Estúpido in english


pronunciation: stupəd part of speech: adjective
In gestures

estúpido = crazy ; dummy ; foolish ; silly ; mindless ; moron ; stupid ; daft ; mad ; dumb ; nuts ; witless ; bonehead ; boneheaded ; twit ; dolally tap ; dolally [do-lally] ; imbecile ; cretinous ; arsehole [asshole, -USA] ; brainless ; dimwit ; dim-witted [dimwitted] ; twat ; nonsensical ; mug ; berk ; prick ; cretin ; dumbbell ; dull-witted ; asinine ; lemon ; ditsy ; dits ; ditz ; ditzy ; airhead ; airheaded ; duffer ; schmuck ; schmo ; nonce ; moke ; twerp ; dweeb ; chump ; birdbrained ; birdbrain ; off + Posesivo + knocker ; off + Posesivo + rocker ; dork ; moonstruck ; plonker ; pumpkin head ; git ; prat ; wally ; goof ; goofball ; lame ; dink ; idiotic ; dense ; nitwit ; schlep [schlepp/shlep] ; jackass ; ass ; booby ; half-wit ; gumph ; gubbins ; dumbass ; feeble minded ; ninny ; ding-dong ; moronic ; sumph ; bozo ; pillock ; cluck ; tomfool ; imbecilic ; goon ; goop ; dorky ; nutcase ; dingbat ; dope. 

