Etapa in english


pronunciation: steɪdʒ part of speech: noun
In gestures

etapa = phase ; stage ; step ; chapter. 

Example: This planning phase involves moving from a vague impression that a thesaurus might be useful to a fairly precise profile for the thesaurus.Example: The first stage in the choice of access points must be the definition of an author.Example: The first step in assigning intellectual responsibility to a corporate body must be a definition of a corporate body.Example: The late 18th century heyday of aristocratic libraries was a brief but important chapter in Hungarian library history.


» eliminación por etapasphase-outphasing-out .

Example: There will be an inevitable decline of the product because of changing conditions, and, finally, there must come a time of phase-out.

Example: EU member states have approved the phasing-out of incandescent bulbs by 2012 .

» eliminar por etapasphase out .

Example: At the end of 1983 all customs duties between EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and EC countries were phased out = A finales de l983, se eliminaron progresivamente todos los aranceles entre los países de la EFTA (Asociación Europea para el Libre Comercio) y los de la CE.

» empezar una nueva etapa en la vidaturn over + a new pageturn over + a new leaf .

Example: The article 'Turning over a new page' discusses the rebuilding of the National Library and its collections following the Khmer Rouge occupation of 1975-9.

Example: The article is entitled 'Turning over a new leaf: the public library service: a report'.

» en tres etapasthree-step .

Example: This section, then, identifies a three-step process for the compilation of a thesaurus or a subject headings list.

» en varias etapasmultistage [multi-stage]multi-step .

Example: The effectiveness of the technique used to code and analyse the events that occur in multistage nondeterministic processes were tested.

Example: In this paper, a new approach to digital image retrieval using intermediate semantic features and multi-step search has been proposed.

» etapa anterior a la impresiónprepress [pre-press] [Generalmente se refiere a los procesos que hoy día realiza el propio autor de una obra al componerla en formato electrónico ante de su impresión] .

Example: Advances in digital prepress that have occurred during 1980-81 are reviewed, and the continuing progress in electronic publishing techniques is described.

» etapa culminantepeak period .

Example: Where relevant, to monitor change, this is set in the context of earlier research, notably during the peak period of the 70s.

» etapa de desarollostage of development .

Example: This is in part due to the different stages of development reached by different libraries.

» etapa de desarrollodevelopmental stage .

Example: More recently, these years have been identified as an important developmental stage known as preadolescence formally, and the 'tween years' popularly.

» etapa de la vidalife stage .

Example: These guidelines are predicated on the belief that young adulthood is a unique life stage.

» etapa de planificaciónplanning stage .

Example: The planning stage included a market survey of library furniture manufacturers.

» etapa finaloutput stage .

Example: To rephrase this in terms already used, they involve effort at the input stage in order to reduce effort at the output stage = Expresando esto con términos ya usados, suponen un esfuerzo en la etapa inicial con objeto de reducir el esfuerzo en la etapa final.

» etapa inicialinput stageearly stage .

Example: To rephrase this in terms already used, they involve effort at the input stage in order to reduce effort at the output stage = Expresando esto con términos ya usados, suponen un esfuerzo en la etapa inicial con objeto de reducir el esfuerzo en la etapa final.

Example: The risk of passing HIV infection through sexual activity is also much higher during the early stage of acute infection.

» llegar a una etapareach + a point .

Example: But more mature readers can be expected to go on reading for full sessions without flagging, a point that most children should reach by ten years old.

» marcar una etapamark + a stage .

Example: The conversion of the Turks to Islam in the 9th century marks a significant stage in the development of libraries.

» por etapasstaged .

Example: Long-range planning is essential and necessary as emergency measures, or as first steps in a staged plan of remodelling.

» primera etapaearly days .

Example: These he bound up in three volumes, and on the fly leaf of the first volume wrote 'I have always retained a kind of affection for little story books, as they recall muy early days'.

» subetapasub-stage .

Example: This sub-stage and the next one must proceed side-by-side.

» superar la etapa demove on from .

Example: He is moving on from the past and looking forward to a tremendous future helping to educate parents from his personal experiences.

» volver a la etapa de planificaciónreturn to + the drawing boardsback to the drawing board .

Example: In the light of this situation, it becomes necessary for librarians to return to the drawing boards to revise public policy statements.

Example: If a proposal for a new regulation or directive raises important questions about the national interest then it can be sent back to the drawing board or vetoed outright.

Etapa synonyms

point in spanish: punto, pronunciation: pɔɪnt part of speech: noun level in spanish: nivel, pronunciation: levəl part of speech: noun present in spanish: presente, pronunciation: prezənt part of speech: adjective, noun, verb degree in spanish: la licenciatura, pronunciation: dɪgri part of speech: noun phase in spanish: fase, pronunciation: feɪz part of speech: noun leg in spanish: pierna, pronunciation: leg part of speech: noun arrange in spanish: organizar, pronunciation: ɜreɪndʒ part of speech: verb bring about in spanish: producir, pronunciation: brɪŋəbaʊt part of speech: verb stagecoach in spanish: diligencia, pronunciation: steɪdʒkoʊtʃ part of speech: noun microscope stage in spanish: etapa de microscopio, pronunciation: maɪkrəskoʊpsteɪdʒ part of speech: noun
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