Escurrido in english


pronunciation: dreɪnd part of speech: adjective
In gestures

escurrir = drain away ; drain off ; drain ; strain ; wring ; wring out ; run off. 

Example: As the water was draining away between the wires of the sieve, he gave the mould a sideways shake locking the fibres together and 'shutting' the sheet.Example: When removed from the sink the items were left to drain off for half an hour at room temperature, then packaged in polythene in separate bundles and placed in a domestic refrigerator for 7 weeks.Example: The garden had obviously been flooded with sea-water although now it was all drained.Example: Sampling for immature stages of mosquito was done weekly between May 1999 and January 2000 by straining them from the water in ravines and gutters.Example: The statue depicted a nymph coming out of the water and wringing her wet hair.Example: Then she wetted a dish towel and wrung it out over the sink and spread the towel over the pants before ironing.Example: They don't salt the roads in winter there so the salt doesn't run off and contaminate the drinking water.


» escurrir el bultopass + the buck [Evadir la responsabilidad sobre algo pasándosela a otro]weasel (on/out of)duck outcop out (of)talk + Reflexivo + out oftalk + Posesivo + way out ofpass + the bucket [Evadir la responsabilidad sobre algo pasándosela a otro] .

Example: The article 'Is everyone passing the buck?' concludes that the best way forward is to establish a legal deposit framework for electronic materials.

Example: Christians have of course been weaseling on this issue since Jesus himself evasively weaseled on it.

Example: Everyone and their mother (literally) will be ducking out from work early today to be with their nearest and dearest for the long weekend.

Example: Most persons use the excuse of time to cop out of their fitness routine.

Example: He's talked himself out of it by saying he had to work on Monday.

Example: Ken talked his way out of it by revealing he was in fact also a double agent.

Example: With ownership also comes responsibility -- when you find bugs, you fix them, instead of passing the bucket to someone else. escurrirseslipslide offrun off .

Example: If someone does slip on your wet floors and the area is marked correctly with warning signs the court will usually side in your favor.

Example: This will prevent the bandage from sliding off.

Example: They don't salt the roads in winter there so the salt doesn't run off and contaminate the drinking water.

» lavadora con rodillo para escurrir la ropawringer washer .

Example: When done properly, using a wringer washer also saves water.

» rodillo para escurrir la ropawringer  ; clothes wringer .

Example: Rotary presses are like wringers the printing paper being nipped between two cylinders.

Example: This hand crank clothes wringer may look antique, but it's brand new.

» sin escurrirundrained .

Example: Then mix together the undrained fruit cocktail and coconut extract in a large mixing bowl.

Escurrido synonyms

dead in spanish: muerto, pronunciation: ded part of speech: adjective empty in spanish: vacío, pronunciation: empti part of speech: adjective exhausted in spanish: agotado, pronunciation: ɪgzɔstəd part of speech: adjective uncharged in spanish: sin cargo, pronunciation: əntʃɑrdʒd part of speech: adjective
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