Estos in english


pronunciation: ðiz part of speech: none
In gestures

este2 = present ; such ; this. 

Example: We are going to use the data elements defined in the present document as a base from which to begin.Example: Preferential relationships generally indicate preferred terms or descriptors and distinguish such terms from non-descriptors or non-preferred terms.Example: In this chapter a review of the development of cataloguing codes is given in order to explain and place in context the nature of modern cataloguing codes.


» a este finto this end .

Example: To this end some consultative procedure is to be recommended.

» a este pasoat this rate .

Example: At this rate, Bryant has a chance to become the greatest scorer the NBA has ever seen.

» a este respectoin this respect .

Example: The socio-political reform now under way in Hungary requires renewal from librarianship as well, and one may draw on the author's ideas in this respect.

» a este ritmoat this rate .

Example: At this rate, Bryant has a chance to become the greatest scorer the NBA has ever seen.

» al hacer estoby so doingin so doingin doing so .

Example: By so doing the public library might well take upon itself a distinctive role in the community's pattern of communication.

Example: The next step is individual planning, which each library must do, and in so doing, it must provide the services that represent the goals of that library.

Example: The task of a modern information system is to describe such unformatted data automatically and in doing so, to support the user in storing and especially in retrieving natural language documents.

» a partir de estoon this basis .

Example: On this basis innovative programmes would provide graduates with in-demand skills to complement the currently dominant model of technology-driven programmes.

» como estolike this .

Example: And as small as Iowa as, I think something like this can have a far larger effect than you might realize if you live in a large industrial area.

» como ocurre en estos casosas is the way with these things .

Example: As is the way with these things there were two conflicting criticisms levelled at the joint code.

» con este finto that effect .

Example: It was dangerous but NASA made provisions to that effect.

» con estoby so doingin so doingin thisby doing soby thisin doing so .

Example: By so doing the public library might well take upon itself a distinctive role in the community's pattern of communication.

Example: The next step is individual planning, which each library must do, and in so doing, it must provide the services that represent the goals of that library.

Example: In this it helps the user to recognise the structure of the scheme and to identify general subjects and their associated subdivisions.

Example: By doing so, librarians find hot spots on the Web that contain information germane to a user's query.

Example: By this, Obama didn't simply mean that their views were more nuanced than many outsiders understood.

Example: The task of a modern information system is to describe such unformatted data automatically and in doing so, to support the user in storing and especially in retrieving natural language documents.

» cosas como éstathings like this .

Example: Things like this happen all the time and there is nothing we can do to stop them.

» cosas como éstasthings like these .

Example: Things like these can happen once in a while.

» de esta formain this way .

Example: In this way, the need for a strong central organization is reduced, though it still exists = De este modo, se reduce la necesidad de una organización central fuerte, aunque ésta aún siga existiendo.

» de esta manerain this mannerin this way .

Example: When paying fines in this manner, it is not possible to specify the order of payment of the fines.

Example: In this way, the need for a strong central organization is reduced, though it still exists = De este modo, se reduce la necesidad de una organización central fuerte, aunque ésta aún siga existiendo.

» de este modoby this meansin so doingthis waythusin this wayin doing sothusly .

Example: By this means they both facilitate the searching for, and retrieval of, a document.

Example: The next step is individual planning, which each library must do, and in so doing, it must provide the services that represent the goals of that library.

Example: This way the type of fund is immediately obvious from the list of funds.

Example: Truuskee Sanders, NBLC organiser for the Children's Panel, feels that the press attach too great importance to the books thus selected.

Example: In this way, the need for a strong central organization is reduced, though it still exists = De este modo, se reduce la necesidad de una organización central fuerte, aunque ésta aún siga existiendo.

Example: The task of a modern information system is to describe such unformatted data automatically and in doing so, to support the user in storing and especially in retrieving natural language documents.

Example: In hell, the avaricious are divided into the hoarders and the wasters, and we find them thusly divided here in purgatory though sharing in the same purification .

