Examen in english


pronunciation: ɪgzæm part of speech: noun
In gestures

examen = examination ; inspection ; exam ; test ; proof ; close look ; test session ; question paper ; achievement test ; performance test ; vetting ; exam paper. 

Example: The reputation of the information and its authority will be more exposed to examination.Example: Even where a catalogue or index to a collection is available, users do not always consult these tools, and may prefer to locate either individual documents, or documents with specific characteristics by inspection of the stock.Example: Some authors, of course, object to their work being subjected to compulsory dissection for exams in the traditional deadly manner and like Bernard Shaw, they swear to haunt anyone who so mistreats them (Shaw's ghost must be busy these days).Example: The suppliers claim that tests show this to be sufficient for 980 of all entries.Example: The catalogue has been automated since 1984, and further proof of the library's value and ability to move with the times are shown by its 8,400 plus individual members.Example: The article has the title 'A close look at Dewey 18: alive and well and living in Albany'.Example: A cognitive walkthrough consists of a re-enactment of a test session in which the user is queried about their movements and decisions throughout the test session.Example: There is an old joke that examiners in economics need never set the candidates new question papers because the answers change every year = There is an old joke that examiners in economics need never set the candidates new question papers because the answers change every year.Example: Stepchildren score lower than biological children on achievement tests and exhibit more behavior problems.Example: The domains covered in the performance tests for the area of cosmetology were: haircut, permanent wave, shampooing, wigs and hairpieces, skin care, hair conditioners (scalp and treatment), and manicuring.Example: Criminal record checks have been an accepted form of pre-employment vetting for those with access to children for some years.Example: Not all lecturers will make past exam papers available to students.


» adquisición pendiente de examen y aceptaciónon approval acquisition [Envío de documentos por parte de un editor o librero, reservándose el comprador el derecho a aceptarlos o rechazarlos]sending on approbation [Envío de documentos por parte de un editor o librero, reservándose el comprador el derecho a aceptarlos o rechazarlos]sending on approval [Envío de documentos por parte de un editor o librero, reservándose el comprador el derecho a aceptarlos o rechazarlos] .

Example: The 'on approval', 'gift', and 'exchange' types are useful for statistical purposes.

Example: The sending of documents by a publisher or bookseller for acceptance or refusal by the purchaser is known as 'sending on approbation'.

Example: The sending of documents by a publisher or bookseller for acceptance or refusal by the purchaser is known as 'sending on approval'.

» a examenunder the microscope .

Example: The article is entitled 'University libraries under the microscope: facts and stats'.

» ansiedad ante los exámenestest anxiety .

Example: She's a smart, hardworking kid who has a horrible time with test anxiety and your course was a huge help in preparing her mentally and psychologically.

» antes del examenpretest [pre-test] .

Example: No significant differences between participants' pretest and posttest scores were identified.

» aprobar un examenpass + an exam(ination) .

Example: If you do not pass an exam the first time, you may retake it at any time.

» aprobar un examen con una notazaace + an exam(ination) .

Example: Here are 10 quick tips that will help you stay up all night and ensure that you actually ace the exam the next day.

» calificar exámenesgrade + exam(ination)smark + exam(ination)s .

Example: It turns out that she was the only faculty member using graduate assistants to grade exams.

Example: Teachers might mark exams themselves, rather than simply sending tests to the examining board.

» corrector de exámenesexaminer  .

Example: There is an old joke that examiners in economics need never set the candidates new question papers because the answers change every year = Existe una vieja broma que dice que los profesores de económicas nunca necesitan ponerle a los alumnos nuevas preguntas de examen ya que las respuestas cambian cada año.

» corregir exámenesmark + exam(ination)sgrade + exam(ination)s .

Example: Teachers might mark exams themselves, rather than simply sending tests to the examining board.

Example: It turns out that she was the only faculty member using graduate assistants to grade exams.

» después del examenposttest [post-test] [Lista de palabras que comienzan con este prefijo] .

Example: No significant differences between participants' pretest and posttest scores were identified.

» examen clínicoclinical examination .

Example: All radiographs should be made only after a clinical examination and history have been completed.

» examen críticocritical examination .

Example: The new system opens up limitless possibilities to the library and may stimulate further critical examination of other methods of information handling.

