Esquinazo in english


pronunciation: slɪp part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures



» dar (el) esquinazo (a)dodgesteer + (well) clear (of)give + Nombre + a wide berthsteer away fromgive + Nombre + the slipstay + clear (of)keep + clear (of) .

Example: But he was wiry and wily, too, and he could often out-run, track, back-track, double-back, and finally dodge unseen in the subway.

Example: This entire target market has steered clear of the public library.

Example: Under the new law, motorists must give 'a wide berth' to stationary emergency vehicles displaying blue, red, or amber emergency warning lights.

Example: This article gives guidance for steering away from some of the more obvious pitfalls when buying software.

Example: Thankfully her ploy worked and she was able to give them the slip -- the problem was that she was in a foreign country she had never been to.

Example: In addition, a towboat without barges in front of it may be towing astern with the towline submerged -- so stay clear! .

Example: Residents are being advised to keep clear of seal pups if they find them on the beach or run the risk of committing an offence.

Esquinazo synonyms

case in spanish: caso, pronunciation: keɪs part of speech: noun shift in spanish: cambio, pronunciation: ʃɪft part of speech: noun, verb strip in spanish: tira, pronunciation: strɪp part of speech: noun trip in spanish: viaje, pronunciation: trɪp part of speech: noun slide in spanish: diapositiva, pronunciation: slaɪd part of speech: noun, verb steal in spanish: robar, pronunciation: stil part of speech: verb faux pas in spanish: paso en falso, pronunciation: foʊpɑz part of speech: noun mistake in spanish: Error, pronunciation: mɪsteɪk part of speech: noun slew in spanish: montón, pronunciation: slu part of speech: noun sneak in spanish: furtivo, pronunciation: snik part of speech: verb, noun slick in spanish: mancha, pronunciation: slɪk part of speech: adjective, noun berth in spanish: atracar, pronunciation: bɜrθ part of speech: noun err in spanish: errar, pronunciation: er part of speech: verb gaffe in spanish: metedura de pata, pronunciation: gæf part of speech: noun solecism in spanish: solecismo, pronunciation: sɑləsɪzəm part of speech: noun skid in spanish: patinar, pronunciation: skɪd part of speech: noun splay in spanish: biselar, pronunciation: spleɪ part of speech: noun, adjective, verb slue in spanish: torcer a, pronunciation: slu part of speech: verb shimmy in spanish: camisa, pronunciation: ʃɪmi part of speech: noun, verb cutting in spanish: corte, pronunciation: kʌtɪŋ part of speech: noun drop off in spanish: bajar, pronunciation: drɑpɔf part of speech: verb teddy in spanish: osito de peluche, pronunciation: tedi part of speech: noun mooring in spanish: amarradero, pronunciation: mʊrɪŋ part of speech: noun chemise in spanish: camisa de señora, pronunciation: ʃəmiz part of speech: noun pillowcase in spanish: funda de almohada, pronunciation: pɪloʊkeɪs part of speech: noun miscue in spanish: error, pronunciation: mɪskju part of speech: noun dislocate in spanish: dislocarse, pronunciation: dɪsloʊkeɪt part of speech: verb gaucherie in spanish: Gaucherie, pronunciation: gɔtʃɜri part of speech: noun elusion in spanish: elusión, pronunciation: ɪluʒən part of speech: noun moorage in spanish: amarre, pronunciation: mʊrɪdʒ part of speech: noun eluding in spanish: eludiendo, pronunciation: ɪludɪŋ part of speech: noun sideslip in spanish: deslizarse lateralmente, pronunciation: saɪdɪslɪp part of speech: noun slickness in spanish: astucia, pronunciation: slɪknəs part of speech: noun slipup in spanish: desliz, pronunciation: slɪpəp part of speech: noun fall away in spanish: desprenderse, pronunciation: fɔləweɪ part of speech: verb teddies in spanish: peluches, pronunciation: tediz part of speech: noun slipperiness in spanish: resbaladizo, pronunciation: slɪpɜrnəs part of speech: noun drop away in spanish: caer lejos, pronunciation: drɑpəweɪ part of speech: verb pillow slip in spanish: funda de la almohada, pronunciation: pɪloʊslɪp part of speech: noun slip of paper in spanish: papelito, pronunciation: slɪpʌvpeɪpɜr part of speech: noun
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