Evitar in english


pronunciation: əvɔɪd part of speech: verb
In gestures

evitar = avoid ; bypass [by-pass] ; eschew ; guard against ; impede ; prevent ; shy away from ; deflect ; forestall ; avert ; preempt [pre-empt] ; shun ; be shy of + Gerundio ; sidestep [side-step] ; steer + (well) clear (of) ; steer away from ; get (a)round ; shy from ; stave off ; baulk [balk, -USA] ; hamstring ; ward off ; head off ; skirt ; give + Nombre + a wide berth ; stay + clear (of) ; keep + clear (of) ; stay (well) away from ; steer + past. 

Example: This situation requires a very skilled information worker if total disaster is to be avoided.Example: She repeatedly bypassed the catalog because she was an inveterate fiction reader and approached the A section of the fiction shelf expecting to find Sholom Aleichem under ALEICHEM.Example: However, most contributors to the debate about the future of SLIS have eschewed practicalities in favour of sweeping and dramatic generalizations.Example: The system will ask you to enter the new password a second time to help guard against keying errors.Example: In early 1984 we were invited to undertake a survey of the fourteen schools of librarianship and information studies in England and Wales, giving particular attention to the constraints impeding or preventing desirable change.Example: To prevent an entry under the first name(s), these must be entered on a separate line with the subfield code 'j'.Example: Those who conscientiously attempt to keep abreast of current thought might well shy away from an examination calculated to show how much of the previous month's efforts could be produced on call.Example: Questions such as 'Can I help you?' on the part of the librarian are easily deflected by a hasty, perhaps automatic and ill-considered, 'Oh, no thanks' by the user.Example: In order to forestall such an event, some libraries in Britain were stung into action by the publication of an Act of Parliament which totally ignored public libraries.Example: He often did this, almost unconsciously, to avert an immediate sign of reaction to an irksome confrontation.Example: This article concludes that the main value of the indicators is as a management tool, as a means of preempting problems.Example: Traditionally these books have been shunned because of their fragile nature, but librarians are finding that a small collection can enliven story times.Example: Printers or publishers were sometimes shy of giving their real names -- usually because a book was treasonable, or libellous, or a piracy -- and for similar reasons they might give a false place of publication and a false date.Example: This article discusses how to start projects on the right footing by defining objectives and planning properly to help sidestep pitfalls which can be associated with bespoke software development.Example: This entire target market has steered clear of the public library.Example: This article gives guidance for steering away from some of the more obvious pitfalls when buying software.Example: The view of most users is that they can get around the restriction in a number of ways.Example: I have not shied from identifying some of the obstacles to achieving this vision.Example: They resorted to exercising to stave off unwanted weight gain believed to be caused by alcohol use.Example: While many scholars concede that military interventions are sometimes permissible, they balk when it comes to deciding whether they are ever a moral duty.Example: Instead, the proposed regulations would hamstring public access.Example: The most strenuous efforts will not always ensure success, nor the boldest arm of human power ward off the stroke of misfortune.Example: And this stimulus is working in the sense that it has headed off the imminent risk of a deflationary spiral.Example: Bridleways that cross arable land may be legally ploughed up, but not those that skirt a field.Example: Under the new law, motorists must give 'a wide berth' to stationary emergency vehicles displaying blue, red, or amber emergency warning lights.Example: In addition, a towboat without barges in front of it may be towing astern with the towline submerged -- so stay clear! .Example: Residents are being advised to keep clear of seal pups if they find them on the beach or run the risk of committing an offence.Example: This, again, is an area most libraries -- at least the ones I'm familiar with -- have tended to stay away from.Example: Andrew has a knack for engaging with people and is adept at steering people past conflict without getting ruffled or losing his sense of humour.


» acto de evitaravoidance .

Example: This avoidance of unnecessary repetition in the listing of concepts is a feature of CC and of all faceted classification schemes.

» agacharse para evitarduck out of + harm's way .

Example: President Bush ducked out of harm's way when a reporter threw his shoes at him during his farewell trip to Iraq.

» el evitaravoidance .

