportions of 'tossers' -- or overspenders -- are in Northern Ireland and eastern England.

» correr con excesiva pronaciónoverpronate  .

Example: This is a controversial finding as it has been assumed for many years that it is injurious to run in shoes without the necessary support if you overrpronate.

» correr con excesiva supinaciónoversupinate  .

Example: If the foot rolls outward more than the necessary amount of 15 degrees, then it oversupinates.

» dependencia excesivaover reliance [over-reliance]  .

Example: Effectiveness in locating literary criticism is hampered by over reliance on traditional indexing sources.

» de un modo excesivoextortionately .

Example: Publishers charge extortionately while paying nothing to authors and these are increasingly bypassing publishers by publishing on the Web.

» énfasis excesivoover-emphasis [overemphasis]  .

Example: Education in many developing countries is still dominated by an emphasis on memorization and rote learning, a central syllabus allowing little room for initiative, and an overemphasis on examinations and certificates.

» estimulación excesivaoverstimulation .

Example: Overstimulation (ie, crowded quarters & loud noises) generally has negative effects on people.

» estímulo excesivooverstimulation .

Example: Overstimulation (ie, crowded quarters & loud noises) generally has negative effects on people.

» gasto excesivooverexpenditure  ; overspending  .

Example: The project was significantly delayed and incurred an overexpenditure several times the original budget.

Example: Among the factors which have contributed to the current troubles by the paperback publishing market are overbidding for blockbuster titles, distribution methods, overproduction and overspending.

» precio excesivosteep priceoverpricing [over-pricing]  .

Example: Since the Reagan administration began its war on waste in 1981, farmers and other citizens have had not alternative to buying their information from the private sector at far steeper prices.

Example: Failure to distinguish legitimate electro-copying as royalty-free or over-pricing of royalty-paid electro-copying will weaken their role in scholarly communication.

» preocupación excesivaoverconcern  .

Example: Unless librarians move away from their present overconcern with their systems and lack of concern with their users they will become redundant and the task of providing information will be taken out of their hands.

» simplificación excesivaoversimplification [over-simplification] .

Example: Humans, as we well know, already have a tendency to follow the path of least resistance, which tends to lead to over-simplification.

» sudoración excesivaprofuse perspirationprofuse sweatinghyperhidrosis .

Example: Sometimes, profuse perspiration is natural and doesn't indicate an underlying problem.

Example: Profuse sweating should be evaluated, whether or not you're on hormone replacement therapy.

Example: Those with hyperhidrosis appear to have overactive sweat glands.

» trabajo excesivooverwork .

Example: He was unmarried and died of exhaustion through overwork, leaving many debts.

» uso excesivoprodigalityoveruse .

Example: Users do not seem to be unduly worried by UDC's prodigality of notation.

Example: Bright new copies of an unknown book naturally excite more attention than old 'readers' soiled from overuse.

Excesivo synonyms

exuberant in spanish: exuberante, pronunciation: ɪgzubɜrənt part of speech: adjective extravagant in spanish: Extravagante, pronunciation: ekstrævəgənt part of speech: adjective inordinate in spanish: desordenado, pronunciation: ɪnɔrdənɪt part of speech: adjective undue in spanish: indebido, pronunciation: əndu part of speech: adjective overweening in spanish: arrogante, pronunciation: oʊvɜrwinɪŋ part of speech: adjective unreasonable in spanish: irrazonable, pronunciation: ənriznəbəl part of speech: adjective unrestrained in spanish: desenfrenado, pronunciation: ənristreɪnd part of speech: adjective immoderate in spanish: inmoderado, pronunciation: ɪmɑdɜreɪt part of speech: adjective
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