Establecido in english

Settled down

pronunciation: setəldaʊn part of speech: none
In gestures

establecer = call for ; determine ; establish ; institute ; instruct ; lay down ; set ; set up ; settle ; map out ; set forth ; set out ; bring into + being. 

Example: The main rules call for entry of societies under name and institutions under place.Example: This assignment of intellectual responsibility is important, as we have seen earlier, since it determines the heading for the main entry.Example: The intention is to establish a general framework, and then to give exceptions or further explanation and examples for each area in turn.Example: The librarians have instituted a series of campaigns, including displays and leaflets on specific issues, eg family income supplement, rent and rates rebates, and school grants.Example: Some of the above limitations of title indexes can be overcome by exercising a measure of control over the index terminology, and by inputting and instructing the computer to print a number of pre-determined links or references between keywords.Example: He was the son of a bricklayer who laid down as early as 1859 that 'the assistance of readers in their researches' is one of the duties that 'have daily to be provided for' in ordinary public libraries.Example: If no fines are to be charged for a particular combination of borrower and material type, set the maximum fine to zero.Example: The searcher now decides to set up an SDI profile.Example: Once the name to be used in a heading and its form have been settled, it is time to decide upon the entry element, or in more general terms, to examine the preferred order of the components of a name as the name is to appear as a heading.Example: Down the years, the information industry has mapped out for itself the categories of information with which it is prepared to deal.Example: She sets forth some of the conditions which may have led to this situation in the hope that it may bring about further study.Example: The regulation sets out the requirement for compulsory notification of agreements to the Commission and gives the Commission powers to grant exemption to the rules.Example: MARC was brought into being originally to facilitate the creation of LC catalogue cards.


» establecer alianzasmake + alliances .

Example: Major publishers of travel books and hotel guides have made alliances with software and hardware producers.

» establecer característicaslay down + features .

Example: The promulgation of Community law represents the culmination of an often tortuous legal process whose main features are laid down in the Treaty of Rome.

» establecer categoríasestablish + a category .

Example: Fourier techniques are useful for establishing categories for sequences with inherent periodicities.

» establecer comparacionesmake + comparisons .

Example: Quality in reviewing can be variable, but ARBA has a good record for providing critical comments when indicated and does not hesitate to make comparisons with similar tools.

» establecer comparaciones entre elementos comparablescompare + like with like .

Example: Modelling public library information services on those provided by the private information industry is not comparing like with like, the objectives of the public and private sector are quite different.

» establecer conexiónestablish + a linkmake + connection .

Example: ISI's indexes are unique in establishing links between articles based on the references cited in their bibliographies.

Example: The moment we relax on it -- we are no longer forced to do it, and it often is not done, and the connection is not made -- then we are in trouble.

» establecer contactomake + contact .

Example: These press releases are useful as they can indicate which other authorities are working on the same lines so that contact can be made and experience and ideas shared.

» establecer contactosliaise (with/between) .

Example: A full-time professional librarian, who could promote the service both internally and externally and liaise with other agencies, was never appointed.

» establecer contactos condevelop + contacts withestablish + contacts withforge + contacts with .

Example: Contacts are also being developed with national archives and those of the ministries of foreign affairs, given that they hold a large number of complementary records relating to Community activities.

Example: I have been trying to establish contacts in Calgary but so far haven't had much luck and so this message to the list.

Example: Over the years, he built an expertise in sales and forged contacts and relationships in Asia, particularly China.

» establecer contactos profesionalesnetworking .

Example: The article focusses on the need for and the importance of networking as a strategy for effective sharing, exchange and dissemination of information.

» establecer criterios paramake + provision for .

Example: In any subject device it is necessary to distinguish between syntactic and semantic relationships and to make a different kind of provision for the two types of relationship.

» establecer directriceschart + a direction .

Example: This method can be extremely helpful in charting future directions and gathering data for decision-making.

» establecer disposiciones paramake + provisions for .

Example: Before we discuss the provision that libraries and information workers make for the subject approach, it will be profitable to pause for a moment and consider the preliminary question.

