Esquirol in english


pronunciation: skæb part of speech: noun
In gestures

esquirol = blackleg ; scab. 

Example: By mass picketing, striking workers and their supporters prevented the mine owners re-opening the mines with blacklegs.Example: Workers must be prepared to defend their strike picket lines against scabs and official repression.

Esquirol synonyms

rat in spanish: rata, pronunciation: ræt part of speech: noun blackleg in spanish: esquirol, pronunciation: blæklɪg part of speech: noun cicatrize in spanish: cicatrizar, pronunciation: sɪkətraɪz part of speech: verb strikebreaker in spanish: rompehuelgas, pronunciation: straɪkbreɪkɜr part of speech: noun scab over in spanish: sarna, pronunciation: skæboʊvɜr
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