Evidencia in english


pronunciation: evədəns part of speech: noun
In gestures

evidencia = evidence ; piece of evidence. 

Example: Among the documents that are worthy of consideration for abstracting are final reports, or other reports well supported by sound methodology and convincing evidence.Example: The cholesterol campaign is based not on scientific evidence that cholesterol reduction is beneficial, but on educated guesses, on pieces of evidence that suggest it might be.


» aducir como evidenciaadduce as + evidence .

Example: If the recent closures of North American SLIS may be adduced as evidence, this deficiency is likely to have serious consequences for UK SLIS also.

» basado en la evidenceevidence based [evidence-based] .

Example: The increasing pressure to adopt evidence based practice places large information demands on health professionals and by extension, on the information workers who support them.

» basado en la evidencia empíricaevidence based [evidence-based] .

Example: The increasing pressure to adopt evidence based practice places large information demands on health professionals and by extension, on the information workers who support them.

» dar evidenciafurnish with + evidence .

Example: The chairwoman of the board had decided that as part of the screening process those who had successfully survived the initial winnowing should furnish the board with tangible evidence of how they might perform on a specific assignment.

» dejar en evidenciacall + Posesivo + bluffdebunkput + Nombre + to shameshow + Nombre + upmake + Nombre + look bad .

Example: They must be heaving a sigh of relief today, that the council weren't brave enough to call their bluff.

Example: Process reengineering is in the debunking phase of its life cycle - an evolutionary pattern in which management ideas and techniques are first presented as panaceas for business success and subsequently debunked as worthless.

Example: I will rescue the lame and gather those who have been scattered, I will give them praise and honor in every land where they were put to shame.

Example: In my opinion, there is no place in football for showboating and showing up other players or teams.

Example: She says that she felt she had really worked hard and improved, but some of her opponents would go out of their way to make her look bad.

» encontrar evidenciasfind + evidence .

Example: No clear evidence was found to indicate that Roman Iberia had public libraries similar to those established elsewhere in the empire.

» evidencia + apuntar aevidence + points towards .

Example: The film proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the official story is hogwash and that all the evidence points towards an inside job.

» evidencia científicascientific evidence .

Example: The cholesterol campaign is based not on scientific evidence that cholesterol reduction is beneficial, but on educated guesses, on pieces of evidence that suggest it might be.

» evidencia convincenteconvincing evidence .

Example: There is no convincing evidence that a higher being exists.

» evidencia del ADNDNA evidence .

Example: She was acquitted after 'glaring errors' were found in the case against her, including a lack of DNA evidence.

» evidencia + demostrarevidence + show .

Example: There is evidence to show that the kind of type face used affects the ease of reading and the legibility.

» evidencia documentaldocumentary evidence .

Example: This paper identifies the walled towns of Ireland through surviving structures and documentary evidence.

» evidencia empíricaempirical evidence .

Example: Empirical evidence collected from a variety of disciplines over the years, however, does not support the notion that sex is a predictor of productivity.

» evidencia escritawritten evidence .

Example: The associations have submitted both oral and written evidence to the European Communities on the transfrontier shipment of hazardous wastes.

» evidencia incriminatoriaincriminating evidence .

Example: He was deliberately purging incriminating evidence on his computer before the authorities could gain access to it.

» evidencia + indicarevidence + suggestevidence + indicate .

Example: Evidence suggests that many titles in what were designed to be lean 'working' reference collections are rarely if ever consulted.

Example: Evidence indicates that the Dead Sea Scrolls are the remains of the library of an apocalyptic sect who cut themselves off from worldly experience to devote their time to homiletic study.

» evidencia oraloral evidence .

Example: The associations have submitted both oral and written evidence to the European Communities on the transfrontier shipment of hazardous wastes.

» evidencias anterioresprior art [Hablando de patentes, cualquier tipo de prueba que demuestra que aquello para lo que se pide una patente ha sido descrito antes y por lo tanto invalidando la solicitud] .

Example: To be patentable, a new product or process must never have been described or suggested in the prior art.

» evidencia + ser + escasaevidence + be + slight .

