Espolvorear in english


pronunciation: sprɪŋkəl part of speech: verb
In gestures

espolvorear = dust ; sprinkle. 

Example: Cream puffs begin with a baked puffed shell of choux pastry which is then filled with cream and dusted with a thick coating of powdered sugar.Example: In the center of town are the usual cluster of banks, stores, and office buildings; shopping centers are sprinkled throughout the various neighborhoods.

Espolvorear synonyms

spit in spanish: escupir, pronunciation: spɪt part of speech: verb dust in spanish: polvo, pronunciation: dʌst part of speech: noun scatter in spanish: dispersión, pronunciation: skætɜr part of speech: noun, verb disperse in spanish: dispersar, pronunciation: dɪspɜrs part of speech: verb dot in spanish: punto, pronunciation: dɑt part of speech: noun splash in spanish: chapoteo, pronunciation: splæʃ part of speech: noun, verb patter in spanish: tamborileo, pronunciation: pætɜr part of speech: noun spatter in spanish: salpicar, pronunciation: spætɜr part of speech: noun, verb scattering in spanish: dispersión, pronunciation: skætɜrɪŋ part of speech: noun pitter-patter in spanish: repiqueteo, pronunciation: pɪtɜrpætɜr part of speech: noun, verb, adverb splosh in spanish: voltereta al agua, pronunciation: splɑʃ part of speech: verb sprinkling in spanish: aspersión, pronunciation: sprɪŋklɪŋ part of speech: noun besprinkle in spanish: salpicar, pronunciation: besprɪŋkəl part of speech: verb
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