Espalda in english


pronunciation: bæk part of speech: adverb
In gestures

espalda = back. 

Example: Now he hasn't tried to kiss me, but he's always putting his hand on my shoulder or my arm or my back.


» acostarse de espaldaslie on + Posesivo + back .

Example: He lustily told her in one message that he wanted her lying on her back.

» a espaldas deout of sight of .

Example: Many of the ways in which World Wide Web search engines operate are dependent upon the hidden processes that take place out of sight of the searcher.

» ancho de espaldasbroad-shouldered .

Example: Our sense of beauty serves an evolutionary function: it helps us choose the best mates -- the wide-hipped woman best suited to bearing children, or the broad-shouldered hunk of a man who could protect and provide.

» a + Posesivo + espaldasbehind + Posesivo + back .

Example: Nick then started to snigger evilly behind her back.

» apuñalar por la espaldastab + Alguien + in the backbackstab .

Example: This guy ran as someone who was a different and fair politician, and he stabbed us in the back .

Example: Form my history of clans , all 'alliances' between clans are acts of cowardice and usualy ends with some sneaky bitch backstabbing people.

» caer de espaldasfall on + Posesivo + back .

Example: When I saw what he was up to, I drew back for a punch and hit him so hard on the nose that he fell on his back and lay there for some time, so that his wife stood over him and cried out 'Mercy! You've done my husband in!'.

» con la espalda contra la paredup against the wallwith + Posesivo + back against the wall .

Example: The article is entitled 'Up against the wall: highlights of the Detroit Conference, American Library Association, June 27-July 3'.

Example: With his back against the wall, he might judge that he had little choice but to use his weapons of mass destruction in a last-ditch attempt to save his country.

» criticar a Alguien a sus espaldascut + Nombre + up + behind + Posesivo + back .

Example: There's more to it than that - he becomes vicious, cutting people up behind their backs if they cross him in any way.

» cubrirse las espaldascover + Posesivo + behindhedge + Posesivo + betscover + Posesivo + back(s) .

Example: What do you guys think, is this all being thrown out of proportion or is Simon now covering his behind?.

Example: Meanwhile, students are hedging their bets: The number of double majors is on the rise, particularly at the most elite schools.

Example: Nowadays with our litigation culture we have to cover our backs in every possible way to avoid costly court cases tying to prove innocence.

» dar a Alguien una puñalada por la espaldastab + Alguien + in the back .

Example: This guy ran as someone who was a different and fair politician, and he stabbed us in the back .

» dar la espaldaturn + asideturn + Posesivo + back .

Example: We do not know our neighbours and we turn aside when they are in trouble lest we become involved.

Example: But as soon as she turned her back he got up and grabbed the knife he had and stabbed her in the back.

» dar la espalda aturn + Posesivo + back (up)on .

Example: We can choose to turn our backs on these principles with fatuous arguments which posit their anachronism and the nonexistent intelligence of computing machinery.

» dar una palmada en la espaldapat + Nombre + on the backgive + Nombre + a pat on the back .

Example: 'I don't expect to be patted on the back for this -- it's my job'.

Example: Please give her a pat on the back for all her hard work and for always being available to us.

» dar una palmadita en la espaldapat + Nombre + on the backgive + Nombre + a pat on the back .

Example: 'I don't expect to be patted on the back for this -- it's my job'.

Example: Please give her a pat on the back for all her hard work and for always being available to us.

» de espaldas anchasbroad-shouldered .

Example: Our sense of beauty serves an evolutionary function: it helps us choose the best mates -- the wide-hipped woman best suited to bearing children, or the broad-shouldered hunk of a man who could protect and provide.

» dolor de espaldabackache [back-ache]back pain .

Example: Back-ache, eye strain, tiredness, irritability, absenteeism and inefficiency are some of the problems that result from bad workstation design.

Example: Although the library profession cannot be regarded as one of high risk from the viewpoint of occupational hazards, certain hazards do exist: including repetitive strain injuries, neck pain, and back pain.

» en la espaldain the backat the back .

Example: The attackers shot the nun three times in the back before fleeing the scene.

Example: Even though she'd run off to Florida, Vincente had a picture of Wanda on the kitchen wall in his apartment at the back of the store.

» espalda mojadawetback [Término derogativo usado en inglés americano para referirse a los mejicanos que cruzan la frontera del Río Grande que separa Méjico de los Estados Unidos] .

