Estancada in english


pronunciation: əstænkɑdə part of speech: none
In gestures

estancado = stagnant ; stagnating ; moribund ; in (the) doldrums ; stuck. 

Example: Rejuvenation of listless, stagnant, or failing library operations is possible through renewal methods dependent on strengthening the communication function.Example: Library budgets have stopped growing in the present climate of a stagnating economy.Example: Libraries must show that they are not moribund institutions sinking into obsolescence but community catalysts.Example: Thanks to the skewed-up policies of the state government the state's finances are in doldrums.Example: Learn what to do when there is a power outage and how to respond to alarms that signal stuck elevators or that activate security or sprinkler systems.


» agua estancadastagnant waterstagnant backwaterbackwater .

Example: Mud and stagnant water around the road medians was only one reason for the many accidents.

Example: If no such standards can be observed then, it would seem, romantic fiction along with westerns and detective stories must be regarded as some sort of cul-de-sac and rather stagnant backwater quite separate from the main stream of 'literature'.

Example: In addition to enjoying the spectacular view of the river and its backwaters from several vantage points, visitors can take advantage of a variety of year-round recreational opportunities.

» estar estancadobe stuck in a groovebe (stuck) in a rut .

Example: It was like she was stuck in a groove and could not get out of it!.

Example: So if you find yourself stuck in rut ask yourself if living in the past is the problem.

» quedarse estancadostagnate .

Example: This kind of large-scale recasting offers an opportunity for the scheme to go forward rather than stagnate until it is completely taken by events.

estancarse = stall ; run into + the sand(s) ; become + stagnant ; plateau ; reach + a plateau ; hit + a plateau ; plateau out ; deadlock. 

Example: In other instances, however, the pay equity process has been stalled becasue of the reluctance on the part of some municipalities to include library workers in their pay equity plans.Example: The king must have then realised, if he had not already done so, that his efforts to secure an annulment from the pope had run into the sand.Example: Research in the social sciences has become increasingly stagnant and impoverished, largely because of the insistence on using objective, quantitative methods derived from the natural sciences.Example: If you take 2002 as your point of reference, then temperatures have plateaued.Example: The conclusion by the article 'Children's bookstores: applying the brakes' is that the rapid growth in children's bookstores and bookselling, documented in previous surveys, may have finally reached a plateau.Example: When hitting a plateau while losing weight, what steps did you take to overcome it?.Example: It looks like global warming has plateaued out in our region over the past 12 months.Example: Democratic leaders are pillorying Republicans as negotiations are deadlocked over raising money for infrastructure spending.


» estancarse en la rutinabe (stuck) in a rutbe stuck in a groove .

Example: So if you find yourself stuck in rut ask yourself if living in the past is the problem.

Example: It was like she was stuck in a groove and could not get out of it!.
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