Espira in english


pronunciation: tɜrn part of speech: verb, noun
In gestures

espira = whorl. 

Example: The flowers consists of four distinct whorls, the calyx, corolla, androecium and gynoecium.

espirar = breathe out ; exhale. 

Example: When you breathe out, the body delivers carbon dioxide to the alveoli, and you release it in your exhalation.Example: This tissue allows the lungs to inflate during inhalation and return to their original shape after exhaling.

Espira synonyms

go in spanish: ir, pronunciation: goʊ part of speech: verb play in spanish: jugar, pronunciation: pleɪ part of speech: verb, noun bend in spanish: curva, pronunciation: bend part of speech: noun, verb become in spanish: volverse, pronunciation: bɪkʌm part of speech: verb round in spanish: redondo, pronunciation: raʊnd part of speech: adjective, noun, adverb number in spanish: número, pronunciation: nʌmbɜr part of speech: noun act in spanish: acto, pronunciation: ækt part of speech: noun, verb bit in spanish: poco, pronunciation: bɪt part of speech: noun spell in spanish: deletrear, pronunciation: spel part of speech: noun, verb grow in spanish: crecer, pronunciation: groʊ part of speech: verb release in spanish: lanzamiento, pronunciation: rilis part of speech: noun, verb reverse in spanish: marcha atrás, pronunciation: rɪvɜrs part of speech: noun, verb, adjective twist in spanish: giro, pronunciation: twɪst part of speech: noun, verb wrench in spanish: llave inglesa, pronunciation: rentʃ part of speech: noun, verb crook in spanish: ladrón, pronunciation: krʊk part of speech: noun tour in spanish: excursión, pronunciation: tʊr part of speech: noun routine in spanish: rutina, pronunciation: rutin part of speech: adjective, noun sour in spanish: agrio, pronunciation: saʊɜr part of speech: adjective convert in spanish: convertir, pronunciation: kɑnvɜrt part of speech: verb, noun plow in spanish: arado, pronunciation: plaʊ part of speech: noun, verb convince in spanish: convencer, pronunciation: kənvɪns part of speech: verb bout in spanish: combate, pronunciation: baʊt part of speech: noun plough in spanish: arado, pronunciation: plaʊ part of speech: noun, verb ferment in spanish: fermentar, pronunciation: fɜrment part of speech: noun, verb sprain in spanish: esguince, pronunciation: spreɪn part of speech: noun rick in spanish: almiar, pronunciation: rɪk part of speech: noun turn over in spanish: entregar, pronunciation: tɜrnoʊvɜr part of speech: verb turning in spanish: torneado, pronunciation: tɜrnɪŋ part of speech: noun wrick in spanish: Wrick, pronunciation: rɪk part of speech: noun turn to in spanish: empezar a, pronunciation: tɜrntu part of speech: verb turn into in spanish: convertirse en, pronunciation: tɜrnɪntu win over in spanish: conquistar, pronunciation: wɪnoʊvɜr part of speech: verb move around in spanish: moverse, pronunciation: muvɜraʊnd part of speech: verb turn of events in spanish: giro de acontecimientos, pronunciation: tɜrnʌvɪvents part of speech: noun good turn in spanish: buen turno, pronunciation: gʊdtɜrn part of speech: noun change state in spanish: cambian de estado, pronunciation: tʃeɪndʒsteɪt part of speech: verb change by reversal in spanish: cambio por reversión, pronunciation: tʃeɪndʒbaɪrɪvɜrsəl part of speech: verb
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