Estructura in english


pronunciation: strʌktʃɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

estructura = frame ; framework ; pattern ; structure ; texture ; lattice ; fabric ; carcass. 

Example: Next the book was placed on the sewing frame, and the folded sheets were sewn by hand with needle and thread on to four or five cords or thongs.Example: The intention is to establish a general framework, and then to give exceptions or further explanation and examples for each area in turn.Example: In the same way that citation orders may have more or less theoretical foundations, equally reference generation may follow a predetermined pattern.Example: This chapter does not consider the principles underlying AACR, nor does it review the structure of the code to any significant extent.Example: The fruits of Mr. Kilgour's labors and creations have substantially altered the texture of contemporary America library service = The fruits of Mr. Kilgour's labors and creations have substantially altered the texture of contemporary America library service.Example: Special attention should be given to Figure 2, which proposes two lattices (or ladders) for career movement in libraries.Example: The conventional pattern of change has been an evolutionary introduction of the use of technology with no unusual signs of strain in the organizational fabric.Example: The bathroom cabinet carcass is made of plywood.


» con estructura de acerosteel-framed .

Example: The above examples are simple subjects; compound subjects such as 'Wiring methods in prefabricated steel-framed houses' would result in grotesque headings.

» con estructura de maderatimber-framed .

Example: The first phase of occupation was represented by at least one timber-framed house with a central hearth, dated to the early 13th c.

» de estructura de acerosteel-framed .

Example: The above examples are simple subjects; compound subjects such as 'Wiring methods in prefabricated steel-framed houses' would result in grotesque headings.

» de estructura de maderatimber-framed .

Example: The first phase of occupation was represented by at least one timber-framed house with a central hearth, dated to the early 13th c.

» DSIS (Sistema de Indización de Estructura Profunda)DISI (Deep Structure Indexing System) .

Example: The most recent version of computerised POPSI is known as Deep Structure Indexing System (DSIS).

» estructura arbóreatree structure .

Example: Object knowledge progresses stepwise from the object as a whole to its parts, subparts, etc, and can be visualised as an object-specific tree structure.

» estructura básicaskeleton .

Example: A description of the main subject areas forms the skeleton of the main list of terms.

» estructura de apoyosupport structure .

Example: In general, off-campus graduates were older, less mobile, had more family responsibilities, and used support structures generally available to mature adults.

» estructura de datosdata structure .

Example: This article proposes an architecture and data structures for a fuzzy query processor that uses a high level of abstraction and the data items of the data base records.

» estructura de ficherosfile design .

Example: This application has been found to be efficient in terms of response time and this may be attributed to its file design.

» estructura de la instituciónorganisational structure .

Example: As the organisational structures of libraries have become more complex, library administrators have sought various ways to coordinate more effectively and integrate functions and responsiblities.

» estructura del edificiobuilding shell .

Example: Of greatest import are the siting of libraries, the building shell, fire alarms, intruder alarms, internal layout of the building, and methods combating damage and theft.

» estructura del registrorecord structure .

Example: System designers can use these statistics to determine record structures and estimate space allocations.

» estructura de maderawood structure .

Example: As termites begin to eat into wood structures, the weakened structure of the wood will cause floors to creak with more frequency.

» estructura demográficademographics  .

Example: Given similar demographics (age, size, and user population), to what extent do community hospital libraries differ in collection content?.

» estructura de poderpower structure .

Example: The challenge to libraries of these institutions calls for reassessment of programmes and realignment in their power structures.

» estructura de rednetwork structure .

Example: The following types of data structure are common: network, which is similar to a hierarchy, but here each node can have more than one owner and movement between nodes can be in either direction.

» estructura fiscaltax structure .

Example: It goes without saying that not every situation is the same, but a lot of people are fed up with our current tax structure.

» estructura genéticagenetic makeup .

Example: It is not that I wanted to be a chauvinistic pig, but I guess my genetic makeup and the environment I was involved with made me one.

» estructura jerárquicachain of command [Canales de comunicación formales entre superiores y subordinados a todos los niveles]hierarchical structure .

Example: The gangplank can be thrown across without weakening the chain of command.

Example: The following types of data structure are common: hierarchical, or tree, with a single root element at the top, plus node elements at the ends of the branches that spread out from the root.

» estructura jerárquica de gestiónline management .

Example: The good manager should use line management (i.e. the people in charge of branches, service points, and public counters) to reach the user.

» estructura jerárquica de una organizaciónhierarchy ladder .

Example: But I've always found that if I sent a decision down the hierarchy ladder, it almost always came back up for a final decision.

» estructura laboraljob structuring .