» establecer el contextoset + the context .

Example: This broader consideration of descriptive cataloguing problems serves to set a context for the consideration of cataloguing problems associated with nonbook materials.

» establecer el origen detrace + the origin of .

Example: Dr Judy Batt set the political scene and traced the origin of changes in Eastern Europe including the Soviet Union.

» establecer el temaset + the theme .

Example: Karen set the theme in her keynote address that booksellers, publishers and librarians often have different goals and perceptions.

» establecer el tonoset + the theme .

Example: Karen set the theme in her keynote address that booksellers, publishers and librarians often have different goals and perceptions.

» establecer equivalencias entremap onto/tocrosswalk .

Example: The model embodies a semantic synthesiser, which is based on an algorithm that maps the syntactic representation of a tuple or a record onto a semantic representation.

Example: The technical risks should have been crosswalked to cost.

» establecer lazosbuild up + linksbuild + bonds .

Example: The library is generally an accepted, welcome and non-threatening feature of the rural scene and librarians often build up close and trusted links with their readers.

Example: Some of these stories are great examples of how humor can be used to build bonds among colleagues.

» establecer lazos afectivosbond .

Example: This encourages students to quickly bond with each other at the beginning of the program.

» establecer límitesdraw + limitsset + boundaries .

Example: He can, after all, draw the limits, retaining for himself the right to veto or to select a certain proportion of the stock on his own.

Example: I feel the need to compartmentalise my activities and set boundaries for each of them.

» establecer normalegislate .

Example: Overall, there has occurred a deliberate reduction in the number of situations for which the AACR legislates with regard to bibliographic description in the second edition.

» establecer normasmake + provisionestablish + standards .

Example: No special provision need be made for analytical entries.

Example: According to Freud, the latency period serves as a time for establishing standards and values.

» establecer normas de funcionamientoestablish + a policy .

Example: As used in their book, planning covers a wide range of activities, including establishing policies, clarifying objectives, and making decisions.

» establecer normativagovern .

Example: It is not sufficient merely to describe the processes that govern the creation and generation of indexing and abstracting data.

» establecer + Posesivo + residencia entake up + residence in .

Example: The hawk has a nest nearby where it has taken up residence to protect its young.

» establecer prioridadesprioritise [prioritize, -USA]establish + prioritiesset + prioritiestriage .

Example: The selection, which also takes account of the Corporation's user survey, will prioritise feature, cartoon and puppet films for children.

Example: Money should be spent wisely by establishing proper priorities and eliminating the trivial and pointless tasks often assigned to libraries.

Example: When procedures are spelled out and priorities set, goals are clarified.

Example: Of course, there are sensible ways in which to 'triage' our overburdened prison system.

» establecer reglasmake + provision .

Example: No special provision need be made for analytical entries.

» establecer reglas paralay down + rules for .

Example: This article presents the text of the guidelines which lay down rules for the organisation of union libraries.

» establecer relacionesbuild + relationshipsdevelop + relationshipsdevelop + relationsbuild + relationsstructure + relationships .

Example: The library association hope to build relationships with newcomers to the profession that will continue throughout their careers.

Example: The relationships developed inside and outside the classroom are perhaps the best pedagogy.

Example: Libraries must develop good relations with vendors.

Example: This approach not only builds good relations for the library, but also allows more input of ideas.

Example: Reconceptualizing the role librarians and publishers play may enable us, in the digital environment, to structure relationships that allow both to accomplish their important goals = El replanteamiento de la función que los bibliotecarios y editores desempeñan pueden permitirnos, dentro de este entorno digital, establecer relaciones que nos ayuden a conseguir nuestros objetivos.

» establecer relaciones conforge + links withforge + relationships withforge + ties withforge + connections with .

Example: Its main value, however, was in forging close links with the community workers, which proved invaluable when it came to compiling the local information file.

Example: The information professional must have the communication skills needed to forge effective relationships between a diverse array of individuals.

