Estridente in english


pronunciation: straɪdənt part of speech: adjective
In gestures

estridente = raucous ; garish ; lurid ; rumbustious ; shrill . 

Example: This is an important point which has been poorly neglected in this lively and, at times, raucous debate.Example: Some of the streets transform at night with garish neon lights and red lanterns signifying houses of pleasure.Example: When she discovered vintage comics and their lurid covers, she went nuts.Example: One by one, he wiped the floor with opponents who had spoken in the debate -- with a ferocious blend of rant, rhetoric and rumbustious counterattack.Example: Wherever one turned, from every direction came the note of the golden oriole and the shrill cry of the hoopoe and the red-legged falcon.


» ruido estridenteear-splitting noise .

Example: Black smoke and ear-splitting noise are typical features of an iron and steel complex.

» voz estridentewhiny voicesqueaky voiceshrill voice .

Example: She also has this upper crust accent on top of a whiny voice.

Example: If you breathe in helium and talk you will have a squeaky voice.

Example: The shrill voices of those who give orders are full of fear like the squeakings of piglets awaiting the butcher's knife.

Estridente synonyms

blatant in spanish: evidente, pronunciation: bleɪtənt part of speech: adjective raucous in spanish: estridente, pronunciation: rɔkəs part of speech: adjective vociferous in spanish: vociferante, pronunciation: voʊsɪfɜrəs part of speech: adjective noisy in spanish: ruidoso, pronunciation: nɔɪzi part of speech: adjective clamant in spanish: clamante, pronunciation: klæmənt part of speech: adjective clamorous in spanish: clamoroso, pronunciation: klæmɜrəs part of speech: adjective cacophonous in spanish: cacofónico, pronunciation: kækəfɑnəs part of speech: adjective clamourous in spanish: clamoroso, pronunciation: klæmɜrəs part of speech: adjective cacophonic in spanish: cacofónico, pronunciation: kækəfɑnɪk part of speech: adjective
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