» de esto, de lo otro y de lo de más alláabout this and that and everything else .

Example: They talked for a good half hour about this and that and everything else while their boys played.

» de esto y de lo otroabout this and that .

Example: They all met in the cafes to argue about this and that, to discuss their work, politics and philosophy.

» de nuevo en este casohere again .

Example: Here again the documents of the subject area, such as periodical articles and research reports, will provide the terms to be included in the language.

» desde esta misma perspectivaalong the same lines .

Example: This has provided several new schedules for the revised edition, and substantial progress has been made in working out others along the same lines.

» dicho estothat said .

Example: That said, India, in my estimation, will take some beating.

» directamente hacia el estedue east .

Example: An azimuth of 0 degrees is due north, 90 degrees is due east, 180 degrees is due south, and 270 is due west.

» durante este períodoin the course of eventsduring the course of events .

Example: In the course of the events and also thereafter, rumors spread that they were perpetrating a massacre.

Example: Questionnaires will be collected from participants during the course of the events over an 18-month period.

» en el momento de escribir estas líneasat the time of writing .

Example: At the time of writing, a 'value statement' is being prepared by the group together with guidelines for determining such local objectives and related performance measures.

» en ese sentidoon that count .

Example: On that count, then, oppressive governments are not the only threats to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

» en esta época del añoat this time of (the) year .

Example: At this time of year, the boats at the floating market are full to the gunwales with sweet potatoes, cabbages, carrots and spring onions.

» en este casoin this casein this instance .

Example: In this case, however, summer vacation resulted in universities and other institutions closing down completely right in the middle of her stay.

Example: In this instance, she worked successfully for years while taking her prescription medication, but they simply rejected her out of hand.

» en este caso en particularin this particular case .

Example: In this particular case, the district has 27 school libraries and 49 kindergarten libraries.

» en este contextoagainst this background .

Example: Against this background, the impact of introducing on-line facilities in 1976 is studied.

» en este documentoherein .

Example: The ideas contained herein will be central issues for consideration in the foreseeable future.

» en este mismo sentidoalong the same lines .

Example: This has provided several new schedules for the revised edition, and substantial progress has been made in working out others along the same lines.

» en este momentoat this stageright nowat this moment .

Example: At this stage we need not worry about the precise nature of this information.

Example: At these words he gulped loudly, spilling his coffee recklessly, and then said 'Right now!'.

Example: But, at this moment, all the tattle is slowly transforming into facts and even leaks from the company, with or without intention.

» en este períodoin the course of eventsduring the course of events .

Example: In the course of the events and also thereafter, rumors spread that they were perpetrating a massacre.

Example: Questionnaires will be collected from participants during the course of the events over an 18-month period.

» en este puntoat this pointin this respect .

Example: At this point the user can enter a number or an 'o' for system, in which case the system will assign the borrower number.

Example: The socio-political reform now under way in Hungary requires renewal from librarianship as well, and one may draw on the author's ideas in this respect.

» en este respectoon that count .

Example: On that count, then, oppressive governments are not the only threats to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

» en este sentidoalong these linesin this connectionin this directionin this senseon this scoreto that effect .

Example: Not so much has been done along these lines, beyond the bounds of arithmetic, as might be done, primarily because of the economics of the situation.

Example: In this connection, Ohmes and Jones of the Florida State University Library have offered some rather penetrating insights regarding what they call 'The Other Half of Cataloging'.

Example: However, its potential in this direction became evident, and in 1966 a catalogue card service was started.

Example: In other words, the elements of any single case may point to several concepts; in this sense, the cases are like icebergs -- more is hidden han appears on the surface.

Example: Abstracting journals especially suffer on this score because the preparation and inclusion of abstracts is time-consuming.

Example: It was dangerous but NASA made provisions to that effect.

» en estos casosin these cases .

