Estudioso in english


pronunciation: studiəs part of speech: adjective
In gestures

estudioso1 = connoisseur ; scholar. 

Example: Some of them will be sufficiently bizarre to suit the most fastidious connoisseur of the present artifacts of civilization.Example: Under 'American scholar' he found editions published beginning, I believe, in the 1880s.


» estudioso de la Bibliabiblical scholar .

Example: In this section of the website, we explore the Lord's Prayer message and application through a number of well known biblical scholars.

» estudioso de la metodologíamethodologist .

Example: This article examines what the narratological approach for medical records can teach the clinician and the information methodologist = Este artículo analiza lo que la forma narrativa de completar los historiales médicos puede enseñarle al doctor y al estudioso de la metodología de la información.

» estudioso de los incunablesincunabulist .

Example: Incunabulists tend to inhabit a world of their own which is remote from those concerned with later printed books.

estudioso2 = studious. 

Example: His face wore a look of studious concentration.

Estudioso synonyms

careful in spanish: cuidadoso, pronunciation: kerfəl part of speech: adjective scholarly in spanish: erudito, pronunciation: skɑlɜrli part of speech: adjective bookish in spanish: libresco, pronunciation: bʊkɪʃ part of speech: adjective
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