Estilo in english


pronunciation: staɪl part of speech: noun
In gestures

estilo = form ; delivery ; hand ; idiom ; writing style ; style ; panache. 

Example: It is under the chosen form of heading that the catalogue entry for a particular document is filed and hence located.Example: Just as delivery must be tuned to suit the kind of material chosen, so must the language used to tell a story.Example: The Aldine greek was based on a much admired humanistic cursive hand which relied for its good looks on a multiplicity of alternative letters, ligatures, and contractions.Example: Using a popular idiom, we might inquire, 'Is this the real McCoy'?.Example: Above all the journal wishes to provide research and comment in a form that is easily and quickly understood: a fresh, rigorous, but unfussy, writing style is what is aimed for.Example: The dialogue style is well-suited to occasional and novice users but can be slow.Example: It is a richly documented, smoothly narrated, and lavishly illustrated study by a historian who knows his stuff and tells it with panache.


» al estilo dea laalong the linesin the mould of .

Example: To explain, I could only invoke rather mystical language like 'bibliographic purity' (somewhat a la Panizzi) to explain why she was not finding Aleichem under ALEICHEM, but rather under Rabinowitz.

Example: In other words, general classification schemes are discipline-oriented if they are constructed along the lines indicated so far.

Example: The public library system in India is still in the mould of the 19th century scholarship.

» al estilo de los índices de materiasubject-type .

Example: Subject-type title indexes have two important attractions.

» al estilo de + Nombrein a + Nombre + sort of way .

Example: The book is mildly entertaining in a gossip column sort of way.

» al estilo militarmilitary-style .

Example: The restaurant has a well-uniformed security guard, with military-style chevrons on the shoulders and a beret on his head.

» con estilostylish  ; classy [classier -comp., classiest -sup.]  ; sleek [sleeker -comp., sleekest -sup.]  .

Example: A number of innovative initiatives have resulted in stylish new public libraries.

Example: Made from stainless steel, this soup tureen will look the part on any classy buffet line.

Example: Box rooms can accommodate all your belongings and with some fittings and sleek sliding doors can be seamlessly turned into a walk-in wardrobe.

» con gustostylishly .

Example: This fall as the weather gets cooler be sure to make the most of fall fashion, read our guide on how to adjust stylishly to the weather.

» corrector de estilostyle checkercopy editor [copyeditor]subeditor .

Example: Additional results using the RightWriter style checker are also reported.

Example: The relationship between author and copy editor is not always smooth because their needs and wants are different.

Example: Newspapers have found it difficult to recruit subeditors over the last few years.

» corregir el estilocopy edit [copyedit] .

Example: Publishers make sure that all the books they publish are copy edited before being sent to the printer.

» dar estilo astyle .

Example: In some cases fat was used as a fixative to style the hair, much like modern hair gel.

» del estilo de los directoriosdirectory-type .

Example: This is likely to be particularly important for directory-type data bases and other full text data bases, such as electronic journals.

» despedirse con estilogo out in + style .

Example: I thank all your staff for the help in the arranging of my mother's funeral -- I feel you have done her proud and that she has gone out in style.

» error de estilostylistic error .

Example: Close examination of many recent technical publications reveals an increase in stylistic and grammatical errors.

» esquí estilo librefreestyle skiing .

Example: Some evidence of home advantage was found in figure skating, freestyle skiing, ski jumping, and alpine skiing.

» estilo abstractoabstract style .

Example: The author discusses the abstract style and patterns of Norwegian folk art, especially weaving, embroidery, and wood carving.

» estilo ampulosoturgid styleplethoric style .

Example: That is not to say his writing is without merit, despite his turgid style, the stories themselves can be strangely effective.

Example: Many of the revisions they suggest exacerbate the leaden, plethoric style that comes naturally to lawyers .

» estilo arquitectónicoarchitectural style .

Example: Throughout history, architectural styles have been primarily and distinctively regional.

» estilo artísticoartistic style .

Example: Manga comics utilize the highly distinctive artistic styles found in Japenese comic books and Anime (animated cartoons) = Los comics manga utilizan estilos artísticos muy peculiares típicos de los tebeos y Anime (dibujos animados) japoneses.