Example: Russia is to start pricing its huge oil and gas exports in euros instead of dollars as part of a stragetic shift to forge closer ties with the European Union.

Example: Matt wants people to forge connections based on real-life interactions and hopefully break away from their technological dependence.

» establecersesettle insettle down .

Example: She still had more than two weeks in which to return to Deuxville, settle in and find an apartment, and get to know the city.

Example: A once closed society suddenly opened its doors to allow other ethnic groups to come in and settle down in their midst, which led to many cross-marriages.

» establecer sectoressectoring .

Example: There are two methods of sectoring of floppy disks: hard sectors and soft sectors.

» establecer una analogíadraw + an analogy .

Example: To draw an analogy, it is perfectly possible to drive from A to B without knowing how the internal combustion engine works.

» establecer una colaboraciónforge + a collaboration .

Example: In spite of bureaucratic boundaries, seemingly conflicting interests, and threats to professional and organizational identities, I believe that effective collaborations can be forged = A pesar de las barreras burocráticas, los intereses aparentemente contradictorios y del riesgo de perder la identidad profesional e institucional, pienso que se pueden establecer colaboraciones fructíferas.

» establecer una condiciónspecify + requirement .

Example: The 'Guidelines for Authority and Reference Entries' specifies requirements for the display of information pertaining to uniform headings and references in print and micro-print form in listings of authorities, in catalogues, and in bibliographies.

» establecer una conexiónachieve + a connection .

Example: Acoustic couplers serve a similar purpose except that they are not permanently wired; the handset is placed in the acoustic coupler to achieve a connection once a telephone line had been opened.

» establecer una convenciónestablish + a convention .

Example: Capitalization should follow the conventions established by the cataloguing agency responsible for the entry.

» establecer un acuerdowork out + an agreement .

Example: We have to seek and work out partnership agreements with other stakeholders.

» establecer una diferenciadraw + a demarcation .

Example: A clearer demarcation might be drawn between the traditional subject headings lists and thesauri by the following summary of differences.

» establecer una normalay down + a standardset down + a rule .

Example: Although each CAB (Citizens' Advice Bureau) is independent, they must be members of the National Association of Advice Bureaux (NACAB), which lays down certain minimum standards for the registration of bureaux.

Example: These relationships are all managed separately, according to the rules set down by the company -- take it or leave it.

» establecer una normalizaciónimpose + standardization .

Example: Organisations employing a large team of abstractors will normally abide by a set of abstracting guidelines which impose some standardization with respect to style and content.

» establecer una políticainstitute + policy .

Example: Personnel policies instituted to combat absenteeism have generally proved a failure, because those measures attack the symptoms, not the cause.

» establecer una reglaframe + a rule .

Example: Further, rules can be framed with greater regard for the convenience of the user without imposing undue burdens on the cataloging department.

» establecer un campamento baseset up + base (camp) .

Example: Greenpeace announced on October 27th that it has set up base in the heart of the Indonesian rainforest.

» establecer un canal paraestablish + a channel for .

Example: Channels for the acquisition of some of these excluded categories had already been established.

» establecer un equilibrioestablish + a balancecreate + a balance .

Example: Copyright has established a balance between the users and rights holders = El derecho de autor ha creado un equilibrio entre los usuarios y los titulares del mismo.

Example: In two parent homes you have to split the responsibility to create a balance between work and children.

» establecer un límiteset + a limitset + a cut-off pointcap .

Example: Limits on total index size are set by the practicalities of searching several sets of index cards in order to complete a search.

Example: The cut-off point for the ranked output was set to match the number of documents retrieved by MEDLARS.

Example: States have laws that cap interest rates and fees for loans, but most state laws don't apply to business loans.

» establecer un límite de tiemposet + a time limitset + a deadlineset + a dateline .

Example: Based on my personal experience, you most definitely need to set a time limit to your goals otherwise you will keep on dragging them.

Example: By setting a deadline, as such, you are giving the subscriber a time limit to adhere to, so they know how long they have before the offer runs out.

Example: The international community has set a dateline of three months to forge an agreement to combat climate change.

