Estadístico in english


pronunciation: stətɪstɪkəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

estadístico1 = statistician. 

Example: Survey methodology, the modus operandi of statisticians, is important to professional groups such as librarians as a function of operations management.

estadístico2 = statistical. 

Example: Most of the data bases are bibliographic in nature, but DIALOG does offer some statistical and directory files.


» adecuación estadísticastatistical fit .

Example: The data of both experimental designs was combined and evaluated for the best statistical fit for hardness prediction.

» ajuste estadísticostatistical fit .

Example: The data of both experimental designs was combined and evaluated for the best statistical fit for hardness prediction.

» alfabetización estadísticastatistical literacy .

Example: A need for statistical and spatial literacy education is becoming increasingly recognized by librarians and educators across North America.

» análisis estadísticostatistical analysis .

Example: In computer indexing this will involve statistical analysis of the relative frequency of occurrence of terms.

» análisis estadístico multivariantemultivariate statistical analysis .

Example: Thus 'Multivariate Statistical Analysis for Biologists' is a book about a branch of statistics, using examples from biology.

» bibliografía estadísticastatistical bibliography [Nombre utilizado anteriormente para referirse a los estudios bibliométricos] .

Example: The lines of research leading up to and forming the subfield of bibliometrics are traced from earliest times to 1969, when this term was proposed as a substitute for statistical bibliography.

» capacidad de interpretar información estadísticastatistical literacy .

Example: A need for statistical and spatial literacy education is becoming increasingly recognized by librarians and educators across North America.

» datos estadísticos de la bibliotecalibrary records [En biblioteconomía, datos que mantienen las bibliotecas sobre sus usuarios y el uso que éstos hacen de las mismas]library statistics .

Example: In recent years many US states have passed laws protecting the confidentiality of library records.

Example: The Machlup article about scarcity of library statistics leaves a false impression, for academic librarians collect many useful statistics.

» forma de la curva estadística en su valor más altopeak-shape .

Example: The publication count and published pages vary approximately in parallel, with the peak-shape being flat compared with the trends for author.

» método estadísticostatistical method .

Example: The representativeness of the locally observed interannual variations of temperature and precipitation was analyzed by a statistical method.

» resumen estadísticostatistical abstract .

Example: Statistical, tabular and numerical abstracts are a means of summarizing numerical data, which may be presented in its original format in a tabular form.

» significación estadísticastatistical significance [En estadística, expresión que se utiliza para indicar que la diferencia obtenida tieve validez estadística] .

Example: However, the marginal deviation from statistical significance may have been due to data contamination in that Billboard charts use some data manipulation rather than strictly objective sales or air play data.
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