Example: Lest it appear that Ms Marshall's committee and a few others of us, notoriously associated with that kind of work, are little more than crazy, fire-breathing radicals, let me add this gloss immediately.Example: We are too prone to be dummy people by day, and thinking, articulate individuals only in the safety of home and leisure.Example: It would be uneconomic and foolish to persevere with human assignment of controlled-language terms.Example: In conclusion, I am sure you all believe me to be either idealistic, unrealistic, radical, or just plain silly.Example: By this later period pressmen in England were despised as mere 'horses', the 'great guzzlers of beer' who were rebuked by the young Benjamin Franklin for their mindless intemperance.Example: This thesaurus contains a number of wretched, insensitive cross-references, like from Dumb to DEAF, and from Feeble minded, Imbecility, and morons to MENTALLY HANDICAPPED.Example: When any librarian is trying to find material on behalf of a user from a poor citation it leads to that librarian appearing slow and stupid to the user.Example: Ranking among the dafter exercises sometimes imposed on children is the one that requires them to describe a screwdriver or a vase or the desks they sit at, or any familiar object.Example: When J D Brown allowed the public of Islington to have open access to the books in the 1890s he was regarded by many of his colleagues as mad!.Example: Techniques such as the automatic detection of anaphora enable systems to appear to be intelligent rather than dumb.Example: I think some people would think my approach is nuts.Example: She refutes the idea of the women's magazine as a 'mouthpiece of masculine interest, of patriarchy and commercialism' that preyed on 'passive, dependent, and witless' women readers.Example: The article is entitled 'Field Research for Boneheads: From Naivete to Insight on the Green Tortoise'.Example: That was a big boneheaded error.Example: Democracy's a nice idea in theory, if it wasn't for all the twits.Example: Now I know this country of ours is totally dolally tap!.Example: The server has gone dolally by the looks of it.Example: The same evil is done in slaving, tormenting and killing, say, chimpanzees as is done in so injuring human imbeciles.Example: It is already evident that he is a cretinous buffoon.Example: Modern preppies try to be assholes, probably because they think it's cool, and never quite make it.Example: From that point on, the film is not only stupid, it's dim-witted, brainless and obtuse to the point of being insulting to the audience.Example: The diplomats have been calling him a lucky dimwit ever since.Example: From that point on, the film is not only stupid, it's dim-witted, brainless and obtuse to the point of being insulting to the audience.Example: I don't really care if he does like real ale, even if his arse was hung with diamonds he would still be a twat.Example: Parental protectiveness of children is surely a good thing if sensibly applied, but this nonsensical double standard doesn't help anyone.Example: By this time, firecrackers and fireworks were being let off willy-nilly in the streets by any mug with a match.Example: And before some berk starts whittling on about anti-car lobbies, we should all be lobbying for less car use if we've got any interest whatsoever in the future.Example: Steve knows that he is a 'showboat, a little bit of a prick,' but he also knows that it's too late for a man in his fifties to change.Example: Cretin is a word derived from an 18th century Swiss-French word meaning Christian.Example: The Wizard, played by Joel Grey, is a smooth-talking dumbbell who admits he is 'a corn-fed hick' and 'one of your dime-a-dozen mediocrities'.Example: An army without culture is a dull-witted army, and a dull-witted army cannot defeat the enemy.Example: This chapter is dedicated to the truly asinine rules -- ones which either defeat their own purpose altogether or are completely devoid of common sense .Example: The court also heard the victim's brother accuse the defendant of physical abuse and of calling him a 'lemon and a retard'.Example: If there is a stereo type for ditsy blondes she really has gone out of her way to fit it perfectly.Example: But then again, there are thousands of such ditses out there that need mental help.Example: She might be a ditz, you can do that with the money she makes, if she wasn't so rich she'd be just another ditzy broad.Example: She might be a ditz, you can do that with the money she makes, if she wasn't so rich she'd be just another ditzy broad.Example: Some people like airheads with fake boobs.Example: She's just an airheaded bimbo, with an endless capacity to push aside unpleasant realities in favor of her more satisfying interests: young men and jewels.Example: Plus, no matter what she did to stop people from picking on her she always ended up being called a duffer.Example: Schmuck entered English as a borrowed word from Yiddish, where it is an obscene term literally meaning a foreskin or head of a penis, and an insult.Example: This team of schmoes is capable of anything.Example: Justin, whilst clearly a nonce, is to be commended on instigating a high-profile campaign to free the hostages.Example: States know better what their own citizens needs are than do the mokes in Washington.Example: He started life as a twerp, then fairly quickly became a jerk and ended up an old sourpuss.Example: For this reason, I will probably not vote in the London mayoral election at all and this doesn't make me a whinging negativist dweeb.Example: Americans are such chumps, because we refuse to see what is going on right in front of our eyes.Example: She has her own birdbrained way of thinking about things, but most of what she says is vaguely prophetic.Example: I am thinking humans can be such birdbrains when it comes to communication.Example: Every firearm hast its pros and cons and anyone who tells you otherwise is off their knocker.Example: I find it fascinating how Bradley can be perfectly reasonable one moment, and off his rocker the next.Example: And then we get nongs like Joe here who just cant help himself from being a dork.Example: 'Moonstruck' has all the fun of movies about weddings: a reluctant groom, an overeager bride, and an emotionally distraught family = 'Moonstruck' has all the fun of movies about weddings: a reluctant groom, an overeager bride, and an emotionally distraught family.Example: If she'd been my daughter in fact I'd never have let her go out with an obvious plonker like myself.Example: He loved to tease his daughter by calling her pumpkin head.Example: Very few of the people I know are such gits and I think the world would be better off without them.Example: To be honest I really don't have a problem ending relationships as I am such a prat that I usually end up losing good friends.Example: It's written in everyday language that even a wally like me can understand.Example: They're such goofs -- they were pretending like they forgot that the webcam was on.Example: Mom doesn't want to be boss, but she has to because dad's such a goofball.Example: When I said hello he turned to his gaggle of friends and said 'look what the cat dragged in!' or something lame like that.Example: The only real unfairness in all of this is that a guy with such great oratory skills should turn out to be such a dink - total waste.Example: Marc basically can't believe that someone he is so close to would make such an idiotic purchase.Example: This usually causes more trouble for other people than himself, but because he's so dense, he never minds.Example: The very idea that any voter would take such nitwits at all seriously is the real horror story.Example: I wonder why she puts up with him, he's such a schlep!.Example: Well, maybe if you hadn't been such a jackass I wouldn't make fun of you.Example: Maybe they have it in for him because he's such an ass.Example: Why, one wonders, was such a booby entrusted with the fate of the British university system?.Example: Experts confirmed this week that the U.S. populace appears to have fallen under the spell of yet another pink-faced half-wit.Example: But I never know whether to believe Clare, she's such a gumph.Example: At some point along the way my camera died because I am such a gubbins I didn't charge my battery.Example: I could barely recognize the lumbering ape from behind his apron, but sure enough he was one of the dumbass jocks I went to high school with.Example: This thesaurus contains a number of wretched, insensitive cross-references, like from Dumb to DEAF, and from feeble minded, Imbecility, and Morons to MENTALLY HANDICAPPED.Example: It's not my fault that the ninnies you hired were such yellow-bellies!.Example: Local dad has begun to voice concerns that his 3-year-old son might be a real ding-dong.Example: We need someone equally as empty-headed and vapidly moronic as Elisabeth Hasselbeck to replace her.Example: 'Because he was just a sumph,' answered Gavinia, scornfully.Example: I can almost picture him with his face in his hands, shaking his head, wondering how in the world he managed to end up with such bozos.Example: The Internet isn't big enough to list all the pillocks in football.Example: I promise to be a devoted husband and never give you cause to regret marrying such a cluck.Example: Your mate is some kind of epic tomfool to imprison himself in his own vehicle.Example: But this male narrator would not in a million years say that woman is imbecilic by nature.Example: Only a country as warped as America could spawn such a goon.Example: If he hadn't been such a goop he wouldn't have reported the matter to the police.Example: If you are a dork and revel in the fact, you will want to know what clothing is dorky, so you can wear it.Example: There is no way that Americans are stupid enough to allow such a nutcase to become the most powerful man in the world.Example: Leave her alone, she's such a dingbat, things would only get worse trying to make sense out of anything she says.Example: They made fun of her, partly because she's such a dope and partly because she had a limp and a speech impediment.