Example: The control function is, in these cases, not one exercised by the bibliographer but by a political power much superior.

» en estos tiemposin this day and age .

Example: In this day and age the library sociologist cannot do without using the word 'class' in the library context.

» entre éstos se incluyenamongst these are numbered .

Example: Amongst these are numbered: some specific legal and governmental works, such as laws, decrees, treaties; works that record the collective thought of a body, for example, reports of commissions and committees; and various cartographic materials.

» estathis .

Example: In this chapter a review of the development of cataloguing codes is given in order to explain and place in context the nature of modern cataloguing codes.

» esta es la oportunidad de + Nombrehere's + Nombre/Pronombre + chance .

Example: He then said: 'Here's your chance!'.

» esta es la pegathere's the rubhere's the rubthat's the rubthere's the catchthat's the catchhere's the catch .

Example: And there's the rub, as far as California is concerned we don't stand a very good chance in this competition.

Example: But here's the rub: If there is nothing problematic about something -- say, homosexuality -- then there is really nothing to tolerate.

Example: Of course, that's the rub when you're working with a brother more famous than you.

Example: There's the catch: everything comes with a cost.

Example: That's the catch: life almost never goes according to plan.

Example: There is still reason for hope, but here's the catch: We all need to work to make change happen, because our leaders won't just do it for us.

» ésta es la razón por la quethis is why .

Example: This is why it holds such potential for the reference librarian.

» esta es + Pronombre + oportunidadhere's + Nombre/Pronombre + chance .

Example: He then said: 'Here's your chance!'.

» ¡esta es tu oportunidad!here's your chance! .

Example: 'Here's your chance!' he smiled with entire good nature.

» esta mañanaearly today .

Example: Gangs of youths throwing gasoline bombs clashed with the police in running battles on the streets of Londonderry early today.

» esta mañana tempranoearly this morning .

Example: Sarah was rushed to the hospital early this morning with a ruptured appendix and peritonitis.

» esta nochetonighttonite [Forma alternativa coloquial de escribir tonight] .

Example: In December, Mars will be twice as bright as it is tonight, staging its brightest appearance until the year 2016!.

Example: The next concert will be tonite and tomorrow night.

» esta vezthis time (a)roundthis time .

Example: It is the complacency and lack of reflectiveness surrounding machines, not the machines themselves, that need to be smashed this time round.

Example: His heart is telling him to hang on for dear life because deep down he knows she's letting go for good this time.

» éste es también el caso dethe same is true (for/of/with) .

Example: The same is true for most automated library systems = Éste es también el caso de la mayoría de los sistemas bibliotecarios automatizados.

» éste no es el caso ennot so in .

Example: Not so in medicine, where if you are wrong good intentions count for almost nothing.

» este tipo desuch .

Example: Preferential relationships generally indicate preferred terms or descriptors and distinguish such terms from non-descriptors or non-preferred terms.

» este tipo de cosasthis sort of thing .

Example: Large corporate bureaucracies like those of traditional music and movie publishers do this sort of thing much better than most little beginner 'startups' do.

» esto es asíthis is the case .

Example: If this is the case, the definition will have to be used by the design and programming staff to build the system.

» esto no ocurre en el caso dethe same is not true (for/of/with) .

Example: The same is not true, of course, of the humanities or social sciences, where the method is less likely to be successful.

» esto no quiere decir quethis is not to say that .

Example: This is not to say that every book was proofed in three definable stages, for some books were less proofed than others.

» esto no se debe hacer asíthis just won't do .

Example: We know, as information professionals, that this just won't do.

» esto no valethis just won't do .

Example: We know, as information professionals, that this just won't do.

» estosthese .

Example: These institutes brought together some of the most influential people in the field to discuss the technological environment created by library automation in the 1970s.

» estos díasthese days .

Example: Some authors, of course, object to their work being subjected to compulsory dissection for exams in the traditional deadly manner and like Bernard Shaw, they swear to haunt anyone who so mistreats them (Shaw's ghost must be busy these days).