Example: Racist slurs, such as 'wetback,' continue to have real tangible social, cultural, and economic consequences.

» estar con la espalda contra la paredPosesivo + back + be + against the wall .

Example: What do you do when your back's against the wall following a breast cancer diagnosis?.

» gorila de espalda plateadasilverbacksilverback gorilla .

Example: Female gorillas clap their hands to get the attention of male silverbacks and infants.

Example: Silverback gorillas have been known to live up to 50 years.

» la espalda dethe back of .

Example: There is a tendency for smaller items to be pushed to the back of the drawer and possibly crumpled as the drawer is opened and closed = Lo normal es que las cosas más pequeñas se vayan desplazando hacia la parte trasera del cajón y que posiblemente se arrugen al abrir y cerrarlo.

» la suerte + dar + la espaldathe odds + be + againstthe odds + be + stacked againsthave + the odds stacked againsthave + the cards stacked againstluck + be againsthave + a run of bad luck .

Example: If the odds are against you and you believe you have lost a piece of baggage, have your luggage claim chits handy; they are usually stapled into your ticket.

Example: The important moral crux at the heart of the novel 'The debt collector' is that the odds are stacked against the rehabilitation of violent criminals.

Example: She had had the odds stacked against her since the day she was born.

Example: She has had the cards stacked against her since birth -- she was born with cerebral palsy, syphilis, gonorrhea and other diseases.

Example: Luck was against him and he fell deeper and deeper into debt.

Example: I've had a run of bad luck recently and I'm totally skint.

» lesión de espaldaback injury .

Example: DJ Slim will be out of action for a bit -- he has a serious back injury that needs intensive treatment immediately.

» llevar el peso del mundo sobre + Posesivo + espaldascarry + the weight of the world on + Posesivo + shoulders .

Example: My mate felt as though she was carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders, she had to be the sole provider.

» llevar sobre la espaldacarry on + Posesivo + shoulders .

Example: But we cannot carry the world on our shoulders and change the whole world.

» nadar de espaldaswim + backstrokedo + the backstroke .

Example: Swimming backstroke correctly facilitates the development of your entire back musculature.

Example: A bungling burglar dived into a river and then proceeded to do the backstroke as police in Florida chased the robber by boat.

» natación de espaldabackstroke .

Example: Melissa Franklin of the United States won the women's 200 metres backstroke title at the world swimming championships.

» nudo en la espaldaknot in + Posesivo + back .

Example: She had a large knot in her back which made her life a living hell until she decided to go and see a chiropractor.

» palmaditas en la espaldatap on the shoulder .

Example: 'But we certainly have to establish some fair criteria to determine who gets the tap on the shoulder,' reflected Bough = "Pero ciertamente tenemos que establecer algunos criterios justos para determinar quién recibe las palmaditas en la espalda", dijo Bough.

» para cubrirse las espaldasas a backup .

Example: Will the electronic version become the primary mode of access/distribution with print as a backup?.

» puñalada por la espaldastab in the back .

Example: That is why, though its origins are elsewhere, the stab in the back has become the sustaining myth of modern American nationalism.

» reírse a + Posesivo + espaldaslaugh behind + Posesivo + back .

Example: At the fast-food restaurant where Lily works, her co-workers laugh behind her back and sneer in her face.

» responsabilidad + recaer sobre + espaldasresponsibility + rest on + shoulders .

Example: Responsibility for the implementation of information policy rests primarily on the shoulders of those two departments mentioned above, which work closely together.

» tener el santo de espaldasthe odds + be + againstthe odds + be + stacked againsthave + the odds stacked againsthave + the cards stacked againstluck + be againsthave + a run of bad luck .

Example: If the odds are against you and you believe you have lost a piece of baggage, have your luggage claim chits handy; they are usually stapled into your ticket.

Example: The important moral crux at the heart of the novel 'The debt collector' is that the odds are stacked against the rehabilitation of violent criminals.

Example: She had had the odds stacked against her since the day she was born.

Example: She has had the cards stacked against her since birth -- she was born with cerebral palsy, syphilis, gonorrhea and other diseases.

Example: Luck was against him and he fell deeper and deeper into debt.

Example: I've had a run of bad luck recently and I'm totally skint.

» tener la suerte de espaldasthe odds + be + againstthe odds + be + stacked againsthave + the odds stacked againsthave + the cards stacked againstluck + be againsthave + a run of bad luck .

