Espectrometría in english


pronunciation: spektrɑmətri part of speech: noun
In gestures

espectrometría = spectrometry. 

Example: The great importance of standardizing wavelengths in the field of spectrometry should be stressed.


» espectrometría atómicaatomic spectrometry .

Example: The aim of this project is the application of sophisticated spectrometers for atomic and molecular spectrometry.

» espectrometría de masasmass spectrometry .

Example: Mass spectrometry not only provides a specific molecular mass value, but it may also establish the molecular formula of an unknown compound.

» espectrometría molecularmolecular spectrometry .

Example: The aim of this project is the application of sophisticated spectrometers for atomic and molecular spectrometry.

Espectrometría synonyms

spectroscopy in spanish: espectroscopia, pronunciation: spektrɑskəpi part of speech: noun spectroscopic analysis in spanish: análisis espectroscópico, pronunciation: spektrəskɑpɪkənæləsəs part of speech: noun spectrum analysis in spanish: análisis de espectro, pronunciation: spektrəmənæləsəs part of speech: noun spectrographic analysis in spanish: análisis espectrográfico, pronunciation: spektrəgræfɪkənæləsəs part of speech: noun
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