Estante in english


pronunciation: ʃelf part of speech: noun
In gestures

estante = shelf [shelves, -pl.] ; display rack ; rack. 

Example: Guides to individual sets of books on a specific shelf.Example: Some display racks are designed so that the sloping display shelf lifts up to reveal storage space underneath for back issues.Example: Conversely, in the era of paperbacks, the community might decide that the library's main goal ought to be the provision of books and other materials not available on the drugstore rack.


» colocación del material de vuelta en los estantesshelving [En biblioteconomía, tarea que consiste en la devolución del material que se ha usado a su emplazamiento original normalmente por parte del personal de la biblioteca] .

Example: The article 'Cavalry to the rescue' describes how a library experimented with the use of temporary employees for the purpose of shelving and shelf reading.

» colocación de los documentos de vuelta en los estantesreshelving  .

Example: Reshelving by users could explain the discrepancy.

» colocar de nuevo en los estantesreshelve [re-shelve]  .

Example: The borrower should be informed that he may not borrow the book, which is then reshelved.

» colocar en los estantesshelve .

Example: The document arrangement adopted is often broken, in the sense that documents in libraries are rarely shelved in one single and self-evident sequence.

» estante para folletospamphlet rackleaflet rack .

Example: The van has an area that can be curtained off for private interviews, storage for equipment and pamphlet racks.

Example: A feature of the interior of the bus has been the creation of an office at the rear, with seats, table, filing cabinet, leaflet racks and radio-phone.

» estantesshelvesstack .

Example: The scheme is intended to provide a systematic approach to the arrangement of books on shelves.

Example: Large guides to banks of shelving, typically placed on the end of the stack, but possibly also hung overhead or displayed in some other manner close to a bank of shelves.

» estantes giratoriosrevolving wire rack .

Example: The bookshops found in most towns are hybrid affairs dealing in newspapers, magazines, stationery, trinkets and a motley collection of paperbacks in revolving wire racks.

» estantes inclinadosface-out shelving [En una biblioteca, estanterías con baldas inclinadas hacia fuera para poder colocar los libros con la cubierta hacia fuera para facilitar su lectura y atraer la atención del lector] .

Example: Merchandising techniques such as face-out shelving, displays, paperbacks near the checkout area may be used.

» mala colocación en los estantesmisshelving .

Example: The most frequent reason for the misshelving of items in closed stacks was found to be confusion about the proper order of Library of Congress call numbers = Se encontró que la razón más frecuente de la mala colocación en los estantes de los documentos en los fondos de acceso restringido era la confusión sobre el orden correcto de las signatura topográficas de la Biblioteca del Congreso.

» mal ordenado en los estantesmisshelved .

Example: The problem of misshelved books is also considered.

» número de documentos devueltos a los estantesshelving statistics  .

Example: If a study must be conducted of the use made of the reference room, hourly head counts, shelving statistics, and inquiries as to the users' school or industrial affiliation may be employed.

» ordenación en los estanteslateral filing .

Example: Lateral filing is preferable to vertical filing as one does not have to lean over to reach items at the back of a drawer.

» reponer los estantesstock + the shelves .

Example: It reminded me of the time I saw two guys having a smoke while stocking the shelves at the supermarket.

» revisión de los estantesshelf reading [En biblioteconomía, tarea consistente en comprobar que el material de la biblioteca está colocado donde le pertenece de acuerdo con su signatura topográfica] .

Example: The article 'Cavalry to the rescue' describes how a library experimented with the use of temporary employees for the purpose of shelving and shelf reading.

Estante synonyms

ledge in spanish: repisa, pronunciation: ledʒ part of speech: noun
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