Example: This avoidance of unnecessary repetition in the listing of concepts is a feature of CC and of all faceted classification schemes.

» evitar de manera soslayadaskirt off .

Example: The old man saw another car pull up a few hundred feet away and skirted off to go beg at someone else.

» evitar discutir una cuestióncircumvent + an issue .

Example: Old Langeford -- God bless him! -- didn't feel this was necessary and always found ways of circumventing the issue = El viejo Langeford, ¡Dios lo bendiga!, no pensaba que esto fuese necesario y siempre encontraba el modo de evitar discutir la cuestión.

» evitar el desastreward off + disasteravert + disasterstave off + disaster .

Example: Political ecologists, like the scientists, use their own forte to ward off disaster in the industrial United States.

Example: In a last-ditch effort to avert disaster, Jack appeals to Davy Jones' thirst for vengeance.

Example: There's only one way to stave off disaster -- to find the fabled fortune that her deceased brother buried years ago.

» evitar el desastre por los peloshave + a (close) brush with disaster .

Example: Our cruiser had a close brush with disaster yesterday when it narrowly avoided colliding with a fishing boat.

» evitar el encuentro (con)steer + (well) clear (of)stay + clear (of)keep + clear (of) .

Example: This entire target market has steered clear of the public library.

Example: In addition, a towboat without barges in front of it may be towing astern with the towline submerged -- so stay clear! .

Example: Residents are being advised to keep clear of seal pups if they find them on the beach or run the risk of committing an offence.

» evitar el encuentro congive + Nombre + a wide berthsteer away from .

Example: Under the new law, motorists must give 'a wide berth' to stationary emergency vehicles displaying blue, red, or amber emergency warning lights.

Example: This article gives guidance for steering away from some of the more obvious pitfalls when buying software.

» evitar el encuentro (con)steer + (well) clear (of)stay + clear (of)keep + clear (of) .

Example: This entire target market has steered clear of the public library.

Example: In addition, a towboat without barges in front of it may be towing astern with the towline submerged -- so stay clear! .

Example: Residents are being advised to keep clear of seal pups if they find them on the beach or run the risk of committing an offence.

» evitar el enfrentamientoavoid + confrontation .

Example: Behaviour Management encourages leadership that is positive, helps prevent situations that are already unsatisfactory from deteriorating, and avoids head-on confrontations between people.

» evitar el malshun + evil .

Example: The motive force is that inner, irresistible drive, the very essence of all our energy, which impels us to shun evil and to seek after the good.

» evitar excedersego + light onhold back on .

Example: If you're going to wear red lipstick, go light on the makeup.

Example: I would, nonetheless, like to endorse what the Library of Congress is doing with respect to holding back a little on English subject headings.

» evitar excederse congo + easy on .

Example: Go easy on cosmetics -- individuals who have delicate skin must be extremely careful when purchasing and applying cosmetics.

» evitar la catástrofe por los peloshave + a (close) brush with disaster .

Example: Our cruiser had a close brush with disaster yesterday when it narrowly avoided colliding with a fishing boat.

» evitar la confrontaciónavoid + confrontation .

Example: Behaviour Management encourages leadership that is positive, helps prevent situations that are already unsatisfactory from deteriorating, and avoids head-on confrontations between people.

» evitar la delincuenciaprevent + crime .

Example: There are many ways you can take control and help prevent crime in your home, in your neighborhood, and at your local schools.

» evitar la famashun + the public eyekeep out of + the public eye .

Example: Throughout his career, as indeed his life, he has shunned the public eye and as Phillip Adams said 'he has been inclined to hide his light under a bushel'.

Example: He prefers to keep out of the public eye as much as possible.

» evitar la publicidadshun + the public eyekeep out of + the public eye .

Example: Throughout his career, as indeed his life, he has shunned the public eye and as Phillip Adams said 'he has been inclined to hide his light under a bushel'.

Example: He prefers to keep out of the public eye as much as possible.

» evitar las aglomeracionesbeat + the crowd(s)beat + the queuesbeat + the rush .

Example: The biggest secret to beating the crowds in Orlando is to visit the area when most children are in school.