» estilo baratokitsch .

Example: Quality has deteriorated both through the arrival of Western style kitsch.

» estilo barrocoflorid style .

Example: He used the florid style of the day, but was not one to exaggerate.

» estilo bibliotecariolibrary chic [Nuevo estilo de vestir y arreglarse como una bibliotecaria chapada a la antigua ] .

Example: Library chic is a fashion style that uses elements of, or is inspired by, the styles stereotypically attributed to librarians.

» estilo de aprendizajelearning style .

Example: These findings may have implications for those concerned with student learning styles and absorptive capacity.

» estilo de gestiónmanagerial stylemanagement style .

Example: Factors to be taken into consideration include: managerial style; attitude to personnel and customers; the importance of information technology; corporate culture; criteria for creativity; charisma; and the role of quality.

Example: These are some of the personal habits and management styles that make a good/bad library director.

» estilo de la casahouse style [En la corrección de pruebas, manera de presentar información (puntuación, uso de las mayúsculas, cursivas, etc.) típico de una editorial] .

Example: Many academic publishers insist upon any references supplied to books and papers being cited in their particular house style.

» estilo de nataciónswimming stroke .

Example: The butterfly stroke is one of the fastest of all swimming strokes.

» estilo de pelohairstyle .

Example: Good looking goatees are no longer just the signature facial hairstyle for beatniks.

» estilo de resumirabstracting style .

Example: Each abstracting organisation must consider many factors before settling upon a specific abstracting format and style.

» estilo de vidalifestyle [life style/life-style]style of lifeway of lifelife choices [Generalmente usado en el plural] .

Example: Through guided discussions of novels that represent different lifestyles and backgrounds librarians and teachers can help students deal with their own differences and those that they see in others.

Example: For he prided himself on being the leader of Boston's brahmin class, and his hallmark was a conservative and aristocratic style of life = Porque él se enorgullecía de ser el líder de la clase superior de Boston y su sello personal era un estilo de vida aristocrático y conservador.

Example: EEC's activities provoke general interest only when they seem to pose a threat to yet another aspect of the British way of life.

Example: While Americans break marriages often when disloyalty occurs, Indian couples choose to be hypocrites than review their life choices.

» estilo de vida alternativoalternative life-style .

Example: Incredibly, for instance, there are still no direct and specific LC headings for MEN'S LIBERATION, DISCOTHEQUE DANCES, CLONES AND CLONING, or alternative life-styles.

» estilo de vida despreocupadocarefree lifestyle .

Example: We started this company to embrace a peaceful, carefree lifestyle and rid ourselves of negativity.

» estilo de vida ruralcountry lifestyle .

Example: Prince Albert properties offer excellent value for money for buyers wanting to downscale to a quieter, less costly country lifestyle.

» estilo de vida sedentariosedentary lifestyle .

Example: As if unhealthy food and a sedentary lifestyle weren't enough to make us roly polies, P.E (physical exercise) classes disappeared from the school curriculum.

» estilo directodirect speechdirect discourse .

Example: In particular, the paper deals with direct speech, indirect speech, irony, and deceit in children with autism.

Example: As rhetorical mechanisms, direct and indirect discourse are used to privilege certain characters over others in terms of social or moral standing.

» estilo emblemáticosignature style .

Example: Lu Flux's signature style is playful and eccentric and her pink grass skirt is no exception.

» estilo eslovenoSlovenica .

Example: The article 'Libraries in profile: a look at Harvard's Slovenica' describes the history and composition of the Slovenian collection in the University of Harvard Libraries.

» estilo floridoflorid style .

Example: He used the florid style of the day, but was not one to exaggerate.

» estilo góticoGothic style .

Example: Users can zoom in to examine intricate details of the cathedral's Gothic style of architecture.

» estilo indirectoindirect speechindirect discourse .

Example: In particular, the paper deals with direct speech, indirect speech, irony, and deceit in children with autism.

Example: As rhetorical mechanisms, direct and indirect discourse are used to privilege certain characters over others in terms of social or moral standing.

» estilo librefreestyle .

