Espiral in english


pronunciation: spaɪrəl part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

espiral = spiral ; coil ; whorl. 

Example: The inter-library loan network operates like a spiral with the individual library at the centre and the local, regional, national and international back-up services forming an ever-widening circle around it.Example: It was known that alternating current (AC) voltage could be varied by use of induction coils, but no practical coil system had been invented.Example: The flowers consists of four distinct whorls, the calyx, corolla, androecium and gynoecium.


» abrirse en espiralspiral out .

Example: Their choices of local historical architecture and traditional quilt-making spiraled out to include photography, historical fiction, and quilted pillows, which were eventually exhibited at city hall.

» encuadernación en espiralspiral binding .

Example: Spiral binding is a type of binding in which the document is fastened by means of a metal or plastic spiral that passes through holes or slots near the binding edge.

» formando espiralesswirly [swirlier -comp., sirliest -sup.] .

Example: We like to make every drink a bit special -- that's why we create a rather splendid swirly pattern on your latte.

» muelle en espiralcoil spring .

Example: Generally, these coil springs are either placed over a rod or fitted inside a hole.

» resistencia en espiralheating coil .

Example: Convection heaters draw cold air from the floor; the air is warmed by heating coils and emitted from the top of the heater = Los calentadores de convección toman el aire frío desde el suelo, lo calienta mediante resistencias en espiral y lo expulsa por la parte superior.

» resorte de espiralslinky .

Example: She then went on to demonstrate that a sound wave looks like a slinky being pushed back and forth.

» resorte en espiralcoil spring .

Example: Generally, these coil springs are either placed over a rod or fitted inside a hole.

Espiral synonyms

coil in spanish: bobina, pronunciation: kɔɪl part of speech: noun helix in spanish: hélice, pronunciation: hilɪks part of speech: noun whorl in spanish: espira, pronunciation: wɜrl part of speech: noun gyrate in spanish: girar, pronunciation: dʒaɪreɪt part of speech: verb helical in spanish: helicoidal, pronunciation: helɪkəl part of speech: adjective volute in spanish: voluta, pronunciation: voʊlut part of speech: noun corkscrew in spanish: sacacorchos, pronunciation: kɔrkskru part of speech: noun coiled in spanish: enroscado, pronunciation: kɔɪld part of speech: adjective spiraling in spanish: en espiral, pronunciation: spaɪrəlɪŋ part of speech: adjective turbinate in spanish: cornete, pronunciation: tɜrbəneɪt part of speech: noun whorled in spanish: zumbido, pronunciation: wɔrəld part of speech: adjective coiling in spanish: enrollar, pronunciation: kɔɪlɪŋ part of speech: adjective voluted in spanish: voluido, pronunciation: vɑljətɪd part of speech: adjective
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