» algo estúpidono-brainer .

Example: Fortunately for you there are a few decisions that are real no-brainers.

» como un estúpidostupidlyidiotically .

Example: Intelligent individuals often think that they cannot behave stupidly, but that is precisely what leads them down the garden path.

Example: What arouses the indignation of the honest satirist is not the fact that people in positions of power or influence behave idiotically.

» estúpido de mierdastupid git .

Example: 'Mindless, non-creative garbage,' 'stupid git,' and 'malodorous pervert' would all describe your friends adequately.

» hacer el estúpidofaff (about/around) [Uso principalmente británico]dick about/aroundscrew aroundfool around/abouthorse around/aboutclown around/aboutmonkey around/aboutgoof around/aboutlark around/aboutact + the goat .

Example: A new report says that we waste three hours a day faffing around, doing nothing in particular, pootling, dawdling, pottering, hanging about.

Example: Sometimes the reason why we dick around is because there is too much stuff to do and it's difficult to focus.

Example: But I've been screwing around for long enough; it's time to get back to work and earn some cash.

Example: For those professional fools, the clowns, fooling around is serious business.

Example: Angus has a lot of energy -- he is always horsing around with his foster brothers and sister.

Example: Almost as if I were clowning around when more important things needed to be tended to.

Example: The party is over but the monkeying around is just beginning.

Example: Does any of your friends goof around and flash you their privates?.

Example: This is me and some friends larking about while we were on holiday in Honicombe.

Example: He was taking drink as a medication. He was not a just drunken fool, but he was acting the goat = Usaba el alcohol como medicación. No es que fuera un tonto borracho, sino que estaba haciendo el ganso.

» hacerse el estúpidodumb down [Generalmente, hacer que algo sea más fácil de entender por otros]act + dumbplay it + dumbplay it + stupid .

Example: The article 'Cataloguing electronic resources: wise up or dumb down?' argues that WWW search engines do a good job in impossibly difficult circumstances but that they do not provide enough information about a resource.

Example: In fact, his success was directly attributable to how smart he was by acting dumb.

Example: I knew what he meant but I played it dumb.

Example: Playing it stupid isn't always a bad thing and can get you out of a lot of trouble.

» lo suficientemente estúpido como paradumb enough to .

Example: Currently I'm using Windows ME and I was dumb enough to follow the prompt to update Windows from the net.

» persona estúpidano-brainer .

Example: Fortunately for you there are a few decisions that are real no-brainers.

» rubia estúpidadumb blonde .

Example: There are millions of jokes about dumb blondes, but there is not so many jokes about cooperate executives.

» ser de estúpidos + Verbobe crazy to + Verbo .

Example: Of course, it's crazy to put down a deposit for a car when so much is still unknown.

» ser estúpidobe off + Posesivo + rocker .

Example: Nobody with any sense whatsoever would voluntarily swim in the waters of San Francisco Bay unless they were off their rocker.

» ser estúpido + Verbobe crazy to + Verbo .

Example: Of course, it's crazy to put down a deposit for a car when so much is still unknown.

» típica rubia estúpidabimbo [Acrónimo 'body impressive, body optional'] .

Example: She's just an airheaded bimbo, with an endless capacity to push aside unpleasant realities in favor of her more satisfying interests: young men and jewels.

» viejo estúpidoold coot .

Example: Cuz they know that old coot constantly contradicts himself and makes no sense whatsoever.

» volverse estúpidogo off + Posesivo + rockerget + sillyturn + stupid .

Example: I mean everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but they went off their rocker embracing our enemies.

Example: Empathy is all well and good but this is getting silly.

Example: When the fuck did everyone turn stupid?.