Example: Originally, the World Wide Web was used only for freestyle unrestricted browsing and its foundation technologies reflect this.

» estilo literarioliterary stylewriting style .

Example: The author who can vary his terminology to maintain the reader's interest is a handicap to the indexer, who is more concerned with the ideas conveyed than with the niceties of a graceful literary style.

Example: Above all the journal wishes to provide research and comment in a form that is easily and quickly understood: a fresh, rigorous, but unfussy, writing style is what is aimed for.

» estilo periodísticojournalese .

Example: A constant annoyance in news writing is journalese -- a trade jargon that relies on worn-out, copycat, cliche-ridden phrasing.

» estilo perritodoggy style .

Example: It's a common accident during doggy style sex to stick your wood in the wrong hole.

» estilo personalindividual stylepersona [personae, -pl.] .

Example: So long as the department carries out its responsibilities well and violate no regulations, there is little likelihood that the library director will attempt to impose his or her individual style of management on the independent section head.

Example: In his early years he consciously emulated both the painterly style and persona of the much-admired artist Drouais, who became something of a cult figure in early 19th c. Paris.

» estilo pobreimpoverished style .

Example: His work is criticized for its triviality, quantity, linguistically impoverished style, anemia of characterization, and cliched, stereotyped ideas and plots.

» estilo rústicorustic style .

Example: Homes filled with wood furniture in a rustic style lend themselves to warm white light, whereas white furniture looks better in cool white light.

» estilo telegráficotelegraphese .

Example: Length is also a function of style and most abstracts, though avoiding clipped telegraphese, have certain stylistic features which help to keep wordage to a minimum.

» estilo tipográficotypographical style .

Example: One of the duties of the compositors is to ensure that the typographical 'style' of the result -- the spelling, capitalization, punctuation, italicization, and abbreviation, which we call the accidentals -- accords with the conventions of the time and place.

» estilo tradicionaltraditional style .

Example: Traditional style scientific articles can be downloaded from it to laser printers, bypassing the journal printing process.

» exudar estiloooze + style .

Example: Everything about this wine farm oozes style and class.

» fiel a + Posesivo + estilotrue to form .

Example: She is well known for putting twists on classic designs and her new collection is true to form.

» freír al estilo chinostir-fry [En poco aceite y removiendo constantemente] .

Example: Sometimes the vegetables are left raw, sometimes stir-fried, parboiled, boiled, or steamed.

» frito al estilo chinostir-fry [En poco aceite y removiendo constantemente] .

Example: In the spring, the plant produces long pointed leaves known as garlic shoots which can be used in salads and stir-fries.

» guía de estilostyle guideline .

Example: Consistency is the key design principle for all online information, and style guidelines are the way to achieve that key design principle.

» hoja de estilostyle sheet [En edición, hoja que recoge las instrucciones relativas a la presentación de los artículos que una revista contiene o envía para los autores] .

Example: The editor of this journal sends a style sheet to authors and a reminder to pay special attention to citing references.

» índices de títulos al estilo de los índices de materiasubject-type title indexes .

Example: Subject-type title indexes have two important attractions.

» mantenerse fiel a + Posesivo + estilostay + true to formremain + true to form .

Example: I have stayed true to form in crafting songs that express stories from my own life experience and have poured my heart into each one.

Example: Will the couple remain true to form and laugh off -- even ridicule -- the tabloids for speculating on their lives, as has been their custom in the past?.

» manual de estilostyle manual [Libro editado generalmente por una asociación u otro organismos en el que se detallan reglas relativas a la puntuación, modo de presentar las citas bibliográficas, todo tipo de notas y referencias, etc. que los escritores, editores, etc. deben seguir]style guideline .

Example: This was also true of style manuals in the same subject, which were checked to determine what would-be authors were being told to do.

Example: Consistency is the key design principle for all online information, and style guidelines are the way to achieve that key design principle.

» Manual de Estilo de ChicagoChicago Manual of Style .

Example: This article reviews Microsoft's Bookshelf: a CD-ROM data base containing 10 important writing tools (Roget's 2: Electronic Thesaurus, American Heritage Dictionary, Chicago Manual of Style etc).