Example: If the odds are against you and you believe you have lost a piece of baggage, have your luggage claim chits handy; they are usually stapled into your ticket.

Example: The important moral crux at the heart of the novel 'The debt collector' is that the odds are stacked against the rehabilitation of violent criminals.

Example: She had had the odds stacked against her since the day she was born.

Example: She has had the cards stacked against her since birth -- she was born with cerebral palsy, syphilis, gonorrhea and other diseases.

Example: Luck was against him and he fell deeper and deeper into debt.

Example: I've had a run of bad luck recently and I'm totally skint.

» tener ojos en la espaldahave + eyes at the back of + Posesivo + head .

Example: When she is carrying her young, she can watch them constantly, for mothers have eyes in the back of their heads.

» tumbarse de espaldaslie on + Posesivo + back .

Example: He lustily told her in one message that he wanted her lying on her back.

» una palmada en la espaldaa pat on the back .

Example: Congrats to the highest scorers, you all deserve a pat on the back for a job well done.

» una palmadita en la espalaa pat on the back .

Example: Congrats to the highest scorers, you all deserve a pat on the back for a job well done.

» volver la espaldagive + Nombre + the cold shoulderturn + a cold shoulder tocold-shoulderturn + Posesivo + back .

Example: Sorry Castlegr, I thought that by giving you the cold shoulder you might get the hint and realise the bond has gone.

Example: With its usual rhetoric, Iran has turned a cold shoulder to the latest sanctions.

Example: He cold-shouldered his teammates, who cold-shouldered him back.

Example: But as soon as she turned her back he got up and grabbed the knife he had and stabbed her in the back.

» volver la espalda aturn + Posesivo + back (up)on .

Example: We can choose to turn our backs on these principles with fatuous arguments which posit their anachronism and the nonexistent intelligence of computing machinery.

Espalda synonyms

game in spanish: juego, pronunciation: geɪm part of speech: noun support in spanish: apoyo, pronunciation: səpɔrt part of speech: noun, verb cover in spanish: cubrir, pronunciation: kʌvɜr part of speech: verb, noun stake in spanish: estaca, pronunciation: steɪk part of speech: noun endorse in spanish: endosar, pronunciation: endɔrs part of speech: verb second in spanish: segundo, pronunciation: sekənd part of speech: adjective, noun hinder in spanish: impedir, pronunciation: hɪndɜr part of speech: verb gage in spanish: calibrar, pronunciation: geɪdʒ part of speech: noun substantiate in spanish: justificar, pronunciation: səbstæntʃieɪt part of speech: verb punt in spanish: batea, pronunciation: pʌnt part of speech: noun rear in spanish: posterior, pronunciation: rɪr part of speech: noun binding in spanish: Unión, pronunciation: baɪndɪŋ part of speech: adjective, noun spine in spanish: espina, pronunciation: spaɪn part of speech: noun backbone in spanish: columna vertebral, pronunciation: bækboʊn part of speech: noun backward in spanish: hacia atrás, pronunciation: bækwɜrd part of speech: adverb, adjective hind in spanish: posterior, pronunciation: haɪnd part of speech: noun backwards in spanish: hacia atrás, pronunciation: bækwɜrdz part of speech: adverb back up in spanish: apoyo, pronunciation: bækʌp part of speech: verb indorse in spanish: endosar, pronunciation: ɪndɔrs part of speech: verb dorsum in spanish: dorso, pronunciation: dɔrsəm part of speech: noun rearward in spanish: hacia atrás, pronunciation: rɪrwɜrd part of speech: adjective backrest in spanish: respaldo, pronunciation: bækrest part of speech: noun vertebral column in spanish: la columna vertebral, pronunciation: vɜrtəbrəlkɑləm part of speech: noun spinal column in spanish: columna espinal, pronunciation: spaɪnəlkɑləm part of speech: noun bet on in spanish: apuesta en, pronunciation: betɑn part of speech: verb rearwards in spanish: hacia atrás, pronunciation: rɪrwɜrdz part of speech: adverb book binding in spanish: encuadernación de libros, pronunciation: bʊkbaɪndɪŋ part of speech: noun plump for in spanish: votar por, pronunciation: plʌmpfɔr part of speech: verb plunk for in spanish: punk para, pronunciation: plʌŋkfɔr part of speech: verb in reply in spanish: en respuesta, pronunciation: ɪnrɪplaɪ part of speech: adverb
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