» establecer un normagive + a prescription .

Example: Prescriptions are given for conducting text retrieval operations iteratively using relevance feedback.

» establecer un orden de prioridadestriage .

Example: Of course, there are sensible ways in which to 'triage' our overburdened prison system.

» establecer un paralelismodraw + a parallel .

Example: This article draws a parallel between the growth of video collections and the earlier introduction of paperbacks into libraries.

» establecer un paralelodraw + a parallel .

Example: This article draws a parallel between the growth of video collections and the earlier introduction of paperbacks into libraries.

» establecer un plazoset + a time limitset + a deadlineset + a dateline .

Example: Based on my personal experience, you most definitely need to set a time limit to your goals otherwise you will keep on dragging them.

Example: By setting a deadline, as such, you are giving the subscriber a time limit to adhere to, so they know how long they have before the offer runs out.

Example: The international community has set a dateline of three months to forge an agreement to combat climate change.

» establecer un principioestablish + a principleset forth + a cause .

Example: Document descriptions may be drafted for a wide variety of different kinds of library material, but some common principles can be established.

Example: Public relations for librarians, then, is an art through which information and persuasion solicit public support for the causes that have been set forth in the goals of the library.

» establecer un récordestablish + a record .

Example: ACPAD has established a record as an efficient and effective distributor of publications to libraries in the Pacific.

» establecer un tiempo límiteset + a time limitset + a deadlineset + a dateline .

Example: Based on my personal experience, you most definitely need to set a time limit to your goals otherwise you will keep on dragging them.

Example: By setting a deadline, as such, you are giving the subscriber a time limit to adhere to, so they know how long they have before the offer runs out.

Example: The international community has set a dateline of three months to forge an agreement to combat climate change.

» establecer un vínculoprovide + an interface .

Example: This service called A.S.K. (Access to Sources of Knowledge) will provide an interface between users and suppliers.

» establecer valoresestablish + values .

Example: According to Freud, the latency period serves as a time for establishing standards and values.

» establecer vínculosbuild + bondsbuild up + links .

Example: Some of these stories are great examples of how humor can be used to build bonds among colleagues.

Example: The library is generally an accepted, welcome and non-threatening feature of the rural scene and librarians often build up close and trusted links with their readers.

» establecer vínculos afectivosbond .

Example: This encourages students to quickly bond with each other at the beginning of the program.

» volver a establecer equivalenciasremap  .

Example: According to this data compression technique pixels are remapped to an intensity proportional to its rank among surrounding pixels.

establecido = set ; agreed. 

Example: With a set number of categories the specificity of the headings to be included in the index must be determined to a large extent.Example: Such reports are sent to 'correspondents' in the member states; these correspondents are responsible for forwarding the reports to an agreed list of destinations in their own country.


» de acuerdo con lo establecidoaccording to the book .

Example: We feel we have done everything right according to the book.

» desacatar las normas establecidasflout + a convention .

Example: In the 1970s it was called 'living in sin' but the couples who flouted convention back then mostly married each other before two years were up.

» establecido de antemanopre-established [preestablished] .

Example: EDI refers to the exchange of electronic data in a pre-established standardized format between a sender and receiver using telecommunications links.

» establecido desde hace tiempolong-established .

Example: The latter statement undervalues long-established interests of SLIS in the field of information and ignores frequently attested movement of SLIS personnel into non-library information posts.

» establecido, loold ways, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: It would be a mistake to cling to the seeming comforts of the old ways at the cost of being unable to get the full advantages of the new ones.

» establecido previamentealready-established .

Example: This decision would place the main entries where they logically belong, adjacent to such already-established forms as HUMAN BIOLOGY, HUMAN ECOLOGY, HUMAN EVOLUTION, and HUMAN GENETICS.

» periodicidad establecidaset schedule .

Example: The preparation of abstracts and their compilation into bulletins to a set schedule, e.g. weekly, may impose a routine upon the working life of the information staff.

» según lo establecidoaccording to the book .

Example: We feel we have done everything right according to the book.
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