Estafador in english
pronunciation: swɪndəlɜr part of speech: noun
pronunciation: swɪndəlɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

estafador = con man ; crook ; swindler ; cheater ; fraudster ; scammer ; cuckoo in the nest ; con artist ; scamster ; fraud ; hoaxer ; hoaxster ; duper ; scam artist ; cheat ; deceiver ; chiseller [chiseler, -USA] ; grifter ; defrauder ; hustler.
Example: His supporters call him a 'smoothie', while his critics generally portray him as a 'glib con man'.Example: The swindling & deception the immigrants encountered often preyed on their Zionist ideology & indeed, some of the crooks were Jewish themselves.Example: The title of the book is 'Net crimes & misdemeanors: outmaneuvering the spammers, swindlers, and stalkers who are targeting you online'.Example: Intenrnet also enables enterprising would-be cheaters to cut and paste material for easy and relatively thought-free composition of essay assignments.Example: The article 'Keeping fraudsters in check' describes computerized systems now being developed to help combat fraud.Example: Phishing (also known as phising or carding) is the practice whereby a scammer who is pretending to be from a legitimate organisation, sends misleading emails requesting personal and financial details from unsuspecting people.Example: This type of relgion is a cuckoo in the nest that, in the name of secular society and pluralism, is pushing out all other gods.Example: This unlikely threesome of a con artist, a hit man, and an idiot find themselves in deep water when their heist doesn't go off as planned.Example: Small business operators can be easy prey for scamsters trying to winkle out money for unsolicited - and unneeded - 'services'.Example: You know what they say, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck, or in this case, a lying, stealing, cheating fraud.Example: In a subsequent call the hoaxer suggested that another bomb had been planted on the highway leading to the airport.Example: This recent tsunami is not the first disaster to be exploited by email hoaxsters.Example: Where the community was at one point solidly cooperative and helpful, it had been overrun by dupers and shysters.Example: Since rumor has it that they are broke and are primarily scam artists, maybe she is trying to earn an honest buck for a change.Example: Whatever the truth is in these cases, the world was reminded yet again that scoundrels, cheats and deceivers abound in the higher echelons of human society.Example: Whatever the truth is in these cases, the world was reminded yet again that scoundrels, cheats and deceivers abound in the higher echelons of human society.Example: Reneging on agreements is not unknown in this business, especially by chisellers who have already tried to screw you.Example: It's amazing that people follow such grifters and con artist as if they are some sort of preacher of liberty.Example: The business community needs to be protected from such defrauders and crooks.Example: They are a bunch of hustlers, charlatans, and parasites -- they invent the most intricate theories and postulates in order to avoid picking up a shovel and working like ordinary people.