Example: Evidence is slight that books ever helped spread the epidemics of smallpox, tuberculosis, and scarlet fever that raged in US and European cities at the turn of the century = Existen escasas pruebas de que los libros ayudasen alguna vez a extender las epidemias de viruela, tuberculosis y escarlatina que arrasaron ciudades estadounidenses y europeas a finales de siglo.

» evidencia tangibletangible evidence .

Example: The chairwoman of the board had decided that as part of the screening process those who had successfully survived the initial winnowing should furnish the board with tangible evidence of how they might perform on a specific assignment.

» falta de evidencialack of evidence .

Example: You may only say that, given the presence of evidence of innocence, a lack of evidence of guilt would provide further evidence of innocence.

» la evidenciathe writing on the wall .

Example: To me the writing on the wall was pretty clear when we had this same discussion on this list last year and never received any reassurances from ISI.

» manipular la evidenciarig + evidence .

Example: Scientists already know how to rig the data and the evidence, now they are learning how to rig the polls.

» poner en evidenciamake it + clearunderlinebring to + lightput + Nombre + to shamecall + Posesivo + bluffbring to + the fore  ; debunkshow + Nombre + upmake + Nombre + look bad .

Example: Simple linking of Students and Attitudes would still not make it clear whether it was the attitudes 'of' or 'towards' Students.

Example: Word processing packages must be able to permit the user to manipulate test, as is necessary in alignment of margins, insertion and deletion of paragraphs, arrange for text to appear in the centre of the page and underline.

Example: Her editorial does an excellent job of bringing to light the issues facing libraries, authors, and library patrons regarding the possibility and desirability of a single international copyright law.

Example: I will rescue the lame and gather those who have been scattered, I will give them praise and honor in every land where they were put to shame.

Example: They must be heaving a sigh of relief today, that the council weren't brave enough to call their bluff.

Example: Installation of new computer terminals may bring the problem to the fore.

Example: Process reengineering is in the debunking phase of its life cycle - an evolutionary pattern in which management ideas and techniques are first presented as panaceas for business success and subsequently debunked as worthless.

Example: In my opinion, there is no place in football for showboating and showing up other players or teams.

Example: She says that she felt she had really worked hard and improved, but some of her opponents would go out of their way to make her look bad.

» poseer evidenciashave + evidence .

Example: If a company has reasonable evidence that an imported product is being dumped or unfairly subsidized, a formal application for anti-dumping or countervailing action may be made to the European Commission.

» presentar evidencia a favor depresent + a case for .

Example: An MP, a barrister, and a financial consultant present the case for charging Value Added Tax (VAT) on books.

» recoger evidenciacollect + evidence .

Example: It is felt, however, when the evidence is collected, in most cases, out-of-school adults will be better served with a formal bibliographic instruction programme.

» suministrar evidenciafurnish with + evidence .

Example: The chairwoman of the board had decided that as part of the screening process those who had successfully survived the initial winnowing should furnish the board with tangible evidence of how they might perform on a specific assignment.

evidenciar = bespeak ; evidence ; evince. 

Example: I think this attitude somewhat bespeaks a professional abdication by a lot of us.Example: Although in this case there is no SLIS presence in the teaching, it is noteworthy that the same concern as that evidenced in the City University programme is present.Example: New computer based technologies are evincing revolutionary changes in the educational curriculum for schools of library and information science.

Evidencia synonyms

show in spanish: espectáculo, pronunciation: ʃoʊ part of speech: verb, noun manifest in spanish: manifiesto, pronunciation: mænəfest part of speech: adjective, verb tell in spanish: contar, pronunciation: tel part of speech: verb ascertain in spanish: cerciorarse, pronunciation: æsɜrteɪn part of speech: verb prove in spanish: probar, pronunciation: pruv part of speech: verb attest in spanish: dar fe, pronunciation: ətest part of speech: verb demonstrate in spanish: demostrar, pronunciation: demənstreɪt part of speech: verb grounds in spanish: jardines, pronunciation: graʊndz part of speech: noun testify in spanish: testificar, pronunciation: testəfaɪ part of speech: verb certify in spanish: certificar, pronunciation: sɜrtəfaɪ part of speech: verb bear witness in spanish: atestiguar, pronunciation: berwɪtnəs part of speech: verb
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