Example: Behavioral scientists have fallen into the error of assuming that employees resent job structuring and autocratic leadership.

» estructura lógicalogical data structure .

Example: The logical data structure is the structure that is important to the computer-system user.

» estructura molecularmolecular structure .

Example: It is well recognized that the relationship between sequence, molecular structure and biochemical function is a complicated one in biomolecules.

» estructura organizativaorganisational structure .

Example: As the organisational structures of libraries have become more complex, library administrators have sought various ways to coordinate more effectively and integrate functions and responsiblities.

» estructura óseabone structure .

Example: Knobby knees are part of a person's bone structure, and the best way to get rid of them without surgical procedures is through leg exercises.

» estructura para treparmonkey bars [Estructuras de diferentes formas que se ubican en diferentes tipos de parques o zonas públicas o privadas para que la gente haga ejercicio trepando por ella]jungle gym [Estructuras de diferentes formas que se ubican en diferentes tipos de parques o zonas públicas o privadas para que la gente haga ejercicio trepando por ella] .

Example: She was so chicken she wouldn't even go on the monkey bars.

Example: Jungle gyms also come in many different forms and structures, having in common only that they allow for climbing around.

» estructura piramidalpyramid structure .

Example: Proposals are currently being considered to streamline these organisations by developing a pyramid structure similar to that which exists in England.

» estructura químicachemical structure .

Example: This project will look at ways of using information to predict the biological activity or inactivity of a three-dimensional chemical structure = Este proyecto estudiará las formas de usar la información para predecir la actividad o inactividad biológica de una estructura química tridimensional.

» estructura relacionalrelation structure .

Example: The following types of data structure are common: relational, where all information is held in a form that can be represented by two-dimensional tables.

» estructura socialsocial structure .

Example: Certainly there are very serious novels which, by means of a fictitious story, have a great deal to say about human relationships and social structures.

» fichero con estructura de rednetworked file .

Example: The structure of a networked file is similar to that of a hierarchical file except that each node can have more than one owner and movement between nodes can be in either direction.

» gastos de estructuraoverhead costs .

Example: If you are self-employed or own a small business, you know all too well that out-of-control overhead costs can be crippling.

» ingeniero de estructurasstructural engineer .

Example: Not only that, you have to make sure the modification is approved by a structural engineer who works with trusses.

» libro con estructura plegablepop-up book [libro con estructura plegable que se abre al abrirlo] .

Example: Ten workshops were held which included sizing, calligraphy, marbling, paper mending, limited edition binding techniques, sewing structures and 'pop-up' books.

» reparador de estructuras altassteeplejack .

Example: There are poems in the voices of a variety of characters, including those of a piano-tuner's wife, a steeplejack, and a shoeshine.

» sin estructuraunstructured .

Example: The problem reside in the fact that they environment we seek to tame and control is an open, unstructured dynamic process, while human organizations are static and highly resistant to change.

» Sistema de Indización de Estructura Profunda (DSIS)Deep Structure Indexing System (DSIS) .

Example: Deep Structure Indexing System (DSIS) is a version of POPSI (Postulate-based Permuted Subject Indexing).

» una estructura dea pattern of .

Example: That catalog exhibits a pattern of integration of the entries designed to reveal to the user of the catalog the intrinsic relations of the materials in the library.

» vivienda con estructura de maderaframe dwelling .

Example: To be sure, it still has its congeries of mills and factories, its grimy huddle of frame dwellings and congested tenements, its stark, jagged skyline, but its old face is gradually changing.

estructurar = structure ; give + form to. 

Example: The large cataloguing record data bases are structured according to a format known as the MARC format.Example: Our design studio is dedicated to giving form to ideas that matter.

Estructura synonyms

architecture in spanish: arquitectura, pronunciation: ɑrkətektʃɜr part of speech: noun construction in spanish: construcción, pronunciation: kənstrʌkʃən part of speech: noun social structure in spanish: estructura social, pronunciation: soʊʃəlstrʌktʃɜr part of speech: noun social system in spanish: sistema social, pronunciation: soʊʃəlsɪstəm part of speech: noun social organization in spanish: organización social, pronunciation: soʊʃəlɔrgənəzeɪʃən part of speech: noun body structure in spanish: estructura del cuerpo, pronunciation: bɑdistrʌktʃɜr part of speech: noun complex body part in spanish: parte del cuerpo complejo, pronunciation: kɑmpleksbɑdipɑrt part of speech: noun anatomical structure in spanish: estructura anatómica, pronunciation: ænətɑməkəlstrʌktʃɜr part of speech: noun bodily structure in spanish: estructura corporal, pronunciation: bɑdəlistrʌktʃɜr part of speech: noun
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