» examen de acceso a la licenciaturaGraduate Record Examination (GRE) [Examen que todo diplomado debe hacer como requisito previo para ser aceptado en cualquier licenciatura en los Estados Unidos] .

Example: Undergraduate grade point average, Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores, ethnicity, gender and library experience were variables which tended to predict GSLIS grade point average and completion of the programme.

» examen de áreaarea scanning [En la búsqueda de información, técnica consistente en ojear los materiales impresos situados en un área (física o del conocimiento) donde con anterioridad se ha encontrado material de interés] .

Example: Browsing the materials that are physically collocated with materials located earlier in a search is a widely used and effective technique known as area scanning.

» examen de concienciasoul-searchingself-examination .

Example: Soul-searching and perhaps a shift of priorities may be necessary, but with only 1/4 of public libraries possessing good basic resources the major priority is an obvious one.

Example: It is most appropriate on Ash Wednesday, when we begin a period of sober reflection, self-examination, and spiritual redirection.

» examen de conducirroad testdriving testdriving exam .

Example: Remember, if you take the road test on your motorbike, scooter or moped, you will receive a driver's licence that allows you to operate these types of vehicles only.

Example: The driving test will of course involve many left turns on a variety of different roads.

Example: I passed my driving exam and now I can legally drive anywhere in Europe!.

» Examen de Inglés como Segunda Lengua (TOEFL)TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) [Examen de inglés que todo estudiante extranjero debe hacer como requisito para su entrada en una universidad americana] .

Example: Results of the Pearson Product Moment Test showed a moderate correlation between the students' exit TOEFL scores and the post-test lirary skills scores.

» examen de ingresoentrance exam(ination) .

Example: Passing the entrance examination is a prerequisite for acceptance into the programme.

» examen dentaldental examination .

Example: Periodontitis is a type of gum disease which requires a thorough dental examination.

» examen detalladoclose examination .

Example: Close examination of many recent technical publications reveals an increase in stylistic and grammatical errors.

» examen de teoríatheory test .

Example: Learner drivers must pass a theory test before they take their practical examination, but driving instructors say it does not guarantee that learners have mastered the Highway Code.

» examen diagnósticodiagnostic test .

Example: In addition to their music audition, they will be given a diagnostic test in music theory.

» examen escritowritten examination .

Example: Promotions are arrived at by seniority, written examinations, and oral interviews.

» examen estatalpublic exam .

Example: The onset of examinations, particularly important 'public' exams which will determine the examinees' future, has a disturbing effect.

» examen finalfinalfinal exam .

Example: A heavy reliance on midterms and finals were associated with lower teacher ratings across disciplines.

Example: Results demonstrated that there was no significant difference in the mean scores achieved on either the midterm exam or the final exam.

» examen más minuciosocloser examination .

Example: Specific aspects of this study needs closer examination.

» examen médicomedical examination .

Example: A woman suspected to have lost her virginity is made to undergo a series of medical examinations to bring clarity to her situation.

» examen minuciosoclose examination .

Example: Close examination of many recent technical publications reveals an increase in stylistic and grammatical errors.

» examen parcialmidterm [mid-term]midterm exam .

Example: A heavy reliance on midterms and finals were associated with lower teacher ratings across disciplines.

Example: Results demonstrated that there was no significant difference in the mean scores achieved on either the midterm exam or the final exam.

» examen prácticopractical examination .

Example: Learner drivers must pass a theory test before they take their practical examination, but driving instructors say it does not guarantee that learners have mastered the Highway Code.

» examen rápidoquiz formquiz [quizzes, -pl.] .

Example: Nevertheless, a spirit duplicator could be very useful in a children's library for the production of project worksheets or quiz forms.

Example: Just to make sure you pay attention to these e-lessons; each e-lesson will include a self-marking quiz.

» examen semanalweekly quiz .

Example: Weekly quizzes are graded on a pass/fail basis, and they are worth 20% of your grade.

» examen teóricotheory test .

Example: Learner drivers must pass a theory test before they take their practical examination, but driving instructors say it does not guarantee that learners have mastered the Highway Code.

» examen tipo testmultiple choice testmultiple choice exam .

Example: The software that allows students to take a multiple choice test on a computer to determine how well they understood what they have read.