Estúpido synonyms

obtuse in spanish: obtuso, pronunciation: ɑbtus part of speech: adjective dull in spanish: aburrido, pronunciation: dʌl part of speech: adjective dumb in spanish: tonto, pronunciation: dʌm part of speech: adjective dense in spanish: denso, pronunciation: dens part of speech: adjective slow in spanish: lento, pronunciation: sloʊ part of speech: adjective thick in spanish: grueso, pronunciation: θɪk part of speech: adjective dim in spanish: oscuro, pronunciation: dɪm part of speech: adjective imbecile in spanish: imbécil, pronunciation: ɪmbəsəl part of speech: adjective, noun foolish in spanish: tonto, pronunciation: fulɪʃ part of speech: adjective dolt in spanish: imbécil, pronunciation: doʊlt part of speech: noun gormless in spanish: sin gomas, pronunciation: gɔrmləs part of speech: adjective stunned in spanish: aturdido, pronunciation: stʌnd part of speech: adjective dazed in spanish: aturdido, pronunciation: deɪzd part of speech: adjective senseless in spanish: sin sentido, pronunciation: sensləs part of speech: adjective dullard in spanish: zoquete, pronunciation: dʌlɜrd part of speech: noun dopey in spanish: atontado, pronunciation: doʊpi part of speech: adjective stupefied in spanish: estupefacto, pronunciation: stupəfaɪd part of speech: adjective anserine in spanish: ansarino, pronunciation: ænsɜrin part of speech: adjective lumpen in spanish: lumpen, pronunciation: lʌmpən part of speech: adjective moronic in spanish: imbécil, pronunciation: mɜrɑnɪk part of speech: adjective witless in spanish: tonto, pronunciation: wɪtləs part of speech: adjective goosey in spanish: ganso, pronunciation: gusi part of speech: adjective doltish in spanish: doltish, pronunciation: doʊltɪʃ part of speech: adjective lumpish in spanish: bultos, pronunciation: lʌmpɪʃ part of speech: adjective unthinking in spanish: irreflexivo, pronunciation: ənθɪŋkɪŋ part of speech: adjective brainless in spanish: estúpido, pronunciation: breɪnlɪs part of speech: adjective dopy in spanish: aturdido, pronunciation: doʊpi part of speech: adjective thickheaded in spanish: torpe, pronunciation: θɪkhedɪd part of speech: adjective headless in spanish: sin cabeza, pronunciation: hedləs part of speech: adjective imbecilic in spanish: imbécil, pronunciation: ɪmbəsɪlɪk part of speech: adjective unintelligent in spanish: poco inteligente, pronunciation: ənɪntelɪdʒənt part of speech: adjective boneheaded in spanish: sin cabeza, pronunciation: boʊnhedɪd part of speech: adjective cloddish in spanish: tonto como un asno, pronunciation: klɑdɪʃ part of speech: adjective feebleminded in spanish: débiles mentales, pronunciation: fibləmaɪndɪd part of speech: adjective blockheaded in spanish: cabeza de bloque, pronunciation: blɑkhedɪd part of speech: adjective goosy in spanish: Goosy, pronunciation: guzi part of speech: adjective gooselike in spanish: Gooselike, pronunciation: guslaɪk part of speech: adjective half-witted in spanish: medio ingenioso, pronunciation: hæfwɪtɪd part of speech: adjective pudden-head in spanish: cabeza de puddo, pronunciation: pʌdənhed part of speech: noun slow-witted in spanish: lento, pronunciation: sloʊwɪtɪd part of speech: adjective fatheaded in spanish: lerdo, pronunciation: fæthedɪd part of speech: adjective stupid person in spanish: persona estúpida, pronunciation: stupədpɜrsən part of speech: noun thick-skulled in spanish: calavera gruesa, pronunciation: θɪkskəld part of speech: adjective gaumless in spanish: gaumless, pronunciation: gɔmləs part of speech: adjective loggerheaded in spanish: cabeza de leña, pronunciation: lɑgɜrhedɪd part of speech: adjective pudding head in spanish: cabeza de budín, pronunciation: pʊdɪŋhed part of speech: noun poor fish in spanish: pobre pez, pronunciation: pʊrfɪʃ part of speech: noun yokel-like in spanish: como yokel, pronunciation: jɑkəllaɪk part of speech: adjective nitwitted in spanish: entendido, pronunciation: nɪtwɪtɪd part of speech: adjective soft-witted in spanish: ingenioso, pronunciation: sɑftwɪtɪd part of speech: adjective wooden-headed in spanish: zopenco, pronunciation: wʊdənhedɪd part of speech: adjective
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