» estos dos últimos mesesthese past two months .

Example: I've been having a rough time these past two months getting over a breakup.

» estos primeros añosthese early years .

Example: These early years were her first encounter with the wonders of nature that continue to fire her imagination.

» hace poco esta (misma) mañanaearlier (on) this morning .

Example: A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Chile earlier this morning with several large aftershocks.

» hace poco esta (misma) semanaearlier (on) this week .

Example: Police have identified two teenagers and a baby who were shot to death earlier this week.

» hace poco esta (misma) tardeearlier (on) this evening .

Example: She was rear ended earlier on this evening on her way back from work, hard enough to knock off her rear bumper.

» hace poco este (mismo) añoearlier (on) this year [Pero siempre dentro de este año en el que estamos] .

Example: He was discharged from the Navy earlier this year for testing positive for cocaine use.

» hace poco este (mismo) mediodíaearlier (on) this afternoon .

Example: I took an antidepressant earlier this afternoon and can notice feeling just that bit calmer, although I know I have a long road ahead.

» hace poco este (mismo) mesearlier (on) this month .

Example: He came close to death when he was hospitalised earlier this month following a 'small emotional breakdown'.

» hacer esto y aquello de un modo relajadopootlepiddle around/aboutpiss about/around .

Example: It's more advisable to have a cheap and skanky bike for pootling around town, the idea being that no-one would want to nick a nasty looking bike.

Example: After piddling around most of the morning yesterday, my sis, her husband Fred, and my parents came over to celebrate Christmas Day.

Example: The band pissed about for the first half year, and then set to work.

» hacer esto y aquello sin prisaspootlepot about/aroundpotter about/aroundmooch about/around .

Example: It's more advisable to have a cheap and skanky bike for pootling around town, the idea being that no-one would want to nick a nasty looking bike.

Example: In the meantime, we went back into town and just potted around trying to kill some hours before we had to leave.

Example: In a study that has been conducted on people above the age of 60, it has been found that activities like pottering around the garden or even fixing house can help in living a longer life.

Example: The kids and I went on an outing to Petone to walk on the beach and mooch around the shops and cafes.

» hacer los trámites normales en estos casosdo + the dance .

Example: I actually flew out on a job interview, did the dance, and flew home, all without knowing anything about what the company was willing to pay.

» hace unas horas esta (misma) mañanaearlier (on) this morning .

Example: A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Chile earlier this morning with several large aftershocks.

» hace unas horas esta (misma) tardeearlier (on) this evening .

Example: She was rear ended earlier on this evening on her way back from work, hard enough to knock off her rear bumper.

» hace unas horas este (mismo) mediodíaearlier (on) this afternoon .

Example: I took an antidepressant earlier this afternoon and can notice feeling just that bit calmer, although I know I have a long road ahead.

» hace unos días esta (misma) semanaearlier (on) this week .

Example: Police have identified two teenagers and a baby who were shot to death earlier this week.

» hace unos meses este (mismo) añoearlier (on) this year [Pero siempre dentro de este año en el que estamos] .

Example: He was discharged from the Navy earlier this year for testing positive for cocaine use.

» haciendo estoby so doingby doing so .

Example: By so doing the public library might well take upon itself a distinctive role in the community's pattern of communication.

Example: By doing so, librarians find hot spots on the Web that contain information germane to a user's query.

» letra cuya impresión en papel no está completabroken letter .

Example: And if you examine a certain page where you will find a broken letter in one, then you will also find it in the other one.

» más adelante este añolater (on) this yearlater in the year .

Example: Clearly, both political parties are making an all-out effort to woo young and first-time voters in the state which goes to polls later this year.

Example: Hi, I am visiting the hotel later in the year for a wedding and have a query about the rooms.

» no ser ni esto ni (tampoco) eso/aquellobe neither this nor that .