Example: Since multiple choice exams are common in courses which cover a lot of factual information, the most important planning strategy is to stay on top of your coursework.

» gastos de examenexamination fee(s)examination fee(s)exam fee(s) .

Example: Deposits, registration and tuition fees and examination fees are non refundable in any other circumstances.

Example: Deposits, registration and tuition fees and examination fees are non refundable in any other circumstances.

Example: If you have not paid your exam fees on time, you will be charged an extra fee per subject.

» hacer el examen de conducirtake + the driving examtake + the driving test .

Example: If you are a new resident to Illinois and have an existing, valid out of state driver's license, you will not need to take the driving exam in Illinois.

Example: I've gone through all the paperwork, no problem, now I just have to take the driving test.

» hacer un examentake + testsit + a papersit + an exam(ination)take + an exam(ination)take + an exam(ination) .

Example: The software that allows students to take a multiple choice test on a computer to determine how well they understood what they have read.

Example: Around the country schoolchildren and university students are swotting and sweating as they prepare to sit papers that could decide their future.

Example: Your application should be submitted by this date if you wish to sit exams in December.

Example: While you're taking the exam, remember that it's not simply what you say or how much you say, but how you say it that's important.

Example: While you're taking the exam, remember that it's not simply what you say or how much you say, but how you say it that's important.

» no presentado a examenabsent from exam .

Example: Students absent from exams will automatically get a fail grade.

» período de exámenes, elexam(s) period .

Example: The exam period takes place at the end of each semester -- in the winter semester, the exam period is held in January, and in the spring semester it is in June.

» preguntas de examenquestion paper .

Example: There is an old joke that examiners in economics need never set the candidates new question papers because the answers change every year = Existe una vieja broma que dice que los profesores de económicas nunca necesitan ponerle a los alumnos nuevas preguntas de examen ya que las respuestas cambian cada año.

» preparación de exámenesexam(ination) revision .

Example: Exam revision is a painful process, there's no denying it.

» reexamenre-examination [reexamination]  .

Example: New theories of management and different demands on university libraries encourage a re-examination of organisational design and staffing practices.

» semana de exámenes, laexam(s) week .

Example: Although they'd see each other around from time to time, they never really spoke until they bumped into one another during exam week on campus.

» someter a examenexpose + Nombre + to examination .

Example: The reputation of the information and its authority will be more exposed to examination.

» superar un examenpass + an exam(ination) .

Example: If you do not pass an exam the first time, you may retake it at any time.

» supervisar un examensupervise + an exam(ination) .

Example: The government has been challenged to explain who will invigilate, supervise and mark the national exams given that teachers are still on strike, demanding a pay hike.

» supervisión de exámenesinvigilationproctoring .

Example: The library offers invigilation (proctoring) of both online and handwritten exams during library hours.

Example: The library offers invigilation (proctoring) of both online and handwritten exams during library hours.

» supervisor de exámenesinvigilator  ; proctor .

Example: All invigilators must arrive at the examination room no later than 30 minutes before the published start time.

Example: Examinations will be delivered to the approved proctor with appropriate instructions for supervising the exam.

» suspender un examenfail + an exam(ination) .

Example: Not only did he fail the exam, but he managed to look like a douchebag too.

» tasas de examenexamination fee(s)exam fee(s) .

Example: Deposits, registration and tuition fees and examination fees are non refundable in any other circumstances.

Example: If you have not paid your exam fees on time, you will be charged an extra fee per subject.

» vigilar un exameninvigilateproctorproctor + an exam(ination)invigilate + an exam(ination) .

Example: A lot of people ask me whether I'm bored of invigilating, having done it for eight years straight.

Example: For a period of 2 years after proctoring one may not assist in the preparation of any seminar that prepares others to sit for any ISC examination.

Example: The use of electronic devices while proctoring an exam is not allowed.

Example: The government has been challenged to explain who will invigilate, supervise and mark the national exams given that teachers are still on strike, demanding a pay hike.

» volver a hacer un examenretake + an exam .

Example: If you do not pass an exam the first time, you may retake it at any time.

Examen synonyms

test in spanish: prueba, pronunciation: test part of speech: noun examination in spanish: examen, pronunciation: ɪgzæməneɪʃən part of speech: noun
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