Example: You can beat the queues by buying your tickets in advance.

Example: Football fans are divided into two camps -- those who like to get to their cars and beat the rush and those who would stay until the bitter end.

» evitar + Nombreget (a)round + Nombre .

Example: This article focuses on ways of getting round incompatibilities between different manufacturers' communication architectures and protocols, and the problem posed by synchronisation.

» evitar polémicaseschew + issues .

Example: Many long-term residents feel that Junctionville should be governed the way it was before Groome appeared -- by 'good old boys' who had worked their way up, who eschewed issues, and who faithfully rewarded their cronies.

» evitar problemasstay out of + trouble .

Example: This article examines the nature of the complaints and provides a list of tips for staying out of trouble.

» evitar quekeep from .

Example: Even substantial rises in the grants from universities to their libraries cannot even keep the library from standing still.

» evitar que Algo ocurrastop + Algo + from happening .

Example: My dog pees constantly when I take him for a walk, how can I stop this from happening?.

» evitar que Algo pasestop + Algo + from happening .

Example: My dog pees constantly when I take him for a walk, how can I stop this from happening?.

» evitar que Algo sucedastop + Algo + from happening .

Example: My dog pees constantly when I take him for a walk, how can I stop this from happening?.

» evitar que + entrarkeep + Nombre + outkeep + Nombre + out of it .

Example: Many farmers and ranchers construct barbed-wire fences on their property to keep livestock in and unwelcome guests out.

Example: Naturally, Claire is just dying to be part of the Committee, but they're equally determined to keep her out of it by whatever means.

» evitar que + escaparkeep + Nombre + in .

Example: Many farmers and ranchers construct barbed-wire fences on their property to keep livestock in and unwelcome guests out.

» evitar que + Nombre + Subjuntivosave + Nombre + from + Gerundio .

Example: The use of such 'see references' from a synonym to a preferred indexing term is restricted as it saves the user from having to consult two parts of the A/Z subject index.

» evitar que + salirkeep + Nombre + in .

Example: Many farmers and ranchers construct barbed-wire fences on their property to keep livestock in and unwelcome guests out.

» evitar ser afectadoescape + unaffected .

Example: Some children are swayed more than others by the attitudes, opinions, behavior of friends and fellows, but none escapes unaffected, not even the outsider, the loner.

» evitar temas delicadoseschew + issues .

Example: Many long-term residents feel that Junctionville should be governed the way it was before Groome appeared -- by 'good old boys' who had worked their way up, who eschewed issues, and who faithfully rewarded their cronies.

» evitar un accidenteprevent + an accident .

Example: Driverless cars could help ease traffic congestion, lower pollution and prevent accidents.

» evitar una cuestiónskirt + an issuetiptoe around + an issue .

Example: The author claims that by skirting the issue in the past with their video collections librarians have left themselves ill equipped to handle these new challenge.

Example: It's about time that people stopped tiptoeing around issues regarding people's identity and called a spade a spade.

» evitar una infecciónprevent + an infection .

Example: 'A Hospital Trip' is about Joe's stay in the hospital after he cuts his ankle on a sharp corner of a rusty old car hood and does not tell his mother about it in time to prevent infection.

» evitar un erroravoid + an error .

Example: The trend seems to be towards holding information managers responsible for errors as a matter of policy because they would be the best placed to avoid the errors.

» evitar un peligroavoid + a perilavoid + a risk .

Example: Limiting the number of leaders streamlines decision-making, avoiding the perils of too many chiefs and not enough indians.

Example: The effects of eating peanut products as a baby to avoid the risk of allergy have been backed up by new research.

» evitar un problemaavoid + a problem .

Example: To avoid problems, build complex searches one step at a time.

» evitar un riesgoduck + a riskavoid + a perilavoid + a risk .

Example: In our opinion, what CAS did was to duck the risk and to try to get the best of all worlds.

Example: Limiting the number of leaders streamlines decision-making, avoiding the perils of too many chiefs and not enough indians.

Example: The effects of eating peanut products as a baby to avoid the risk of allergy have been backed up by new research.

