Excavar in english


pronunciation: dɪg part of speech: verb, noun
In gestures

excavar = excavate ; burrow ; dig up. 

Example: The department has undertaken studies of dinosaurs from material excavated on the Victorian coastline.Example: Anecdotal records describe habitat destruction through soil erosion due to burrowing by puffins, shearwaters and stoats.Example: If it is your land and a company has dug it up without your consent they do not have a legal leg to stand on.


» excavar un agüjeroburrow + a hole .

Example: They burrow a hole on a live coral and live their for the rest of their lives, occasionally emerging from their home to catch passing plankton.

» excavar un hoyoburrow + a hole .

Example: They burrow a hole on a live coral and live their for the rest of their lives, occasionally emerging from their home to catch passing plankton.

Excavar synonyms

shot in spanish: Disparo, pronunciation: ʃɑt part of speech: noun grind in spanish: moler, pronunciation: graɪnd part of speech: verb, noun savvy in spanish: comprensión, pronunciation: sævi part of speech: noun jibe in spanish: burla, pronunciation: dʒaɪb part of speech: noun, verb compass in spanish: Brújula, pronunciation: kʌmpəs part of speech: noun poke in spanish: meter, pronunciation: poʊk part of speech: verb, noun shaft in spanish: eje, pronunciation: ʃæft part of speech: noun hollow in spanish: hueco, pronunciation: hɑloʊ part of speech: adjective, noun grasp in spanish: agarrar, pronunciation: græsp part of speech: verb, noun labor in spanish: labor, pronunciation: leɪbɜr part of speech: noun delve in spanish: ahondar, pronunciation: delv part of speech: verb slam in spanish: golpe, pronunciation: slæm part of speech: noun, verb comprehend in spanish: comprender, pronunciation: kɑmprihend part of speech: verb apprehend in spanish: aprehender, pronunciation: æprɪhend part of speech: verb toil in spanish: esfuerzo, pronunciation: tɔɪl part of speech: noun travail in spanish: dolores del parto, pronunciation: trəveɪl part of speech: noun labour in spanish: labor, pronunciation: leɪbaʊr part of speech: noun prod in spanish: pinchar, pronunciation: prɑd part of speech: noun, verb drudge in spanish: esclava, pronunciation: drʌdʒ part of speech: noun barb in spanish: lengüeta, pronunciation: bɑrb part of speech: noun jab in spanish: pinchazo, pronunciation: dʒæb part of speech: noun, verb stab in spanish: puñalada, pronunciation: stæb part of speech: noun, verb fag in spanish: maricón, pronunciation: fæg part of speech: noun gibe in spanish: burla, pronunciation: dʒaɪb part of speech: noun moil in spanish: grave trabajo, pronunciation: mɔɪl part of speech: verb excavate in spanish: excavar, pronunciation: ekskəveɪt part of speech: verb excavation in spanish: excavación, pronunciation: ekskəveɪʃən part of speech: noun turn over in spanish: entregar, pronunciation: tɜrnoʊvɜr part of speech: verb digging in spanish: excavación, pronunciation: dɪgɪŋ part of speech: noun get the picture in spanish: obtener la imagen, pronunciation: getðəpɪktʃɜr part of speech: verb dig out in spanish: cavar, pronunciation: dɪgaʊt part of speech: verb cut into in spanish: Corte dentro, pronunciation: kʌtɪntu part of speech: verb
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