» Manual de Estilo de la MLA, elMLA Style Manual, the [Manual de Estilo de la Asociación de Lenguas Modernas americana. Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: This is an aid to producing properly sorted bibliographies in the format established in the MLA Style Manual.

» natación estilo librefreestyle swimming .

Example: In freestyle swimming any stroke may be used, but the crawl, considered the speediest, is almost always favored.

» o cosas por el estiloor whatnotor what have youor something of that natureor something of that sortor anything like thator something like that .

Example: The immediate representatives of the public are the trustees; the secondary representatives are members of the appropriating body -- the city council, the state legislature or what not.

Example: Then drink the liquid: hot or cold, salty or sweetened, with milk or whiskey or what have you.

Example: If you are trying to break up a cat fight or something to that nature pick it up by the scruff of the neck.

Example: Fidgety people are rarely well, they have generally `a headache,' or `spasms,' or `nerves,' or something of that sort.

Example: Usually, when I have trouble sleeping it's not because I feel wrong or anything like that, it just happens.

Example: Anyone found guilty of having an annoying ring tone should be sentenced to several years of hard labour, breaking rocks in a quarry or something like that.

» rezumar estiloooze + style .

Example: Everything about this wine farm oozes style and class.

» seguir fiel a + Posesivo + estilostay + true to formremain + true to form .

Example: I have stayed true to form in crafting songs that express stories from my own life experience and have poured my heart into each one.

Example: Will the couple remain true to form and laugh off -- even ridicule -- the tabloids for speculating on their lives, as has been their custom in the past?.

» según el estilo americanoin the American style .

Example: In the American style, one cuts the food by holding the knife in the right hand and the fork in the left hand with the fork tines piercing the food to secure it on the plate.

» según el estilo españolin the Spanish style .

Example: After the Spanish defeated the Inca in the 1530s, they rebuilt Peru's cities in the Spanish style.

» según el estilo inglésin the English style .

Example: Watch as a seasoned horseback rider demonstrates how to tie up your horse before saddling it in the English style.

» siguiendo un estilo indicativoindicatively .

Example: Parts of the abstract are written in the informative style, whilst those points which are of less significance are treated indicatively.

» sin estilodowdy [dowdier -comp., dowdiest -sup.]  .

Example: This article shows how the dowdy and boring image of the stereotypical librarian as presented in fiction, taints the portrayal of all who work in libraries.

» vivir un estilo de vida saludablelive + a healthy lifestyle .

Example: If you want to live a healthy lifestyle, you will need to manage the stress in your life so that it does not overtake you.

» vivir un estilo de vida sanolive + a healthy lifestyle .

Example: If you want to live a healthy lifestyle, you will need to manage the stress in your life so that it does not overtake you.

» y cosas por el estiloand whatnotand what have you .

Example: I'd been toying with the idea of having my hair cut at a hairdressing academy for a while and took the plunge when my hair got out of control with split ends and whatnot.

Example: Yes, I have eyes; I realise Blanchett is extremely attractive and talented and what have you.

Estilo synonyms

way in spanish: camino, pronunciation: weɪ part of speech: noun cut in spanish: cortar, pronunciation: kʌt part of speech: verb, noun fashion in spanish: Moda, pronunciation: fæʃən part of speech: noun mode in spanish: modo, pronunciation: moʊd part of speech: noun dash in spanish: guión, pronunciation: dæʃ part of speech: noun, verb trend in spanish: tendencia, pronunciation: trend part of speech: noun panache in spanish: estilo, pronunciation: pənɑʃ part of speech: noun elan in spanish: vivacidad, pronunciation: ilən part of speech: noun flair in spanish: instinto, pronunciation: fler part of speech: noun manner in spanish: manera, pronunciation: mænɜr part of speech: noun tailor in spanish: Sastre, pronunciation: teɪlɜr part of speech: noun, verb vogue in spanish: moda, pronunciation: voʊg part of speech: noun stylus in spanish: aguja, pronunciation: staɪləs part of speech: noun expressive style in spanish: estilo expresivo, pronunciation: ɪkspresɪvstaɪl part of speech: noun
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