Estancamiento in english
pronunciation: stægneɪʃən part of speech: noun
pronunciation: stægneɪʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures
estancamiento = stagnancy ; stagnation ; plateauing ; stasis.
Example: This strategy enables companies to learn of new technologies, stay abreast of dynamic changes and trends, and avoid creative stagnancy.Example: After a period of decline and stagnation, the Artothek Centre was started as a pilot project in 1983.Example: Plateauing is reaching a stage in work or life where there is no more growth or movement and it can destroy motivation, allegiance, commitment, and productivity.Example: He concludes that in both democracy and art, we have reached a point of stasis in which the show must go on because there is nothing to replace it.more:
» período de estancamiento = plateau [plateaux, -pl.] .
Example: The research is intended to highlight ways forward for librarians at a plateau in their careers.