Establecimiento in english


pronunciation: ɪstæblɪʃmənt part of speech: noun
In gestures

establecimiento1 = establishment ; fixing. 

Example: Music, especially classical works, often requires the establishment of a uniform title.Example: The latter are the day-to-day, usually temporary, regulations for the practical management of the CAP, for example the fixing of import levies and export refunds, etc.


» establecimiento de objetivosobjective setting .

Example: Staff should be made to feel involved in the Plan through personal objective setting.

establecimiento2 = establishment ; parlour [parlor, -USA]. 

Example: Since BC adheres closely to the educational and scientific consensus, BC found most favour with libraries in educational establishments.Example: This article focuses especially on cultural practices that encourage reading in social settings, including the school, Sunday school, public library, and domestic parlour.


» asequible en establecimiento comercialover the counter .

Example: With minor revision, the design recommendations were appropriate for developing over the counter medicinal leaflets.

» establecimiento comercialretail outletcommercial establishmentretail shop .

Example: It has never yet been seriously argued that there should be restrictions placed on any retail outlets wishing to sell books.

Example: Others believe that a library should not leave the provision of desired services to commercial establishments and research firms who must make a profit.

Example: Books were advertised in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries by means of printed publishers' lists, which were carried about by salesmen and were probably put up in retail shops.

» establecimiento de comida para llevartakeaway .

Example: Lenton has lots of takeaways, off-licenses, pubs, a cinema, video shop, florist and a number of locally owned businesses.

» establecimiento penitenciariopenal institutionpenal establishment .

Example: The article 'Public libraries in penal institutions' describes the history of the evolution of prison libraries as well as the role of library use as a cultural activity in the education system of prisoners.

Example: Prisoners, male and female, in all penal establishments in England and Wales in 1997 were surveyed.

» venta para consumo dentro del establecimientoon-trade sale [Como, por ejmplo, un bar, restaurante, etc] .

Example: Over the review period, off-trade sales grew by 74.8% to total more than 799 million litres, while on-trade sales grew by 29.1%.

» venta para consumo fuera del establecimientooff-trade sale [Como, por ejemplo, un supermercado] .

Example: Over the review period, off-trade sales grew by 74.8% to total more than 799 million litres, while on-trade sales grew by 29.1%.

Establecimiento synonyms

organization in spanish: organización, pronunciation: ɔrgənəzeɪʃən part of speech: noun institution in spanish: institución, pronunciation: ɪnstɪtuʃən part of speech: noun administration in spanish: administración, pronunciation: ædmɪnɪstreɪʃən part of speech: noun constitution in spanish: constitución, pronunciation: kɑnstətuʃən part of speech: noun brass in spanish: latón, pronunciation: bræs part of speech: noun governance in spanish: gobernancia, pronunciation: gʌvɜrnəns part of speech: noun formation in spanish: formación, pronunciation: fɔrmeɪʃən part of speech: noun organisation in spanish: organización, pronunciation: ɔrgənɪzeɪʃən part of speech: noun validation in spanish: validación, pronunciation: vælədeɪʃən part of speech: noun ecesis in spanish: ecesis, pronunciation: ɪsisəs part of speech: noun
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