Estrategia in english


pronunciation: strætədʒi part of speech: noun
In gestures

estrategia = approach [approaches, -pl.] ; course of action ; strategy ; tactics ; tack ; power play. 

Example: During the last twenty years the variety of approaches to the organisation of knowledge has proliferated with the introduction of computer-based methods.Example: Examines the advantages and disadvantages of approval plans suggesting that each library must carefully weigh them in order to determine its own best course of action.Example: A number of publication strategies are possible for announcing the modifications to classification schemes.Example: Purists might argue that this is tactics rather than strategy.Example: The simplest tack would be to include the metadata in the notes field but sorting by metadata attributes is problematic and clunky.Example: The author offers a detailed overview of how Congress came to pass the USA Patriot Act and some of the power plays that took place behind the scenes.


» cambiar de estrategiachange + tack .

Example: The article 'Microsoft changes tack' comments on Microsoft's strategy of using the Internet as one of its defences against possible legal action.

» crear estrategiasstrategise [strategize, -USA] .

Example: A team of seventy senior managers has been formed to strategise and chart the company's course in the current economic slowdown.

» desarrollar estrategiasstrategise [strategize, -USA] .

Example: A team of seventy senior managers has been formed to strategise and chart the company's course in the current economic slowdown.

» diseñar estrategiasstrategise [strategize, -USA] .

Example: A team of seventy senior managers has been formed to strategise and chart the company's course in the current economic slowdown.

» elaborar una estrategiaformulate + a strategy .

Example: The teams must analyze the requests and formulate a strategy to locate the desired information.

» estrategia cognitivacognitive strategy .

Example: There is an interconnection between the type of the object encountered and the physician's choice of linearization or lateralization as cognitive strategy.

» estrategia comercialbusiness planmarket strategybusiness strategy .

Example: Orchestrated technological implementation must be a part of every library's business plan.

Example: Following the information gathering phase the next step is to build the market strategy.

Example: A business strategy is what is used when an opportunity or a crisis occurs.

» estrategia de ahorrosaver  .

Example: This article examines the computer and its validity as a saver of time and labour.

» estrategia de búsquedasearch strategysearch process .

Example: Mechanized systems offer a wide range of potential search strategies and searching aids.

Example: This article considers the need for information professionals to re-think the part of the search process that occurs after the data has been retrieved on-line.

» estrategia de búsqueda de informacióninformation seeking pattern .

Example: The information seeking patterns of a variety of academic social scientists were broken down into 6 characteristics: starting; chaining; browsing; differentiating; monitoring; and extracting.

» estrategia de defensadefence strategy .

Example: Safety in numbers serves as a defense strategy in many organisms, as aggregation can reduce the probability of predation for individual group members.

» estrategia de gestiónmanagement strategymanagerial strategy .

Example: Library managers can utilise a set of management strategies designed to increase the likelihood of library survival.

Example: Apologists for this managerial strategy often fail to define it adequately.

» estrategia de gestión de la informacióninformation management strategy .

Example: As information now has a dominant role in society, an information management strategy has to be developed and integrated into the existing corporate structure.

» estrategia de investigaciónresearch strategy .

Example: Supporting material -- cartoons, quotations and humorous excerpts -- are used to keep students intrigued and clues are allowed if students are unable to formulate a research strategy.

» estrategia de marketingmarketing strategy .

Example: To enable libraries to reach this sector a marketing strategy is required and staff-training needs must be examined.

» estrategia de mercadomarketing strategy .

Example: To enable libraries to reach this sector a marketing strategy is required and staff-training needs must be examined.

» estrategia de planificaciónplanning strategy .

Example: Since multiple choice exams are common in courses which cover a lot of factual information, the most important planning strategy is to stay on top of your coursework.

» estrategia de salidaexit strategyexit strategy .

Example: Thirdly, he is the only candidate to have laid his cards on the table with a sound, sensible and viable exit strategy from this awful quagmire in Iraq.

Example: Thirdly, he is the only candidate to have laid his cards on the table with a sound, sensible and viable exit strategy from this awful quagmire in Iraq.

» estrategia de supervivenciacoping strategycoping skill .

Example: Evolutionary rather than revolutionary changes in curricula were expected to be adequate as a coping strategy.

Example: Learning will be a coping skill needed to survive the vagaries of change.

» estrategia de ventassales strategy .

Example: However, as the proportion of elderly people in the population rises sharply over the next few years advertising and retail executives will need to rethink their sales strategies.

» estrategia documentaldocumentation strategy [En documentación, plan de actuación en todos los aspectos relacionados con el tratamiento documental] .

Example: Yet the documentation strategy is still a largely untested concept.

» estrategia finalendgame .

Example: If you read some of their write-ups, you can be sure that their endgame is to give a part of this country to Tamils.

» estrategia militarmilitary strategy .

Example: This is a membership organization for the study of military strategy, arms control, regional security and conflict resolution = Ésta es una organización de socios para el estudio de la estrategia militar, el control de armas, la seguridad en las regiones del mundo y la resolución de conflictos.

» estrategia para enfrentarse a las necesidades diariascoping strategycoping skill .

Example: Evolutionary rather than revolutionary changes in curricula were expected to be adequate as a coping strategy.

Example: Learning will be a coping skill needed to survive the vagaries of change.

» estrategia publicitariasales pitch [Forma y modo de presentar un producto para hacerlo atractivo] .

Example: The term 'commercial communications' covers all forms of advertising promoting products and services but not packaging and sales pitches by individual salesperson.

» estrategia que ahorra dineromoney saver .

Example: It's possible that a no fines policy at the library could be a real money saver.

» estrategia que ahorra trabajolabour saver .

Example: It is difficult to assess the economics of on-line systems, but most have proved to be labour savers.

» formular una estrategiaformulate + a strategy .

Example: The teams must analyze the requests and formulate a strategy to locate the desired information.

» idear estrategiasstrategise [strategize, -USA] .

Example: A team of seventy senior managers has been formed to strategise and chart the company's course in the current economic slowdown.

» planear estrategiasstrategise [strategize, -USA] .

Example: A team of seventy senior managers has been formed to strategise and chart the company's course in the current economic slowdown.

» seguir una estrategiatake + a tack .

Example: The tack taken will depend on the librarian's estimate of the inquirer.

Estrategia synonyms

scheme in spanish: esquema, pronunciation: skim part of speech: noun
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