Estereotipo in english


pronunciation: steriətaɪp part of speech: noun
In gestures

estereotipar = stereotype. 

Example: But, while people are complimented by having their interests recognized, very often they deeply resent being summarily categorized or stereotyped.

estereotipo = stereotype. 

Example: They make us look like the stereotype of old fogies.


» caja de fundir estereotiposcasting-box [casting box] [En imprenta, recipiente que contenía el molde sobre el que se fundía el estereotipo] .

Example: Flong moulds could be fitted into curved casting-boxes to make plates for rotary presses.

» estereotipo de génerogender stereotype .

Example: Instead of challenging gender stereotypes, the book's maligners say it digs deeper into the hackneyed idea that women are subservient to men.

» estereotipo nacionalnational stereotype .

Example: This article presents an analysis of a story published in the collection 'Badger on the barge' in 1984 to illustrate to what literary uses national stereotypes can be put.

» estereotipo racialracial stereotype .

Example: Many publications perpetuate racial and national stereotypes = Muchas publicaciones perpetuan los estereotipos raciales y nacionales.

Estereotipo synonyms

stamp in spanish: sello, pronunciation: stæmp part of speech: noun, verb pigeonhole in spanish: encasillar, pronunciation: pɪdʒənhoʊl part of speech: noun, verb
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