Escénico in english


pronunciation: sinɪk part of speech: adjective
In gestures



» artes escénicasperforming arts [Aquellas artes que dependen de la interpretación por parte de actores, músicos, artistas y/o la participación en público, por ejemplo, en desfiles, teatros, circos, cines, televisión, ballets, etc] .

Example: Their work constitutes a new art movement, drawing on, and straddling divisions between, pop art, performing arts, popular culture, and fashion.

» cambio escénicoscene changing .

Example: They seek plays which can be represented with only one set or with limited scene changing.

» efecto escénicostage effect .

Example: At the court too, which was a natural centre of entertainment, there were splendid masques, festivals, tournaments, often with elaborate stage effects.

» miedo escénicostage fright .

Example: The author discusses the art of storytelling for librarians, focusing on controlling stage fright and selecting stories.

» presencia escénicastage presence .

Example: He had a sizzling, electric stage presence.

Escénico synonyms

beautiful in spanish: hermoso, pronunciation: bjutəfəl part of speech: adjective
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