Especial in english


pronunciation: speʃəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

especial = ad hoc ; one-off ; special ; specified ; gala ; particular ; with a difference. 

Example: Begun in 1973, CONSER was conceived by an ad hoc discussion group on Serials Data Bases of American and Canadian librarians.Example: Associated with full-time staffing reductions has been the virtual elimination of part-time teachers and 'one-off' expert lecturers.Example: Some categories of material defy helpful categorisation, and need to be treated as special cases.Example: If access is limited to certain specified times, the term 'off-line' is applied.Example: The 3 elements of the event are: weekday visits; evening sessions; and 'Super Saturday' gala days.Example: It is possible to identify an item uniquely within a particular institution or agency by a running accession number.Example: The article 'Web authoring with a difference' reviews the current authoring tools available for organizations wishing to become involved in the World Wide Web (WWW).


» a precio especialdiscountedcut-ratecut-priceat a discounted rate .

Example: Discounted CD-ROMs are identical to the more expensive discs.

Example: Most of these cut-rate laptops include a one-year parts and labor warranty.

Example: Turkey is heavily promoted by tour operators as an idyllic holiday destination, the cut-price alternative to Greece or Cyprus.

Example: NISO and NASIG members may register at a discounted rate.

» a precios especialesat preferential rates .

Example: Conference delegates can be assisted with their accommodation requirements at nearby hotels at preferential rates.

» a tarifa especialat a discounted rate .

Example: NISO and NASIG members may register at a discounted rate.

» a tarifas especialesat preferential rates .

Example: Conference delegates can be assisted with their accommodation requirements at nearby hotels at preferential rates.

» a un precio especialat a discount .

Example: The next stage was for publishers and booksellers to agree to maintain prices, that is not to retail books at a discount on the listed price.

» celebrar una ocasión especialmark + a special occasion .

Example: When you plant a tree in memory of a loved one, or to mark a special occasion, you contribute to a healthier environment.

» cuidado especialspecial care .

Example: Having your clothes professionally dry cleaned can get expensive, especially when you have a lot of items that require special care.

» de aplicación específicaspecial-purpose .

Example: Most information-retrieval systems are based on special-purpose text- or information-retrieval software which runs on general-purpose computers.

» día memorablered-letter day .

Example: Yes, November 5th 1955 was a red-letter day in the history of science, it was the day Doc Emmet Brown invented time travel.

» don especialknack .

Example: Panizzi had a reputation for courting controversy at the British Museum and a knack for making enemies.

» edición especialspecial issue .

Example: Special issues were seldom embellished with typographical changes (such as additional page borders) until the nineteenth century.

» efecto especialspecial effect .

Example: It seems all Hollywood can do now is take an original classic and flog it to death with over-the-top special effects.

» embajador especialenvoy .

Example: Several eminent foreigners, including various envoys, visited the library which was a great honour.

» equipo especialskunkwork [skunk work] .

Example: A skunkworks is a group of people who, in order to achieve unusual results, work on a project in a way that is outside the usual rules.

» especial aperturaopening special .

Example: More than 500 swimmers took the plunge on its first morning, taking advantage of the opening special offer of free entrance.

» grupo especialspecial interest group [Conjunto de individuos pertenecientes a una asociación que se reúnen para debatir cuestiones relacionadas con un cuestión determinada de la que están interesados] .

Example: This article summarises the discussions of the special interest groups of the West German Society of Archivists (WGSA), held during the 10th International Congress on Archives in Bonn, 1984.

» habilidad especialknack .

Example: Panizzi had a reputation for courting controversy at the British Museum and a knack for making enemies.

» haciendo especial hincapié enwith an emphasis on .

Example: Accordingly, it is best for children to eat between 4 and 6 times daily, with an emphasis on the healthy foods listed above.

» invitado especialspecial guest .

Example: Many authors and special guests are glad to help in this way in the cause of book promotion particularly when they live locally.

» merecer mención especialdeserve + special mention .

Example: A final title deserving special mention is Robert Crumb's 'Introducing Kafka'.

» niño con necesidades especialesspecial needs child .

Example: The author discusess the magical effect of books on special needs children.

» no ser nada especialbe nothing to shout aboutbe no great shakesbe nothing to write home (to mom) aboutbe not much cop .

Example: The rooms are nothing to shout about, but it's a friendly place and has one of the neighborhood's best restaurants.

Example: My friends read my books not because they think I am any great shakes as a writer but simply because they know me.

Example: He really does not have that great of a voice and his looks are nothing to write home to mom about.

Example: They are held in contempt by motor racing types because they are not much cop on circuits.

» número especialspecial number .

Example: The Bookseller is the weekly book trade newspaper which, amongst other things, produces a special number each February and August which lists new books expected from publishers during the subsequent six months.

» ocupar un lugar especial en + Posesivo + corazónhave + a special place in + Posesivo + heart .

Example: Horses have always had a special place in her heart and it gives her great pleasure to capture them.

» oferta especialspecial offer .

Example: Below is the list of tickets offered today for half-price, special offers, and full-price.

» precio especialdiscounted pricediscount pricepreferential rate .

Example: In fact, the discounted prices for large consortia are meaningless; probably not a single buyer has actually paid the undiscounted price.