Example: I do not say that it is not, nor do I say that it is neither this nor that = No digo que no sea, ni tampoco digo que no sea ni esto ni aquello.

» nunca digas de este agua no beberénever say never .

Example: I learned in life to never say never about all kinds of things.

» para esta época del añofor the time of year .

Example: Wear appropriate footwear, and wear clothing appropriate for the time of year.

» para estotherefor [Forma arcaica usada en la actualidad principalmente en documentos legales] .

Example: Herein is described a definable unified control unit, and a language therefor to define its operation.

» para hacer estoin this .

Example: In this he may be assisted by the opportunity to use truncation, alphabetical lists of terms showing word variants, and so on.

» para que este sea el casofor this to be the case .

Example: For this to be the case requires some standardisation in cataloguing and classifications practices.

» para que esto sea asífor this to be the case .

Example: For this to be the case requires some standardisation in cataloguing and classifications practices.

» partiendo de estoon that basis .

Example: On that basis, consistency rose significantly, with 81% agreement among the three indexers = Como consecuencia, la coincidencia aumentó significativamente, obteniéndose una coincidencia del 81% entre los tres indizadores.

» pensando en estowith this/that in mind .

Example: With that in mind, both girls were all set to go to Mindoro but the circumstances made it extra difficult for them to reach their destination.

» por esta razónfor this reason .

Example: Nevertheless, it is important to envisage the appearance of a catalogue and for this reason we shall refer, almost exclusively, to the widely adopted card catalogue.

» por este caminodown this road .

Example: Continue down this road, crossing various traffic lights, in a southerly direction, until the Rondebult intersection = Continúe por este camino, cruzando varios semáforos, en dirección sur, hasta la intersección Rondebult.

» por este motivofor this reason .

Example: Nevertheless, it is important to envisage the appearance of a catalogue and for this reason we shall refer, almost exclusively, to the widely adopted card catalogue.

» por estothusaccordinglythereforebecause of this .

Example: It is thus that the library makes itself almost impossible to get along without.

Example: If the edition of the work is emphasised, then the work is entered accordingly as an edition of the original work.

Example: This is particularly convenient therefore for our present purposes.

Example: Because of this, it is very important that couples learn how to handle petty fights in their relationship = Debido a esto, es muy importante que las parejas aprendan a tratar las disputas sin importancia que surjan en sus relaciones.

» presentado desde esta perspectivacast in this light .

Example: Cast in this light, it would be possible to assign categories of input to libraries across the country.

» seguir los trámites normales en estos casosdo + the dance .

Example: I actually flew out on a job interview, did the dance, and flew home, all without knowing anything about what the company was willing to pay.

» serlo todo en este mundo paramean + the world to .

Example: Judeline is a shy twenty-four year old young lady, mom of a two year old boy who means the world to her.

» solamente esta vezjust this once .

Example: Whether you do voice-overs all the time or just this once, take care of yourself -- a good night's sleep and a liter or two of water every day is a great start.

» sólo esta vezjust this once .

Example: Whether you do voice-overs all the time or just this once, take care of yourself -- a good night's sleep and a liter or two of water every day is a great start.

» teniendo esto como telón de fondoagainst this background .

Example: Against this background, the impact of introducing on-line facilities in 1976 is studied.

» teniendo esto como trasfondoagainst this background .

Example: Against this background, the impact of introducing on-line facilities in 1976 is studied.

» teniendo esto presentewith this/that in mind .

Example: With that in mind, both girls were all set to go to Mindoro but the circumstances made it extra difficult for them to reach their destination.

» todo estothe whole thing .

Example: The truth is that I'm pretty upset about the whole thing and don't have very warm feelings towards the makers of these products.

» una vez dicho estohaving said that .

Example: Having said that, I try not to look at things through rose coloured glasses to the point where I'm out of touch with reality.

estos = these. 

Example: These institutes brought together some of the most influential people in the field to discuss the technological environment created by library automation in the 1970s.
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