Esférico in english


pronunciation: sferɪkəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

esférico = spherical. 

Example: This method is used to model the gallbladder as a spherical membrane containing liquid, in an interactive simulated environment for laproscopic cholecystectomy.


» llave de paso esféricaball valve .

Example: I much prefer using ball valves in applications where they are to be in either the fully on or fully off position.

» llave paso esféricaspherical valve .

Example: Two major types of inlet/outlet valves are the spherical (rotary) valve and the butterfly valve.

» rótula esféricaball joint .

Example: Serving as the pivot point between the tires and the suspension, ball joints also support your vehicle's weight.

» válvula esféricaspherical valverotary valve .

Example: Two major types of inlet/outlet valves are the spherical (rotary) valve and the butterfly valve.

Example: Two major types of inlet/outlet valves are the spherical (rotary) valve and the butterfly valve.

Esférico synonyms

round in spanish: redondo, pronunciation: raʊnd part of speech: adjective, noun, adverb global in spanish: global, pronunciation: gloʊbəl part of speech: adjective circular in spanish: circular, pronunciation: sɜrkjəlɜr part of speech: adjective globular in spanish: globular, pronunciation: glɑbjəlɜr part of speech: adjective globose in spanish: globoso, pronunciation: gloʊboʊz part of speech: adjective orbicular in spanish: orbicular, pronunciation: ɔrbɪkjəlɜr part of speech: adjective spheric in spanish: esférico, pronunciation: sferɪk part of speech: adjective ball-shaped in spanish: en forma de bola, pronunciation: bɔlʃeɪpt part of speech: adjective
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