Example: After February 24, the discount price is $495 and $595 until the day before the event, a savings of up to $900 off onsite registration.

Example: At time of booking state you were referred by IFLA and request preferential rates.

» precio especial por cantidaddiscount quantity price .

Example: These calf-length baseball pants and knee-length baseball pants are available at discount quantity prices.

» precio especial por compra al por mayorbulk deal .

Example: Pharmaceutical companies have made bulk deals with governments where they still make substantial profits while charging much less for the prescriptions.

» precio especial por volumendiscount quantity price .

Example: These calf-length baseball pants and knee-length baseball pants are available at discount quantity prices.

» prestándole especial atención awith an emphasis onwith an emphasis on .

Example: Accordingly, it is best for children to eat between 4 and 6 times daily, with an emphasis on the healthy foods listed above.

Example: Accordingly, it is best for children to eat between 4 and 6 times daily, with an emphasis on the healthy foods listed above.

» prestar especial atenciónfocus [Pasado y Participio Presente: focussed/focused y focussing/focusing] .

Example: The basic functions of a subject headings list as identified in section 16.6 above may be focused more precisely in the following terms...

» seminario especialclinic .

Example: He has published seminal papers on automated cataloging and authority control in Library Journal, Library Quarterly, Journal of Library Automation, and the University of Illinois clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing.

» ser de un valor especialbe of particular value .

Example: The knowledge acquired during the development of this service is of particular value for other digitization projects.

» servicio especial de autobusesbus shuttle servicebus shuttleshuttle bus serviceshuttle bus .

Example: The hotel provides a bus shuttle service to and from the airport.

Example: Bus shuttles are safer than driving a private vehicle and provide door to door service atno cost to you.

Example: Free shuttle bus service is provided for passengers and airport staff.

Example: All shuttle buses are wheelchair lift equipped.

» servicio especial de transporteshuttle serviceshuttle .

Example: Reservations for the shuttle service need to be made at least 48 hours in advance.

Example: Twice weekly shuttles run between the main campus and Gulf Porch, with interloans, mail and equipment.

» sin condiciones especialeswith no strings attached .

Example: The author shows the social benefit inherent in giving private collections to institutions -- or at least selling them intact to institutions with no strings attached.

» tarifa especialpreferential ratediscounted rate .

Example: At time of booking state you were referred by IFLA and request preferential rates.

Example: This discounted rate is good through July 25.

» tarifa especial por inscripción anticipadaearly-bird registration feeearly registration fee .

Example: Early-bird registration fees are available only until June 1.

Example: The early registration fee is $995 and the late registration fee $1095.

» tecnología adaptada a usuarios con necesidades especialesassistive technology [Sinónimo de adaptive technology] .

Example: Assistive technology is a rapidly changing speciality area that is of interest to a broad audience of service providers, people with disabilities, families, and decision makers.

» tener una habilidad (especial) parahave + a flair forhave + a (special) gift for .

Example: Some actors who are naturally gifted and have a flair for the dramatic are often stifled and bottled up -- sort of like the genie inside the bottle.

Example: He has a special gift for spotting California vintners before they become renowned.

» tener un don (especial) parahave + a flair forhave + a (special) gift for .

Example: Some actors who are naturally gifted and have a flair for the dramatic are often stifled and bottled up -- sort of like the genie inside the bottle.

Example: He has a special gift for spotting California vintners before they become renowned.

» tener un don especial parahave + a knack for .

Example: Andrew has a knack for engaging with people and is adept at steering people past conflict without getting ruffled or losing his sense of humour.

» tener un talento (especial) parahave + a flair forhave + a (special) gift for .

Example: Some actors who are naturally gifted and have a flair for the dramatic are often stifled and bottled up -- sort of like the genie inside the bottle.

Example: He has a special gift for spotting California vintners before they become renowned.

» tener un valor especialbe of particular value .

Example: The knowledge acquired during the development of this service is of particular value for other digitization projects.

» trato especialspecial treatment .

Example: Previously protected markets such as India, China and Brazil will have to open up and there will be no special treatment of developing economies by the industrialized nations.

Especial synonyms

particular in spanish: especial, pronunciation: pɜrtɪkjəlɜr part of speech: adjective peculiar in spanish: peculiar, pronunciation: pəkjuljɜr part of speech: adjective specific in spanish: específico, pronunciation: spəsɪfɪk part of speech: adjective extraordinary in spanish: extraordinario, pronunciation: ekstrəɔrdəneri part of speech: adjective primary in spanish: primario, pronunciation: praɪmeri part of speech: adjective extra in spanish: extra, pronunciation: ekstrə part of speech: adjective exceptional in spanish: excepcional, pronunciation: ɪksepʃənəl part of speech: adjective limited in spanish: limitado, pronunciation: lɪmətəd part of speech: adjective especial in spanish: especial, pronunciation: əspeʃəl part of speech: adjective specialized in spanish: especializado, pronunciation: speʃəlaɪzd part of speech: adjective uncommon in spanish: poco común, pronunciation: ənkɑmən part of speech: adjective unscheduled in spanish: no programado, pronunciation: ənskedʒuld part of speech: adjective
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