» evitar un temaskirt + an issuetiptoe around + an issue .

Example: The author claims that by skirting the issue in the past with their video collections librarians have left themselves ill equipped to handle these new challenge.

Example: It's about time that people stopped tiptoeing around issues regarding people's identity and called a spade a spade.

» forma de evitar Algo, laway (a)round + Algo, the .

Example: The only way round this is to allocate such topics to one of the disciplines concerned.

» forma de evitar una dificultadway (a)round + difficulty .

Example: One way around the difficulty is to exploit the flexibility of the Internet and Internet facilities.

» forma de evitar un problemaway (a)round + a problem .

Example: Ways round problems in dealing with innovation must be found.

» huir para evitar pagos pendientesdo + a moonlight flit [Generalmente de noche y usado para referirse a personas que arriendan una vivienda ] .

Example: On a number of occasions they had 'to do a moonlight flit' -- leave their home at night -- because they were in arrears with their rent.

» intentar evitarfight + shy of .

Example: The Social Security Administration has fought shy of providing I & R services through its many district offices because of heavy work loads.

» lo que hay que hacer y lo que hay que evitardo's and don'tsrights and wrongs .

Example: The author suggests some do's and don'ts for publishers.

Example: There are those who try to pressure librarians into only buying books that depict the traditional roles of men and women and that show absolute values of right and wrong.

» no poder evitarcan't help but .

Example: You can't help but appreciate these trend-setting fashion designers, especially when hot models and actresses wear their creations.

» no poder evitar + Infinitivocannot help + Gerundiocannot help but + Verbo .

Example: One cannot help wondering if they would have caused so much dissension if they had not been associated with the over-enthusiastic pruning mentioned above.

Example: He smiled politely, but Bragge could not help but feel that his expression was one of low cunning.

» no poder evitarlocannot help + Reflexivo .

Example: Even though she knew that Durkin was impervious to her blandishments, she could not help herself.

» no poder evitar mencionarcannot but notice .

Example: Unfortunately, we cannot but notice that the letter of the State Secretary contains much false information and contradictions.

» no pude evitar notar quecouldn't help but notice (that) .

Example: Anyway, I was living there for a while (in New Zealand) and couldn't help but notice lots of people using these yoghurt makers.

» para evitar su uso indebido por los niñoschildproof .

Example: New packaging designs have been developed that could save lives and make 'childproof' containers more user-friendly for adults.

» proteger Algo para evitar su uso indebido por los niñoschildproof .

Example: It is a good idea to childproof your house once your infant is about six months old, well before the time that she is becoming mobile.

Evitar synonyms

void in spanish: vacío, pronunciation: vɔɪd part of speech: noun, adjective obviate in spanish: obviar, pronunciation: ɑbvieɪt part of speech: verb avert in spanish: evitar, pronunciation: əvɜrt part of speech: verb annul in spanish: anular, pronunciation: ænəl part of speech: verb quash in spanish: anular, pronunciation: kwɔʃ part of speech: verb deflect in spanish: cambiar, pronunciation: dɪflekt part of speech: verb nullify in spanish: anular, pronunciation: nʌləfaɪ part of speech: verb debar in spanish: excluir, pronunciation: debɑr part of speech: verb invalidate in spanish: invalidar, pronunciation: ɪnvælɪdeɪt part of speech: verb stave off in spanish: evitar, pronunciation: steɪvɔf part of speech: verb ward off in spanish: alejar, pronunciation: wɔrdɔf part of speech: verb fend off in spanish: rechazar, pronunciation: fendɔf part of speech: verb head off in spanish: atajar, pronunciation: hedɔf part of speech: verb abstain from in spanish: abstenerse de, pronunciation: əbsteɪnfrʌm refrain from in spanish: abstenerse de, pronunciation: rɪfreɪnfrʌm keep from in spanish: ocultar, pronunciation: kipfrʌm keep off in spanish: alejarse, pronunciation: kipɔf part of speech: verb desist from in spanish: desistir de, pronunciation: dɪsɪstfrʌm forbear from in spanish: abstenerse de, pronunciation: fɔrbɪrfrəm
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