Especioso in english


pronunciation: spiʃəs part of speech: adjective
In gestures

especioso = specious. 

Example: This comparative frame of reference is specious and irrelevant on several counts.

Especioso synonyms

spurious in spanish: espurio, pronunciation: spjʊriəs part of speech: adjective meretricious in spanish: rimbombante, pronunciation: merətrɪʃəs part of speech: adjective false in spanish: falso, pronunciation: fɔls part of speech: adjective invalid in spanish: inválido, pronunciation: ɪnvələd part of speech: adjective, noun gilded in spanish: dorado, pronunciation: gɪldɪd part of speech: adjective insincere in spanish: insincero, pronunciation: ɪnsɪnsɪr part of speech: adjective
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