Escáner in english


pronunciation: skænɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

escáner = scanner. 

Example: To read a borrower label place the scanner on the left side of the label and move it from left to right across the bar codes, pressing lightly to keep it in direct contact with the label.


» escáner de alimentación manualsheet fed [sheet-fed]  .

Example: This article describes the 3 basic types of scanner available: the handheld; the flatbed; and the sheet-fed.

» escáner de sobremesaflatbed scanner [flat-bed scanner]flat-bed [flatbed] .

Example: A flatbed scanner takes around 45 seconds to scan a sheet of A4.

Example: This article describes the 3 basic types of scanner available: the handheld; the flatbed; and the sheet-fed.

» escáner OCROCR scanner .

Example: The article 'SCANdalous behaviour' examines the possible uses of hand-held OCR scanners as a means of converting graphics (illustrations etc) into machine readable form.

» leer con escánerscan .

Example: While a label is being scanned, the bars should always be visible through the windows.

» legible por escánerscannable  .

Example: Perhaps most importantly, in each of the categories, there were precoded and scannable use categories that the library could define.

» leído con escánerscanned .

Example: This is an adequate way of storing and transmitting scanned paper documents in bitonal and greyscale image data.

» reconocible por escánerscannable  .

Example: Perhaps most importantly, in each of the categories, there were precoded and scannable use categories that the library could define.
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