Espoleta in english


pronunciation: fjuz part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

espoleta1 = fuse [fuze, -USA]. 

Example: The book contains the following chapters: Sparking the fuse for literacy; Home is where the start is; Library lures to literacy; and Independent study programs in literature.

espoleta2 = wishbone. 

Example: In fact, all windsurf boards having such a wishbone should only be used by real professionals.

Espoleta synonyms

conflate in spanish: combinar, pronunciation: kənfleɪt part of speech: verb coalesce in spanish: juntarse, pronunciation: koʊəles part of speech: verb mix in spanish: mezcla, pronunciation: mɪks part of speech: noun, verb blend in spanish: mezcla, pronunciation: blend part of speech: noun, verb primer in spanish: cebador, pronunciation: praɪmɜr part of speech: noun combine in spanish: combinar, pronunciation: kɑmbaɪn part of speech: verb merge in spanish: unir, pronunciation: mɜrdʒ part of speech: verb meld in spanish: fusionar, pronunciation: meld part of speech: verb, noun commingle in spanish: mezclar, pronunciation: kəmɪŋgəl part of speech: verb fuze in spanish: espoleta, pronunciation: fuz part of speech: noun fusee in spanish: fusible, pronunciation: fusi part of speech: noun fuzee in spanish: fuzee, pronunciation: fuzi part of speech: noun immix in spanish: inmix, pronunciation: ɪmɪks part of speech: verb electrical fuse in spanish: fusible electrico, pronunciation: ɪlektrɪkəlfjuz part of speech: noun
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